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Olympic Success Gives Hong Kong an Emotional Lift in Hard Times

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-02 10:51

        TOKYO — The light red flag with the five-petaled bauhinia flower does not represent a country. But Hong Kong, the Chinese territory where political and civil rights have been battered in recent months, is enjoying its strongest-ever showing at the Tokyo Olympics, capturing gold in fencing and two silvers in swimming.        东京——带有五瓣洋紫荊图案的浅红色旗帜代表的不是一个国家,而是中国的香港特别行政区。最近几个月里香港的政治和公民权利遭受了重创,但在东京奥运会上的表现是有史以来最好的,香港选手在击剑比赛中获得了金牌,在游泳比赛中获得两枚银牌。
        The three-medal haul is the first time that Hong Kong, which was returned to Chinese rule by the British in 1997, captured more than a single medal at the Olympics. On Friday, the swimmer Siobhan Haughey won her second silver of the Games, in the women’s 100-meter freestyle, following a victory in the 200-meter freestyle event on Wednesday.        这是香港首次在奥运会上获得三枚奖牌。香港的主权于1997年从英国回归中国,以前在奥运会上只获得过一枚奖牌。上周五,游泳运动员何诗蓓(Siobhan Haughey)在女子100米自由泳比赛中获得了她在本届奥运会上的第二枚银牌,她曾在上周三的200米自由泳比赛中获得了首枚银牌。
        But out of the pool and off the fencing piste, Hong Kong’s fortunes have not been as bright. The territory was promised significant political freedoms for the 50 years after its handover to China, but Beijing has clamped down. Most of Hong Kong’s top opposition politicians are in prison or in exile. Last month, the biggest pro-democracy newspaper was forced to shutter.        但在游泳池和击剑场外,香港的命运并不光明。虽然香港曾被承诺在回归中国后的50年里享有相当大的政治自由,但北京已在对香港进行压制。香港主要的反对派政界人士大都被捕入狱或流亡海外。上个月,当地最大的亲民主报纸被迫停印。
        On Friday, the first person to be convicted under a tough new national security law of terrorism and inciting secession was sentenced to nine years in prison for driving a motorcycle into police officers while carrying a protest flag.        上周五,在首个根据严厉的新国家安全法审理的恐怖活动和煽动分裂案中,被告被判有罪,被判处九年有期徒刑,原因是他举着抗议旗帜,驾驶摩托车撞向警察。
        Beijing’s crackdown has targeted contemporary art, civics lessons in high schools and children’s books featuring a dozen fluffy sheep.        北京打击的目标还包括当代艺术、高中的公民教育课程,以及关于十几只毛茸茸绵羊的儿童绘本。
        “Currently, many Hong Kong people probably feel unhappy and full of negative emotions,” said Tse Ying-suet, who played in the bronze medal match in badminton mixed doubles on Friday. “I think athletes winning Olympic medals brings Hong Kong people some hope and joy.”        “目前,很多香港人可能感到不开心,充满负面情绪,”参加了周五的争夺羽毛球混合双打铜牌比赛的谢影雪说。“我觉得,运动员在奥运会赢得奖牌会给香港人带来一些希望和喜悦。”
        Tse and her partner, Tang Chun-man, went on to lose against a Japanese pair, but she thanked people in Hong Kong who had flocked to malls and other public spaces to watch the badminton contest live.        虽然谢影雪和她的搭档邓俊文最终输给了一对日本选手,但她感谢了那些聚集在商场和其他公共场所实时观看了羽毛球比赛的香港人。
        “I feel very happy that so many people got together to support Hong Kong athletes,” Tse said.        “这么多人聚在一起支持香港运动员,我感到非常高兴,”谢影雪说。
        The Hong Kong police said on Friday that they had arrested a man in a crowd of people who had gathered to watch Cheung Ka-long’s fencing final at a mall. The man had violated the national anthem ordinance by holding up the British colonial flag and inciting others to chant negative slogans while the Chinese anthem was playing at Cheung’s victory ceremony, the police said. The authorities were also investigating whether he had breached the national security law.        香港警方上周五说,他们在聚集在一个购物中心观看张家朗击剑决赛的人群中逮捕了一名男子。警方说,该男子违反了《国歌条例》,在张家朗的颁奖仪式奏起中国国歌时,他举起了英国殖民地时代的旗帜,并煽动在场的人喝倒彩。当局仍在调查他是否违反了国家安全法。
        “These insults to the Chinese national anthem are to incite hatred and politicize the sports event,” said Chung Lai-yee, a senior police superintendent.        “作出侮辱国歌行为,目的为挑起现场人士仇恨,以及将体育运动政治化,”刑事总部高级警司钟丽诒说。
