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Olympics’ First Openly Transgender Woman Stokes Debate on Fairness

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-02 05:14

        TOKYO — When Laurel Hubbard, a 43-year-old weight lifter from New Zealand, makes her first attempt in the women’s heavyweight competition on Monday, she will become the first openly transgender female athlete to compete at the Olympics.
        东京——周一,43岁的新西兰举重运动员劳雷尔·哈伯德(Laurel Hubbard)首次参加女子重量级比赛,她将成为首位参加奥运会的公开身份的跨性别女性运动员。
        Yet she will do so amid a debate over whether she should be at the Games at all.
        Athletes, advocates for women’s sports and fair-sport campaigners have questioned whether Hubbard, who competed in men’s competitions before quitting the sport more than a decade ago, has an unfair advantage. Others believe the Games’ binary categories fail to account for a diverse group of athletes.
        Hubbard, who rarely speaks to the news media, declined a request for comment. But in 2017, she told Radio New Zealand that she did not see herself as a flag-bearer for transgender athletes.
        很少接受新闻媒体采访的哈伯德拒绝了记者的置评请求。但在2017年,她告诉新西兰广播电台(Radio New Zealand),她不认为自己是跨性别运动员的旗手。
        “It’s not my role or my goal to change people’s minds,” Hubbard said. “I would hope they would support me, but it’s not for me to make them do so.”
        The New Zealand Olympic committee has shielded Hubbard since she arrived in Tokyo. Kereyn Smith, secretary general of the committee, called Hubbard “quite a private person” and said she wanted her lifting to be the focus.
        自从哈伯德抵达东京后,新西兰奥委会一直在保护她。该委员会秘书长克里恩·史密斯(Kereyn Smith)称哈伯德是一个“非常注重隐私的人”,并表示她希望自己的举重活动成为重点。
        “She’s an athlete,” Smith said in an interview on Friday. “She wants to come here and perform and achieve her Olympic dream and ambition.”
        Supporters of transgender athletes cheered her arrival.
        “This moment is incredibly significant for the trans community, for our representation in sport and for all trans people and nonbinary kids to see themselves and know that sport is a place for them,” said Chris Mosier, a racewalker who in 2020 became the first openly transgender man to compete in a U.S. Olympic trials.
        “这一刻对跨性别社区来说非常重要,对我们在体育界的代表性具有难以置信的重要意义,让所有跨性别者和非二元儿童看到自己,知道体育活动中也有他们的一席之地,”竞走运动员克里斯·莫西尔(Chris Mosier)说,他在2020年成为第一个参加美国奥运会选拔赛的公开跨性别男性。
        The International Olympic Committee has left it up to sports federations to decide whether and how transgender athletes can compete, and Hubbard has met all the requirements set by the International Weightlifting Federation.
        国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)将是否允许跨性别运动员参赛以及如何参赛的决定权交给了各体育联合会,哈伯德符合国际举重联合会(International Weightlifting Federation)规定的所有要求。
        The controversy over her participation is “large, difficult and complex,” Richard Budgett, the Olympic committee’s medical director, said on Thursday. “Laurel Hubbard is a woman, is competing under the rules of her federation, and we have to pay tribute to her courage and tenacity in actually competing and qualifying for the Games.”
        奥委会医疗总监理查德·布吉特(Richard budget)周四表示,围绕她参与奥运会的争议是“巨大、困难和复杂的”。“劳雷尔·哈伯德是一名女性,在她所在的联合会的规则参赛,我们必须对她在实际参与比赛和获得参赛资格方面的勇气和坚韧表示敬意。”
        Hubbard will compete in the Tokyo Games four years after she returned to the sport from a 15-year break. (She had won junior titles in men’s competitions before her transition.) And she will do so at an age when most elite lifters have left the sport: Hubbard is a decade older than the next oldest lifter among the 14 athletes competing in her group on Monday.
        The scientific debate over whether transgender female athletes have any physical advantages is far from settled. There are people who contend that the drugs that are widely used by transgender women as they transition do not entirely offset the physical benefits of having gone through puberty fueled by male hormones. Others note that there is a lack of specific research on the performance of transgender athletes in many sports.
        However, Joanna Harper, who studies transgender athletes at Loughborough University in England, said that transgender women may be bigger or faster than other women, but rarely are those advantages overwhelming. If they were, she said, women like Hubbard would be breaking world records and winning championships, which is not the case. Hubbard, who has won some regional events, has only an outside shot at a medal in Tokyo.
        然而,英国拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)研究跨性别运动员的乔安娜·哈珀(Joanna Harper)表示,跨性别女性可能比其他女性体格更大或速度更快,但这些优势很少是压倒性的。否则,她说,像哈伯德这样的女性将打破世界纪录并赢得冠军,但事实并非如此。哈伯德赢得了一些地区赛事的冠军,但在东京奥运会上获得奖牌的机会不大。
        “It’s an affront to many people that she’s simply participating,” Harper said of Hubbard. “It’s clear she’s going to do well. After all, she’s made it to the Olympics. But she’s not going to dominate the sport.”
        Still, others note that Hubbard’s performance has improved with age and “is completely opposite of typical weight lifters,” said Emma Hilton, a developmental biologist at the University of Manchester who has tracked Hubbard’s career.
