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Belarusian Sprinter Who Feared for Her Safety Is Offered Asylum in Poland

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-04 12:55

        TOKYO — Kristina Timanovskaya, the Belarusian Olympic sprinter who sought protection at a Tokyo airport as her nation tried to forcibly send her home from the Summer Games, has been offered asylum in Poland.
        东京——白俄罗斯奥运短跑运动员克里斯蒂娜·季马诺夫斯卡娅(Kristina Timanovskaya)在东京一机场寻求保护,因为她的国家试图强行令其回国,她已获得波兰庇护。
        Ms. Timanovskaya, 24, entered the Polish Embassy in Tokyo on Monday and will fly to Warsaw on Wednesday, according to Alexander Opeikin, the executive director of the Belarusian Sports Solidarity Fund, a group that opposes the Belarusian government.
        反对白俄罗斯政府的白俄罗斯体育团结基金会(Belarusian Sports Solidarity Fund)总干事亚历山大·欧佩金(Alexander Opeikin)表示,24岁的季马诺夫斯卡娅周一进入波兰驻东京大使馆,并将于周三飞往华沙。
        Marcin Przydacz, the deputy foreign minister of Poland, confirmed on Twitter that Ms. Timanovskaya had received a humanitarian visa.
        波兰副外长马尔钦·普日达茨(Marcin Przydacz)在推特上证实季马诺夫斯卡娅已获得人道主义签证。
        Ms. Timanovskaya had said she feared for her safety in Belarus after she criticized her coaches and the country’s national committee for registering her for a relay event for which she had not trained.
        She had originally been scheduled to run a heat of the 200 meters, one of her regular races, on Monday but instead spent the day seeking a new country in which to settle.
        “She is OK. She’s a little bit disappointed, because she wanted to continue in the Olympic Games,” Mr. Opeikin, who has been in contact with Ms. Timanovskaya since the events unfolded on Sunday, said by telephone.
        “She’s disappointed she couldn’t compete in the 200 meters today, but she understands the whole situation, she understands her rights, she understands the deep violations of her rights as an athlete, of her human rights,” he said. “She needs to tell the whole world about this situation.”
        The asylum offer capped nearly 24 hours of drama at the Olympics, where Ms. Timanovskaya had placed fourth in her heat in the 100 meters on Friday. She then said on Instagram that her coaches had informed her at the last minute that she would have to run the 4x400-meter relay in place of a team member who had not taken enough antidoping tests to qualify for the event.
        Although her criticisms were about athletic decisions, Ms. Timanovskaya had good reason to fear that she would be treated as a political dissident in Belarus.
        The chairman of the country’s national Olympic committee is the eldest son of Aleksandr G. Lukashenko, the strongman leader who has held power in Belarus for 27 years. He has long sought to stifle any dissent, including with a brutal crackdown that began a year ago after a disputed presidential election.
        该国国家奥委会主席是在白俄罗斯掌权27年的强人领袖亚历山大·G·卢卡申科(Aleksandr G. Lukashenko)的长子。长期以来,他一直试图压制任何异议,包括一年前在总统选举受到争议后开始残酷镇压。
        Mr. Lukashenko is not afraid to take drastic measures on the international stage. In May, the Belarusian authorities forced down a Ryanair plane flying to Vilnius, Lithuania, from Athens that was carrying Roman Protasevich, a blogger for a website that helped direct anti-government protesters last year.
        卢卡申科不怕在国际舞台上采取严厉措施。5月,白俄罗斯当局强迫一架从雅典飞往立陶宛维尔纽斯的瑞安航空公司飞机降落,该飞机上的乘客罗曼·普罗塔塞维奇(Roman Protasevich)是一个去年参与指挥反政府抗议网站的博主。
        Even before Ms. Timanovskaya’s case, Belarus had a tangled relationship with the International Olympic Committee. In December, the committee barred Mr. Lukashenko and his son from attending the Tokyo Games. A group of athletes had said that they had become victims of political discrimination and imprisonment for speaking out against the government.
        The I.O.C. allowed the country to send a 103-member team to the Games because it said it did not want to punish innocent athletes.
        At a news conference on Monday morning, Mark Adams, spokesman for the I.O.C., said at first that Ms. Timanovskaya had merely gone to the airport with other athletes who had finished their events.
        在周一早上的新闻发布会上,国际奥委会发言人马克·亚当斯(Mark Adams)起初表示,季马诺夫斯卡娅只是和其他已完成比赛的运动员一起去了机场。
        But when pressed about the fact that she had been taken to the airport even though she had not completed her own competitions, he said the I.O.C. was awaiting a report from the Belarusian National Olympic Committee.
        In the meantime, he said, reporters would “have to take my word for it” that Ms. Timanovskaya was being protected. Mr. Adams said that she had talked with the Tokyo police as well as with officials from the agency of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
