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I.O.C. seeks answers after two Chinese athletes wore Mao pins during the medal ceremony.

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-09 11:18

        The International Olympic Committee said it was investigating a potential breach of Olympic regulations after two cyclists from China wore pins bearing the silhouette of Mao Zedong in a medal ceremony.        两位来自中国的自行车选手在颁奖仪式上佩戴毛泽东像章后,国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)表示,正在对这一可能违反奥林匹克章程的行为展开调查。
        The small red and gold pins — once ubiquitous symbols representing Mao’s three-decade rule over China — were attached to the track suits of the cyclists, Bao Shanju and Zhong Tianshi, when they received gold medals in the women’s sprint on Monday.        这些小小的、金红色的像章一度是毛泽东对中国30年统治的普遍象征,周一,鲍珊菊和钟天使在自行车女子团体竞速赛中获得金牌后领奖时,这些像章被戴在这两名自行车选手的运动服上。
        The cyclists’ badges are a potential violation of Rule 50 of the Olympic charter, which bans “political, religious or racial propaganda” at Olympic venues.        两名自行车选手的像章可能违反了《奥林匹克宪章》的第50条:禁止在奥运场馆“进行任何形式的示威或政治、宗教或种族宣传”。
        In a news briefing on Wednesday, Mark Adams, an I.O.C. spokesman, said that the committee had asked China’s Olympic delegation to submit a report explaining the incident, and that it had been promised a “full formal answer soon.”        在周三的一场新闻发布会上,国际奥委会发言人马克·亚当斯(Mark Adams)表示,奥委会已经要求中国的奥运代表团提交一份报告,对该事件作出解释,并且表示奥委会已经获得了“尽快得到正式回复”的保证。
        “They have also assured us already that this will not happen again,” Mr. Adams said.        “他们已经向我们保证,此类事件不会再发生了。”亚当斯说。
        Separately, the Korea Badminton Association said on Wednesday that it had filed a complaint with the World Badminton Federation after a Chinese player was captured on video swearing in a doubles match against South Korean players.        此外,韩国羽毛球协会表示,在一名中国选手被拍到在对阵韩国选手的双打比赛中爆粗口后,已向羽毛球世界联合会(Badminton World Federation)提出投诉。
        The Chinese badminton player, Chen Qingchen, repeatedly shouted what has been interpreted as a common Chinese obscenity. She apologized, saying that she was merely celebrating points scored and that she would adjust her “bad pronunciation.” But she did not say what she had intended to shout.        中国羽毛球选手陈清晨当时大喊被外界解读为中文脏话的语言。她做出了道歉,称自己只是在庆祝得分,表示将“调整自己的发音”。但她没有说明原本想喊出的是什么。
        The incident was widely reported in South Korea — where nationalists sometimes chafe at China’s assertions of power — but lauded as a spirited and refreshing performance on Chinese social media.        该事件在韩国得到广泛报道,在该国,民族主义者有时会被中国主张权力的行为惹怒,但该行为在中国社交媒体上被赞为富有激情、令人耳目一新的表现。
        The Chinese team ended up defeating the South Koreans.        中国队最终在那场比赛中击败了韩国队。

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