        不过,也有人指出,哈伯德的表现随着年龄的增长而提高,这“与典型的举重运动员完全相反”,曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester)的发展生物学家艾玛·希尔顿(Emma Hilton)说,她一直在追踪哈伯德的职业生涯。
        “Either Laurel Hubbard is some kind of once-in-a-lifetime weight lifter, the likes of which we’ve never seen and won’t see again, or she is carrying male advantage,” Hilton said.
        It complicates matters that the rules of the sport allow teams in the Olympics to have only one entrant per weight class. Tracey Lambrechs, a lifter from New Zealand who competed in the same weight class as Hubbard, said that the sport’s national governing body gave her an ultimatum several years ago, after Hubbard had begun outperforming her: Drop to a lower weight class or retire. Hubbard’s participation, Lambrechs said, deprived other women a chance to compete.
        根据这项运动的规则,奥运会代表队的每个重量级别只允许有一名参赛者,这让事情变得复杂。来自新西兰的举重运动员特蕾西·兰布雷克斯(Tracey Lambrechs)与哈伯德参加相同的重量级别比赛,她说,在哈伯德的表现已经开始超越她后,几年前,这项运动的国家管理机构给她下了最后通牒:降到较低的重量级别或退役。兰布雷克斯说,哈伯德的参与剥夺了其他女性参赛的机会。
        Her comments led to their own backlash.
        “We’re all about equality for women in sport, but right now, that equality has been taken away from us,” Lambrechs told TVNZ. “Weight lifters come up to me and say, like, what can we do? Like, this isn’t fair, what can we do? And unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do because every time we try to voice it, we get told to be quiet.”
        At the weight lifting competition in Tokyo, athletes have largely avoided discussing the significance of Hubbard’s presence at the Games. Sabine Kusterer, a German woman competing in the 59-kilogram event, several classes below Hubbard, expressed mixed feelings. She was “sad,” she said, that there has been so much focus on Hubbard’s identity rather than on how much she can lift.
        在东京举重比赛中,运动员们基本上避免讨论哈伯德出席奥运会的意义。参加59公斤级比赛——比哈伯德低几个公斤级——的德国女运动员萨宾·库斯特勒(Sabine Kusterer)表达了复杂的心情。她说,她“很难过”,因为人们过于关注哈伯德的身份,而不是她能举起的重量。
        Yet Kusterer also said the rules are unfair. She wondered whether organizers could create another category for transgender women, adding that Hubbard was an outlier not only because of her transition, but because of her age.
        Hubbard stopped weight lifting in her 20s because, she told an interviewer, “it just became too much to bear” as she struggled to cope with her identity. She resumed competing five years after she transitioned in 2012. When she won three titles in 2017, her performances triggered a firestorm on social media.
        Hubbard is not the only athlete at the Tokyo Games whose identity does not fit neatly into longstanding gender categorizations. Quinn, a midfielder on the Canadian women’s soccer team who uses only one name, is nonbinary and has always competed with women. Chelsea Wolfe, a transgender woman, is an alternate on the American BMX team.
        哈伯德并不是东京奥运会上唯一一个不符合常规性别分类的运动员。奎因(Quinn)是加拿大女子足球队的一名中场球员,她只使用单字名,认为自己的性别是非二元的,并一直参加女子赛事。切尔西·沃尔夫(Chelsea Wolfe)作为一名跨性别女性是美国小轮车竞速队的替补。
        For years, the most contentious issues related to gender and sex had not been about the right of transgender athletes to compete but about women, like Caster Semenya, a South African runner who is a two-time Olympic gold medalist in the 800 meters, who have naturally high levels of testosterone compared with most women.
        多年来,与性别和性相关的最具争议性的问题不是关于跨性别运动员的比赛权利,而是关于那些比大多数女性天生睾酮水平高的女性,例如南非选手、两届奥运会800米金牌得主卡斯特尔·塞曼亚(Caster Semenya)。
        Last year, Semenya lost an appeal challenging track and field rules that would have required her to take testosterone reduction medication in order to compete in the 800. Refusing to take the medication, Semenya instead tried to qualify in a longer event, for which testosterone levels are not measured, but she did not earn a berth in the Tokyo Olympics.
        Hubbard’s successful return to the sport — and the resulting controversy — led the I.O.C. in 2019 to review its guidelines for athletes to participate in women’s events. Officials have huddled with medical experts, human rights groups, lawyers and athletes. A conclusion remains months away, but the current guidelines, which are linked to testosterone levels, seem likely to change. Budgett, the Olympic committee medical director, recently said the guidelines were outdated.
        For now, Hubbard will remain under scrutiny, and potentially a victim of her own success.
        “I don’t know if there is a good solution where everybody is happy,” said Janae Marie Kroc, a world champion bodybuilder who stopped competing after she transitioned because she did not want to invite criticism of transgender athletes. “My biggest fear is Laurel does really well, has her best performance and others falter, and then it’s used against trans athletes.”
        “我不知道是否有一个让每个人都满意的好办法,”世界健美冠军珍妮·玛丽·克罗克(Janae Marie Kroc)说,她在变性后停止了比赛,因为她不想招致对跨性别运动员的批评。“我最大的恐惧是劳雷尔表现得非常好,得到了她最好的成绩,而其他人却败北,然后这个结果被用来针对跨性别运动员。”

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