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What did a teacher do that made you automatically gain respect for them?

来源:中国日报    2021-09-10 08:00

        I went to a small charter school for middle school. Our English/literature teacher was brand new to teaching, if I remember correctly she was only 22 which seemed odd at the time. She always did her best to be so cheerful and make learning fun. But the thing that truly solidified her spot as my favorite teacher was that for every student’s birthday she would give you a personalized mini notebook. 我中学在一所小型特许学校读书。我们的英文文学老师是新来的,如果我没记错的话,她当时只有22岁,这在那时是不常见的。她总是很阳光,也尽力让学习变得有趣。但真正让她成为我最喜欢的老师的原因是,在每个学生的生日那天,她都会送给那个学生一个专属的小笔记本。
        Junior year of high school, English class. We were discussing a story we had read. One student (let's call him Carl,) made a point. The teacher was dismissive and basically said Carl was wrong.高三的英语课上,我们在讨论一个读过的故事。一名学生(化名卡尔)提出了一个观点。老师不以为然,大意就是说卡尔的观点错了。
        He then went on to repeat Carl's point and initiate a conversation with the entire class. After the conversation, it became apparent Carl's point was indeed off base, but I was impressed the teacher publicly owned his mistake and went down the path he should have.接着他复述了卡尔的观点,并开始和全班同学讨论。经过一番讨论,卡尔的观点显然是站不住脚的,但令我印象深刻的是,这位老师公开承认了自己的错误,做了他应该做的。
        When I was in the 1st grade my mother gave me one of MANY really awful haircuts. The first day back at school afterward the kids picked on me horribly. So much that I ran out and hid. The principal found me and we went back to the classroom and he asked me to wait outside for a minute while he talked to the class. He then walked me to his office and bought me a Coke.一年级的时候,妈妈给我剪了个非常丑的发型。回到学校后的第一天,同学们狠狠地捉弄我,我跑出去藏了起来。校长找到了我,把我带回教室,他让我在外面等一分钟,先进去和全班同学讲话。然后他带我来到办公室,给我买了一瓶可乐。
        Some twenty years down the road he had retired and I ran into him at the local college. I shook his hand and said, "You probably don't remember me, but,"
        "yes I do," he interrupted and said my name and the event.
        The man was and is a hero in my eyes.
        When I was a kid we had to purchase these red punch cards to get lunch at school. Unfortunately we didn't have that much money so there were times where my punch card would run out and I wasn't able to eat for a while until we got enough money to repurchase another one. I had one teacher who noticed I wasn't eating every day and she would bring an extra sandwich and offer it to me whenever she saw that. I really didn't understand how kind that was when I was a kid but obviously as an adult that was such an amazing gesture of kindness.在我小时候,我们在学校吃午饭要花钱买一个红色的打孔卡。那时候我们没什么钱,有时我的打孔卡用完了,还没钱买新的,就会吃不上饭。有一位老师,她发现我不是每天都吃饭,她会多带一个三明治,看到我没吃就会给我。当时我还是个孩子,我还无法真正理解这个举动包含的善意,但长大后,我不禁感叹她是多么的善良。

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