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Taiwan’s gold medal win over China in badminton raises tension.

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-02 08:59

        At the medal ceremony for the badminton men’s doubles on Saturday, the winning players watched a flag being raised, but it was not their own. They sang as a song reverberated in the mostly empty venue, but it was not their anthem.        在周六的羽毛球男双颁奖仪式上,获胜的球员们看着一面旗帜升起,但这面旗帜不是他们自己的。一首歌曲回荡在几乎空无一人的场地中,他们唱着歌,但这不是他们的国歌。
        For decades, politics has been getting in the way of Olympic glory for Taiwan, a self-governing democracy that China claims as its territory. Rather than using its formal name, the Republic of China, or even Taiwan, the island competes in international sporting events as Chinese Taipei, under a resolution passed by the International Olympic Committee. The terms prohibit the use of any symbols suggesting that Taiwan is a sovereign nation.        几十年来,政治一直在阻碍台湾获得奥运荣耀,台湾是一个民主自治岛屿,中国声称拥有其主权。根据国际奥委会通过的一项决议,该岛以“中华台北”的名义参加国际体育赛事,而不是使用其正式名称“中华民国”,甚至“台湾”。任何暗示台湾是主权国家的符号都被这些条款禁止。
        On Saturday, the Taiwanese badminton duo Lee Yang and Wang Chi-lin prevailed over Liu Yuchen and Li Junhui of China, winning Taiwan’s first gold medal in the sport. In accordance with regulations, their victory was marked by the raising of the flag it uses at the Olympics, a white banner featuring a plum blossom motif and Olympic rings, and the playing of a song known as its flag anthem, commonly used at international sporting events it attends. ​​        周六,台湾羽毛球男双选手李洋和王齐麟战胜了中国选手刘雨辰和李俊慧,获得了台湾羽毛球首金。按照规定,在奥运会上,伴随着他们胜利的升旗仪式使用的是一面带有梅花标志和奥运五环的旗帜,播放的是该岛在参加国际赛事中经常使用的国旗歌。
        Tensions between the two sides had been raised even before the final, with both Lee and Wang emphasizing their Taiwanese identity on social media. In a Facebook post afterward, Lee said his gold medal was “dedicated to my country, Taiwan.”        双方之间的紧张局势甚至在决赛之前就已经升级,李洋和王齐麟都在社交媒体上强调了他们的台湾身份。在随后的Facebook帖子中,李洋说他将金牌“献给我的国家——台湾”。
        Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan’s president, also congratulated the players for “winning our country’s first gold medal in badminton.”        台湾总统蔡英文也祝贺两位运动员“拿下我国第一面羽球金牌”。
        Badminton is one of the Olympic sports traditionally dominated by China, where the state-run sports system is designed to maximize the number of gold medals in part by focusing on less prominent sports.        羽毛球是传统上由中国主导的奥运会项目之一,该国的举国体制旨在通过专注于不太起眼的运动项目来最大限度地增加金牌数量。
        Taiwan’s badminton victory has drawn some anger on Weibo, a popular social media platform in China, as well as comments from users congratulating China on a victory that, like Taiwan itself, they see as belonging to Beijing. Others accused the badminton players of advocating Taiwanese independence and criticized them as ungrateful.        台湾羽毛球的胜利在中国流行的社交媒体平台微博上引起了一些愤怒,还有用户评论祝贺中国取得的胜利,他们认为胜利——就像台湾本身一样——属于北京。还有人指责羽毛球运动员鼓吹台独,批评他们忘恩负义。
        “You can participate in the Games because there’s ‘Chinese Taipei’ on your shirts,” wrote one Weibo user who said the Taiwanese players’ allusions to national sovereignty left him speechless.        一位微博用户写道:“你们能参赛是因为你们的服装上写的是‘CHINESE TAIPEI(中华台北)’才有这个资格。”该用户说,台湾运动员对国家主权的暗示令他无语。
        Similar nationalist attacks have focused on athletes from Hong Kong, a Chinese territory that fields its own Olympic team.        类似的民族主义攻击曾集中在香港的运动员身上,香港是中国领土,拥有自己的奥运代表队。
        Social media users in Taiwan have responded with memes depicting a badminton court as the island’s new national flag.        台湾的社交媒体用户以米姆作为回应,将羽毛球场的图案设计为该岛的新国旗。
        The results were reversed in the women’s singles final on Sunday night, when Chen Yufei of China defeated the top-ranked Tai Tzu-ying of Taiwan. Before the match, many Weibo users in China had already accused Tai of being pro-independence, citing past remarks lamenting her inability to hold Taiwan’s flag at international competitions.        在周日晚上的女单决赛中,结果正相反,中国选手陈雨菲击败了排名第一的台湾选手戴资颖。赛前,已有不少中国微博用户指责戴资颖亲台独,援引她过去曾哀叹无法在国际赛事中升起台湾国旗的言论。
        “We can lose to anyone but Taiwanese and Hong Kongese independentists,” one user wrote.        一位用户写道:“输谁都不能输给台独港独。”

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