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Expert reveals how to spot hidden cameras in your hotel room

来源:中国日报    2021-09-14 08:00

        There have been various cases of criminals using eavesdropping tools to illegally make private videos of hotel guests and selling those to the porn industry. 犯罪分子利用窃听工具非法拍摄酒店客人的隐私视频,并将其出售给色情行业的案件屡见不鲜。
        Such acts not only seriously undermine people's right of privacy but also affect social stability.
        Once the family had unpacked, Andrew Barker scanned the house's Wi-Fi network. The scan unearthed a camera, and subsequently a live feed. From the angle of the video, the family tracked down the camera, concealed in what appeared to be a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide detector.一家人入住后,安德鲁扫描了房子的无线网络,发现了一个摄像头,随后又发现了一个直播入口。这家人根据视频展现的拍摄角度找到了隐藏在烟雾报警器中的摄像头。
        It is also the responsibility of hotels to provide guests a safe environment in their rooms, rather than sitting quietly while their guests' privacy is violated.酒店也有责任为客人提供一个安全的住宿环境,而不是在客人的隐私受到侵犯时无动于衷。
        The first thing you are going to want to look for is devices that are conveniently placed where a creeper would want to look.首先,你要寻找的是那些方便放置在偷窥者想要查看位置的设备。
        One way to see if the device is a camera is to shine a bright light at it.用强光照射可以查看这个设备是否藏有摄像头。
        Now you can test this by shining a light at your phone and seeing how the camera looks when placed under a flashlight.”现在你可以做个测试,打开手机的手电筒灯光,看看摄像头在手电筒下的样子。
        This alarm clock is mirrored, but if we shine a bright light at it we can see through the glass and see there is a camera there.这个闹钟有个镜面装置,但如果我们用强光照射它,我们可以透过玻璃看到,那里有一个摄像头。
        This technique can also work on two-way mirrors.”
        These cameras are really small as you can see here, so they can be hidden in anything, even a hole in the wall.”
        Night vision cameras use infrared LEDs to see, and if we use the front-facing phone camera, we can actually see the LEDs.夜视摄像头使用红外发光二极管成像,透过手机的前置摄像头,可以看到那些发光二极管。
        The front-facing camera is the only one that tends to work as the back-facing one has an IR filter.”

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