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Apple Issues Emergency Security Updates to Close a Spyware Flaw

来源:纽约时报    2021-09-14 11:25

        Apple on Monday issued emergency software updates for a critical vulnerability in its products after security researchers uncovered a flaw that allows highly invasive spyware from Israel’s NSO Group to infect anyone’s iPhone, iWatch or Mac computer without so much as a click.
        在安全研究人员发现苹果公司产品中的一个关键漏洞后,苹果周一发布了紧急软件更新,该漏洞允许以色列NSO集团(NSO Group)的高侵入性间谍软件无需点击即可感染任何人的iPhone、iWatch或Mac电脑。
        Apple’s security team has been working around the clock to develop a fix since Tuesday, after researchers at Citizen Lab, a cybersecurity watchdog organization at the University of Toronto, discovered that a Saudi activist’s iPhone had been infected with spyware from NSO Group.
        在多伦多大学网络安全监督组织“公民实验室”(Citizen Lab)的研究人员发现一名沙特活动人士的iPhone感染了NSO集团的间谍软件之后,苹果的安全团队上周二以来一直在夜以继日地开发修复程序。
        The spyware, called Pegasus, used a novel method to invisibly infect an Apple device without the victim’s knowledge for as long as six months. Known as a “zero click remote exploit,” it is considered the Holy Grail of surveillance because it allows governments, mercenaries and criminals to secretly break into a victim’s device without tipping them off.
        Using the zero-click infection method, Pegasus can turn on a user’s camera and microphone, record their messages, texts, emails, calls — even those sent via encrypted messaging and phone apps like Signal — and send it back to NSO’s clients at governments around the world.
        “This spyware can do everything an iPhone user can do on their device and more,” said John Scott-Railton, a senior researcher at Citizen Lab, who teamed with Bill Marczak, a senior research fellow at Citizen Lab, on the finding.
        “这个间谍软件可以做iPhone用户在他们的设备上做的所有事情,甚至更多,”公民实验室的高级研究员约翰·斯科特—雷尔顿(John Scott-Railton)说道,他与公民实验室的高级研究员比尔·马尔恰克(Bill Marczak)合作进行了该发现的研究。
        In the past, victims only learned their devices were infected by spyware after receiving a suspicious link texted to their phone or email. But NSO Group’s zero-click capability gives the victim no such prompt, and enables full access to a person’s digital life. These capabilities can fetch millions of dollars on the underground market for hacking tools.
        An Apple spokesman confirmed Citizen Lab’s assessment and said the company planned to add spyware barriers to its next iOS 15 software update, expected later this year.
        苹果发言人证实了公民实验室的评估,并表示该公司计划在今年晚些时候推出的下一次iOS 15软件更新中增加间谍软件屏障。
        NSO Group did not immediately respond to inquiries Monday.
        NSO Group has long drawn controversy. The company has said it sells its spyware to only governments that meet strict human rights standards. But over the past six years, its Pegasus spyware has turned up on the phones of activists, dissidents, lawyers, doctors, nutritionists and even children in countries like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Mexico.
        In July, NSO Group became the subject of intense media scrutiny after Amnesty International, the human rights watchdog, and Forbidden Stories, a group that focuses on free speech, teamed up with a consortium of media organizations on “The Pegasus Project” to publish a list they said contained some 50,000 people — including hundreds of journalists, government leaders, dissidents and activists — selected as targets by NSO’s clients.
        7月,NSO集团成为媒体密切关注的对象,此前,人权监督机构国际特赦组织(Amnesty International)和关注言论自由的组织“禁忌故事”(Forbidden Stories)与媒体组织联盟合作开展“飞马计划”,发布了一份他们称包含大约5万人的名单,其中有数百名记者、政府领导人、持不同政见者和活动人士,这些人被NSO集团的客户选为目标。
        The consortium did not disclose how it obtained the list, and it was unclear whether the list was aspirational or whether the people were actually targeted with NSO spyware.
        Among those listed were Azam Ahmed, a former New York Times Mexico City bureau chief who has reported widely on corruption, violence and surveillance in Latin America, including on NSO itself; and Ben Hubbard, The Times’ bureau chief in Beirut, who has investigated rights abuses and corruption in Saudi Arabia and wrote a recent biography of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
        名单中包括前《纽约时报》墨西哥城分社社长阿扎姆·艾哈迈德(Azam Ahmed),他广泛报道了拉丁美洲的腐败、暴力和监控情况,包括NSO集团本身;以及《纽约时报》驻贝鲁特分社社长本·哈伯德(Ben Hubbard),他调查了沙特阿拉伯侵犯人权和腐败问题,并撰写了近期出版的沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman)的传记。
        Shalev Hulio, a co-founder of NSO Group, vehemently denied the list’s accuracy, telling The Times, “This is like opening up the white pages, choosing 50,000 numbers and drawing some conclusion from it.”
        NSO集团的联合创始人沙莱夫·胡里欧(Shalev Hulio)坚决否认了该名单的准确性,并告诉《纽约时报》,“这就像打开电话簿,选择5万个数字并从中得出一些结论。”
        NSO’s clients previously infected their targets using text messages that cajoled victims into clicking on a link. Those links made it possible for journalists to investigate the possible presence of NSO’s spyware. But the new zero-click method makes the discovery of spyware by journalists and cybersecurity researchers much harder.
        “The commercial spyware industry is going darker,” said Marczak, a researcher at Citizen Lab who helped uncover the exploit on a Saudi activist’s phone.
        Scott-Railton urged Apple customers to run their software updates.
        “Do you own an Apple product? Update it today,” he said.

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