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Belarus Sprinter Becomes an Unlikely Dissident

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-04 01:15

        She sparked the biggest political crisis of the Tokyo Olympics, but Kristina Timanovskaya didn’t set out to be a symbol of the repression in her native Belarus. She just wanted to run.        克里斯蒂娜·季马诺夫斯卡娅(Kristina Timanovskaya)引发了东京奥运会最大的政治危机,但她并不想成为祖国白俄罗斯镇压的象征。她只想跑步。
        Ms. Timanovskaya, a 24-year-old sprinter whose specialty is the 200 meters, became the center of an international scandal after her delegation forcibly tried to send her home from the Games. She had complained in an Instagram video that her coaches registered her for an event she hadn’t trained for, the 4x400-meter relay, because they had failed to conduct enough antidoping tests on other athletes.        24岁的季马诺夫斯卡娅是一名200米短跑的专业运动员。在白俄罗斯代表团试图强行将她从奥运会遣送回国后,她成了一场国际丑闻的焦点。她在Instagram上发视频抱怨,教练为她报名参加了她没有受训过的4x400米接力赛,因为其他运动员的反兴奋剂检测次数不足。
        “I will not say that politics came into my life, because in general there was no politics,” she said in a phone interview, declining to give her location for security reasons.        “我不会说政治进入了我的生活,因为总的来说没有政治,”她在电话采访中说。出于安全考虑,她拒绝透露自己目前的位置。
        “I simply expressed my dissatisfaction with the coaching staff, who decided to put me in the relay race without telling me about it, without asking me if I’m ready to run,” she said. She said she worried that a poor performance in an unfamiliar event could cause her injury or trauma.        “我只是表达了我对教练组的不满,他们没有提前告诉我,也没有问我是否准备好了,就决定让我参加接力赛,”她说。她担心在不熟悉的项目中表现不好会导致她受伤或遭受创伤。
        Ms. Timanovskaya had no idea then how quickly the situation would escalate, turning a sporting dispute into a major diplomatic incident that would make her an international cause célèbre and push her toward a life in a new country. Poland has offered to provide her with a safe haven away from Belarus and everything she knows.        季马诺夫斯卡娅当时不知道情况会迅速升级,把一场体育纠纷变成重大外交事件,使她成为国际知名人士,并把她推向新国家的生活。波兰提出为她提供一个安全港,远离白俄罗斯和她熟悉的生活。
        After Ms. Timanovskay posted her Instagram video — which she later took down — the head coach of the Belarusian national team, Yuri Moisevich, and the deputy director of the Belarusian Republican Track and Field Training Center, Artur Shumak, came to Ms. Timanovskaya’s room at the Olympic Village to persuade her to recant and go home. The order, they said, came from above their pay grade.        季马诺夫斯卡娅在Instagram上发布视频后(她后来将其删除),白俄罗斯国家队田径队主教练尤里·莫伊塞维奇(Yuri Moisevich)以及该国田径训练中心副主任阿图尔·舒马克(Artur Shumak)来到她在奥运村的房间,劝说她放弃比赛回国。他们说,命令来自他们的上级。
        “Put aside your pride,” Mr. Moisevich can be heard saying on a partial recording she made of the conversation. “Your pride will tell you, ‘Don’t do it. You’ve got to be kidding’ and it will start pulling you into the Devil’s vortex and twisting you.        “把你的骄傲放在一边,”莫伊塞维奇在她录制的部分对话录音中说。“你的骄傲会告诉你,‘不要这样做,你一定是在开玩笑’,然后它就会开始把你拉进魔鬼的漩涡,扭曲你。
        “That’s how suicide cases end up, unfortunately,” he concluded.        “不幸的是,这就是自杀事件的结局,”他总结道。
        Ms. Timanovskaya can be heard crying on the tape. At other times she sounded defiant, refusing to believe that if she acquiesced and returned home, she would be able to continue her athletic career.        从录音中可以听到季马诺夫斯卡娅在哭泣。在其他时候,她的声音带有挑衅意味,不相信如果她默认这一决定并回国,以后还能继续自己的运动生涯。
        Ms. Timanovskaya is an unlikely dissident. Born in eastern Belarus, she said she was partially deaf as a child and underwent several operations until her hearing was restored at age 12.        季马诺夫斯卡娅不太可能是异见人士。她出生在白俄罗斯东部,她说她小时候部分失聪,经历了几次手术,直到12岁才恢复听力。