        Hong Kong first entered the Olympic fold in 1952 when it was a colony of the British, who ruled the territory with little regard for the rights of the colonized. At the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, Lee Lai-shan won Hong Kong’s first gold, in windsurfing. “God Save the Queen,” the British national anthem, was played at her victory ceremony. A colonial flag was hoisted.        香港首次参加奥运会是1952年,当时它还是英国的殖民地,英国人在统治香港时很少顾及殖民地的权利。在1996年亚特兰大奥运会上,李丽珊在帆板项目上为香港夺得首枚金牌。在她的颁奖仪式上奏的是英国国歌《天佑女王》(God Save the Queen),升的是殖民地时代的香港旗。
        Four years later, in Sydney, Hong Kong competed for the first time as Hong Kong, China. When Cheung won gold in fencing’s individual foil event on Monday, “March of the Volunteers,” the Chinese anthem, was played. The bauhinia flag was raised.        四年后,香港首次以中国香港的名义参加了悉尼奥运会。张家朗周一夺得花剑个人赛金牌后,奏起的是中国国歌《义勇军进行曲》,升的是香港特别行政区区旗。
        With the rapid erosion of Hong Kong’s freedoms, some have questioned how long the enclave will be able to field its own team at the Olympics. On Friday, Mark Adams, a spokesman for the International Olympic Committee, said that he was not aware of any discussion about Hong Kong’s future in the Games.        随着香港的自由受到迅速侵蚀,一些人怀疑特别行政区在奥运会上派出自己的代表队还能有多久。国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)发言人马克·亚当斯(Mark Adams)上周五说,他不了解任何有关香港在奥运会中的未来的讨论。
        “I see no reason why it won’t continue,” he said.        “我没有看到香港不继续派队参加奥运会的理由,”他说。
        During the Beijing Olympics in 2008, when equestrian events were held in Hong Kong, people in the territory cheered on both the Hong Kong team and the Chinese squad. Fears that Hong Kong would change drastically after the handover had not materialized.        在2008年的北京奥运会上,马术比赛的场地设在香港,香港人同时为本地代表队和中国代表队加油。那个时候,对香港回归后会发生巨大变化的担忧还没有成为现实。
        The enclave, bound by a “one country, two systems” formula that ensured it a high degree of autonomy, seemed to enjoy the best of both worlds: a reputation as a law-bound society blessed with political freedoms and proximity to the booming markets of mainland China.        当时,确保香港高度自治的“一国两制”原则仍得到遵守,香港似乎两头受益:既享受有政治自由的法治社会的声誉,又靠近中国大陆蓬勃发展的市场。
        The last couple years have shattered that sense of security. Mass protests coalesced in 2019, bringing millions onto the streets. Each week seemed to bring more evidence that Beijing was determined to impose its will on Hong Kong. At the same time, some people in Hong Kong decried the pro-democracy movement, which disrupted the central financial district, calling it either impossibly idealistic or bad for business.        过去几年发生的事情已彻底打破了这种安全感。香港在2019年发生了大规模抗议活动,数百万人走上街头。当时,似乎每周都有更多的证据表明,北京决意将自己的意志强加于香港。同时,一些香港人对这场扰乱了中环金融区的民主运动表示谴责,将其称之为不切实际的理想主义,对香港的商业环境不利。
        The trio of medals in Tokyo, an impressive tally for a territory of only 7.5 million people, has given the people of Hong Kong something to cheer.        在东京奥运会上赢得三枚奖牌对只有750万人口的香港来说是令人敬佩的成绩,让香港人有了欢呼的理由。
        Online, in English, the Hong Kong Olympic establishment celebrated the accomplishments of the medalists. But on one official website, the names of the athletes were at one point rendered in Mandarin, the official language in mainland China, not Cantonese, the predominant language in Hong Kong.        香港奥委会在其英文网站上对奖牌获得者的成就表示祝贺。但在当地另一个官方网站上,获奖者的名字一度使用中国大陆官方语言普通话的拼音,而没用香港主要语言粤语的译音。
        Ko Hei, a senior sports executive at the Hong Kong Fencing Association, said he was surprised to hear that Cheung’s name had been depicted for a time in Mandarin, rather than Hong Kong’s home language. (Cheung’s English given name is Edgar.)        香港击剑总会的高级体育主管高宪禧说,他有点惊讶地听到张家朗名字的英文拼写一度用了普通话的拼音,而不是香港当地用的粤语拼音。(张家朗的英文名叫埃德加[Edgar]。)
        Fencing has long been popular in Hong Kong, he said, and more than 1,000 children regularly turn out for competitions. The sport has garnered Olympic medals for China, too, including a gold in Tokyo.        高宪禧说,击剑运动在香港很受欢迎,有超过1000名儿童定期参加比赛。这项运动也为中国赢得了奥运奖牌,包括在东京奥运会上赢得的一枚金牌。
        “They’re getting very good,” Ko said, of China. “But we don’t have any relationship with them. We are separate.”        “他们的水平越来越高了,”高宪禧在谈到大陆的击剑时说。“但我们与他们没有任何关系。我们是独立的。”

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