        与此同时,他说,记者们“要相信我”,季马诺夫斯卡娅受到了保护。亚当斯说,她已经与东京警方以及联合国难民事务高级专员(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)办事处的官员进行了交谈。
        Masa Takaya, spokesman for the Tokyo organizing committee, said that Ms. Timanovskaya had spent Sunday night in a hotel near Haneda Airport in Tokyo. A spokesman for the Haneda police said the department would not speak to foreign journalists.
        东京组委会发言人高谷正哲(Masa Takaya)表示,季马诺夫斯卡娅周日晚上在东京羽田机场附近的一家酒店度过。羽田警方发言人表示,警方不会接受外国记者采访。
        After posting her complaints on Instagram, Ms. Timanovskaya accused the Belarusian Olympic committee of kidnapping her from the Olympic Village and taking her to the airport.
        Belarusian journalists at the Games said they had been told that Ms. Timanovskaya missed a bus meant to transport her to the airport with other athletes who had completed their events. They said she was taken to Haneda Airport in a separate car, accompanied by one of her coaches.
        The Belarusian committee said it had withdrawn her from the Games because of her “emotional and psychological state.”
        But in a complaint filed with an Olympic sports court by the Belarusian Sports Solidarity Fund, her supporters said they had a copy of an audio recording in which members of the coaching staff had told Ms. Timanovskaya that she was being withdrawn from the Games because of her Instagram post.
        The complaint said the video offered proof that the official explanation from the Belarusian delegation was “fake” and violated her rights under the I.O.C.’s charter to participate in the Games.
        “Consequently, it is the case of pure discrimination” against Ms. Timanovskaya for “political reasons,” the complaint said.
        The events unfolded chaotically on Sunday night at Haneda Airport. Track and field officials were stunned to first hear of Ms. Timanovskaya’s declaration through news media reports.
        Sebastian Coe, president of the governing body known as World Athletics, managed to rouse the most senior official responsible for Belarus’s track delegation, who was in Sapporo ahead of the marathon.
        管理组织世界田径联合会(World Athletics)主席塞巴斯蒂安·科伊(Sebastian Coe)设法叫醒了在马拉松开赛前到达札幌的白俄罗斯田径代表团负责官员。
        According to people familiar with the matter, that official told Mr. Coe that Belarusian officials maintained that Ms. Timanovskaya had decided to leave the Olympics voluntarily after being told she would have to run the 4x400-meter relay on top of her usual events.
        At the airport on Sunday night, a Japanese lawyer who specializes in refugee cases, Koichi Kodama, said he had heard from a group of lawyers that one had tried to meet with Ms. Timanovskaya at the airport but was denied access by the police. Taiga Ishikawa, a member of the Japanese Parliament and secretary general of its refugee committee, also tried to visit Ms. Timanovskaya but was unable to see her.
        周日晚上在机场,专门处理难民案件的日本律师儿玉晃一(Koichi Kodama)说,他从一群律师那里听说,有人试图在机场会见季马诺夫斯卡娅,但被警方拒绝。日本国会议员兼难民委员会秘书长石川大我(Taiga Ishikawa)也曾试图探望季马诺夫斯卡娅,但未能见到她。
        It turned out that Ms. Timanovskaya had other options. On Twitter, the prime minister of Slovenia, Janez Jansa, said Ms. Timanovskaya was “welcome” in his country. Jakub Kulhanek, the Czech foreign minister, said that his country was also willing to help. Gabrielius Landsbergis, the foreign minister of Lithuania, said that his country, too, had offered Ms. Timanovskaya a home.
        实际上,季马诺夫斯卡娅还有其他选择。斯洛文尼亚总理亚内兹·扬沙(Janez Jansa)在推特上说,“欢迎”季马诺夫斯卡娅来他的国家。捷克外交部长雅库布·库尔哈内克(Jakub Kulhanek)表示,捷克也愿意提供帮助。立陶宛外交部长加布里埃利乌斯·兰茨贝吉斯(Gabrielius Landsbergis)说,立陶宛愿意给季马诺夫斯卡娅一个家。
        There were reasons for Ms. Timanovskaya to apply for asylum outside Japan, which is generally inhospitable to asylum seekers.
        Although the Japanese government extended temporary asylum in June to Ko Pyae Lyan Aung, a soccer player for the Myanmar national team, Japan offered asylum to only 47 people last year, less than 1 percent of applicants. Its immigration system has also been roiled by the death in March of an emaciated Sri Lankan migrant in a detention cell.
        日本政府在6月份为缅甸国家队足球运动员派连昂(Ko Pyae Lyan Aung,音)提供了临时庇护,尽管如此,日本去年仅向47人提供了庇护,不到申请者的1%。3月,一名消瘦的斯里兰卡移民在拘留所中死亡,引起人们对日本移民系统的不满。
        Japan does not have a significant relationship with Belarus. So in the case of Ms. Timanovskaya, said Kazuhiko Togo, a former Japanese diplomat, “we don’t have any particular reason to put her human rights below any diplomatic political agenda.”
        日本与白俄罗斯的关系谈不上很密切。因此,前日本外交官东乡和彦(Kazuhiko Togo)说,就季马诺夫斯卡娅而言,“我们没有任何特别的理由将她的人权置于任何外交政治议程之下。”

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