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International Flights Resume at Kabul Airport, as Taliban Say They Will Allow Americans and Other Foreigners to Leave

来源:纽约时报    2021-09-10 11:33

        While the West has treated the Taliban government warily, China made cautious overtures to a potentially dangerous neighbor that Beijing is eager to influence.
        In addition to welcoming the newly announced acting cabinet, China this week pledged to give $30 million in food and other aid to the new government in Afghanistan, as well as three million coronavirus vaccine doses.
        Speaking on Wednesday to a meeting of officials from Afghanistan’s neighbors, Wang Yi, China’s foreign minister, blamed the United States for the situation in the troubled country. But in a sign of China’s competing priorities, he also urged the Taliban to contain terrorist groups and asked Afghanistan’s neighbors to share intelligence and tighten border controls. The meeting included officials from Iran, Uzbekistan and Pakistan.
        While China has held back from full recognition of the Taliban government, even as it has cautiously begun a charm offensive. In July, weeks before the fall of the Afghan government, China played host to a delegation from the Taliban, including the chief of the group’s political office. The meeting led the Taliban to call China “a good friend.”
        With the United States and Europe having suspended aid, the cash-strapped Taliban have looked to deep-pocketed countries like China for investment. For its part, China has left open the prospect of full recognition, even as it has told the United States to take a leading role in providing economic assistance.
        “We should make an objective assessment of the history of the Afghan issue and call on the United States and its allies to learn profound lessons and assume their due responsibilities on the Afghan issue,” Mr. Wang was quoted as saying by the Chinese government.
        China shares a roughly 50-mile border in its west with Afghanistan’s remote Wakhan Corridor. Chinese officials have worried for years about foreign influence among its Muslim minorities living in the area, and it has responded harshly to dissent there, interning hundreds of thousands of members of the Uyghur ethnic group in re-education camps.
        There is currently no timetable for China to recognize the Taliban, and the offer of aid is more of a stopgap to alleviate Afghanistan’s humanitarian crisis than a signal of future support, said Zhu Yongbiao, the director of the center for Afghanistan studies at Lanzhou University in China.
        He said he expected further caution from China, which will watch to see whether the Taliban honors its commitments.
        “The aid does not represent recognition of the Taliban,” he said, adding, “China is particularly concerned about whether the Taliban can cut ties with Al Qaeda, as well as protect ethnic minorities, women’s rights and fulfill its promises.”

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