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What did a teacher do that made you automatically gain respect for them?

来源:中国日报    2021-09-10 08:00

        It was just a simple small composition notebook but she had filled the first couple pages telling me how much she loved having me as a student, how far she knew I would go, and other affirmations. It seems small but as a 13 year old who had a crappy home life it made all the difference in how I acted the rest of the year.这只是一个简简单单的笔记本,但她在前面几页写满了字,表达她对我的喜欢,告诉我她知道我会走多远,以及其他一些肯定的话。这个本子很小,但对于一个生活在糟糕家庭的13岁孩子来说,它影响了我这一年剩下的时间里的表现。
        The next day, after we took our seats the teacher said, "Before we begin, I was thinking about what Carl said yesterday. I was wrong to dismiss it so quickly. Let's take a look at that again."第二天,我们就座后,这位老师说:“在我们开始之前,我在思考卡尔昨天说的话。我这么快就否定它是不对的。让我们再看看这个观点。”
        The next day - first thing in the morning - we had an assembly with the entire school and he walked up on stage with his head shaved completely bald and talked about bullying and the like.第二天,早上一到学校我们就召开了一次全校大会,校长走上台,他剃了个光头。他说了霸凌以及相关的话题。


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