        That was when she was allowed to begin physical education classes. Soon, her teachers realized she had a talent for running and jumping. At 15, relatively late for an elite athlete, she was sent to a special training school for Olympic hopefuls. By 18, she was representing Belarus at competitions in Britain, Italy, Poland, Qatar and Sweden.        那时她才被允许可以开始上体育课了。很快,老师意识到她有跑跳方面的天赋。15岁时,她被送到一所专为奥运选手开设的特殊训练学校,这对一名顶级运动员来说相对较晚。18岁时,她代表白俄罗斯参加了在英国、意大利、波兰、卡塔尔和瑞典举行的比赛。
        When protests erupted last fall after the longtime Belarusian strongman Aleksandr G. Lukashenko claimed victory in widely disputed elections, Ms. Timanovskaya did not demonstrate with the hundreds of thousands of others. She mostly continued her grueling preparations for Tokyo, training from 9 a.m. until 2 or 3 p.m. with her husband, a former runner.        去年秋天,长期执政的白俄罗斯铁腕人物亚历山大·G·卢卡申科(Aleksandr G. Lukashenko)宣布其在广受争议的选举中获胜,引爆抗议活动,季马诺夫斯卡娅没有和数十万人一起示威。她大部分时间都在为东京之行做艰苦的准备,和她的丈夫,一位前跑步运动员一起从早上9点训练到下午两三点。
        “Yes, there were protests,” she said. “I saw what was happening on TV, and I was very worried. It was very difficult for me, and I even had to take a break for two weeks because I was distracted from all this. I didn’t train because it was very hard.”        “是的,有抗议,”她说。“我在电视上看到了发生的事情,我很担心。这对我来说非常困难,我甚至不得不休息两周,因为这些事情分散了我的注意力。我没有训练,因为太困难了。”
        As the government cracked down on the protests, about 1,000 athletes signed an open letter calling for new elections and an end to the torture and arrest of peaceful demonstrators. As a result, 35 athletes and trainers were ejected from the national team.        随着政府对抗议活动展开镇压,大约1000名运动员签署了一封公开信,呼吁重新选举,结束对和平示威者的酷刑和逮捕。结果,35名运动员和教练被逐出国家队。
        Ms. Timanovskaya was not one of them.        季马诺夫斯卡娅不在其中。
        “I just wanted to prepare for the Olympics,” she said. “I did not sign anything, so that no one bothers me.”        “我只是想为奥运会做准备,”她说。“我没有签任何东西,所以没有人打扰我。”
        When she arrived in Tokyo for her first Olympics, she saw to her shock that she had been registered for the 4x400-meter relay in addition to her event, the 200-meter sprint. She frantically tried to reach her coaches and the delegation, but when no one answered her calls, she fumed about it on Instagram.        当她到东京参加她的第一次奥运会时,她震惊地发现,除了200米短跑之外,她还被报名参加了4x400米接力赛。她拼命联系教练和代表团,但没有人接电话,她在Instagram上对此感到愤怒。
        “I spoke a little emotionally,” she said, of the Instagram video that she later took down. “But it was so emotional because initially their attitude toward me was not respectful. And they pressured and pressured me from the very beginning.”        “我说得有点情绪化,”她在谈到后来撤下的Instagram视频时说。“但这太让人沮丧了,因为一开始他们对我的态度并不尊重。他们从一开始就不断地给我施加压力。”
        As news of the video broke in Belarus and officials sought her apology and later her return home, she began to fear the consequences of what had happened.        随着关于视频的新闻在白俄罗斯传开,官员们要求她道歉,后来又要求她回国,她开始担心事情的后果。
        “Already, the moment I was being taken to the airport, in my country on TV they showed news about me where they already said that I was not healthy that I needed to be removed from participation in the Olympics,” she said. “My parents called me and told me not to come home, because it would be unsafe, considering they already started talking on TV that I was mentally ill. It was obvious that upon arrival at the airport I would not get home, but they would immediately take me somewhere.”        “从我被送到机场的那一刻起,我们国家的电视上就开始播放有关我的新闻,他们说我不健康,应该让我退出奥运会,”她说。“父母打电话给我,告诉我不要回国,因为不安全,他们已经开始在电视上说我精神有问题。很明显,到了机场,我回不了家,他们会马上带我去别的地方。”
        On Sunday, when the officials came to tell her to pack her things, she said she knew she had to take a drastic step and seek asylum. Speaking on Tuesday, she said she never expected her rant against her coaching staff would become an international incident.        周日,当官员来告知她打包行李时,她说她知道自己必须采取极端措施寻求庇护了。她在周二的讲话中说,她从未想到她对教练组的咆哮会成为国际事件。
        “I simply do not have an answer to this,” she said. “Absolutely nothing was said about politics on my part, I just expressed my disagreement with the decision of the coaching staff.”        “我对这个问题没有答案,”她说。“我完全没有说什么政治,我只是表达了我不同意教练组的决定。”
        She declined to speak about Mr. Lukashenko, or his son Viktor, chairman of Belarus’ National Olympic Committee. She did not make any political statements, possibly to avoid jeopardizing the safety of her parents, who remain in Belarus. Her husband, fellow sprinter Arseniy Zdanevich, fled to Ukraine as her case began dominating headlines.        她拒绝谈论卢卡申科以及他的儿子、白俄罗斯国家奥委会主席维克托(Viktor)。她没有发表任何政治声明,可能是为了避免危及留在白俄罗斯的父母的安全。她的丈夫、同为短跑运动员的阿尔谢尼·兹达涅维奇(Arseniy Zdanevich)在她的案件开始占据新闻头条时逃到了乌克兰。
        However, she did hope her story would serve as an example to her fellow athletes.        然而,她确实希望自己的故事能给其他运动员树立榜样。
        “I would really like the athletes to stop being afraid,” she said. ‘‘It should not be allowed to disrespect them because they are doing a very hard job. They train a lot. The bosses must respect us as athletes, and for that, athletes must stop being afraid and start talking openly about what is happening.”        “我真的希望运动员们不要再害怕了,”她说。“不尊重他们的情况不应该被允许,因为他们在做一项非常艰巨的工作。他们做了大量训练。领导们必须尊重我们这些运动员,因此,运动员必须停止害怕,开始公开谈论正在发生的事情。”
        Ms. Timanovskaya expressed dismay that the urgent application she put in to run the 200-meter sprint on Monday was rejected by the Court of Arbitration for Sport, which had setup a temporary office in Tokyo to hear appeals related to the Games.        季马诺夫斯卡娅周一提交的参加200米短跑比赛的紧急申请被体育仲裁法庭(Court of Arbitration for Sport)驳回,她对此表示失望。国际体育仲裁法庭在东京设立了一个临时办公室,负责审理与奥运会有关的上诉。
        “I was ready to go on the track even after everything that happened,” she said.        “即使发生了那么多事情,我还是做好了上跑道的准备,”她说。
        Athletes rarely succeed with appeals against Olympic federations at the arbitration court, which is partly funded by the International Olympic Committee.        在仲裁法庭上,运动员对奥委会提出的上诉很少能胜诉。仲裁法庭的部分资金来自国际奥委会。
        Miguel Maduro, a former advocate general at the European Court of Justice, criticized the decision. Mr. Maduro, also a former governance head at FIFA, the organization that runs global soccer, said the court’s refusal to grant Ms. Timanovskaya relief was “incoherent.”        欧洲法院(European Court of Justice)前检察长米格尔·马杜罗(Miguel Maduro)批评了这一决定。马杜罗曾担任管理全球足球事务的国际足联的高层负责人。马杜罗说,法院拒绝给予季马诺夫斯卡娅司法救助是“前后不一”。
        He compared the ruling unfavorably with the treatment given to Russian athletes who are competing in Tokyo under the umbrella of the Russian Olympic Committee after Russia itself was banned as part of its punishment for a state-sponsored doping program.        他将这一裁决与俄罗斯运动员在东京受到的待遇相比,后者在俄罗斯奥委会的庇护下参赛。此前俄罗斯因国家支持的兴奋剂计划而被禁止参赛,这是惩罚的一部分。
        “This sets up a perverse system of incentives protecting athletes of rogue states but only insofar as they continue to adhere to those states,” said Mr. Maduro.        “这建立了一个不正当的激励机制,保护无赖国家的运动员,但前提是他们继续遵守这些国家的规定,”马杜罗说。
        Ms Timanovskaya, who has never known a president in her country besides Mr. Lukashenko, said she has avoided politics at all costs, despite the way that politics intruded on what was to be the biggest moment in her professional career to date.        季马诺夫斯卡娅从小到大只认识卢卡申科一个总统。她说,她不惜一切代价避免政治,尽管政治妨碍了她迄今为止职业生涯中最重要的时刻。
        “For me, the main thing is sports,” she said. “Politics for me is not a primary thing.”        “对我来说,最重要的是运动,”她说。“政治对我来说不是首要的事情。”

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