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A Chinese gold medalist was asked about her “masculine” appearance, prompting outrage.

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-05 04:09

        After Gong Lijiao won China’s first gold medal in an Olympic field event on Sunday, a reporter for state news media asked about her “masculine” appearance and her life plans, setting off a heated debate about the restrictive discourse surrounding women.        周日,巩立姣为中国摘得奥运田赛项目上的首枚金牌后,一名官媒记者在采访中问及她“阳刚”的外表和人生规划,引发了关于围绕女性的限制性言论的激烈辩论。
        Gong, a four-time Olympian, placed first in the women’s shot-put competition with a personal best of 20.58 meters (67.5 feet).        巩立姣参加了四届奥运会,她在女子铅球比赛中以20.58米的个人最好成绩位居第一。
        An interview that aired Sunday on the state-owned CCTV included a sports correspondent’s contentious observation: “Gong Lijiao gives me the impression of a masculine woman.”        在官方媒体中央电视台周日播出的一次采访中,一名体育记者发表了争议性评论:“巩立姣留给我一个女汉子的形象。”
        The reporter, Lu You, then asked about Gong’s future plans: “You used to be a masculine woman for the sake of shot-put. But moving forward, can you be yourself?”        这名记者陆幽随后问起巩立姣的未来计划:“因为你之前是女汉子,为了铅球,接下来可以做自己了吗?”
        Gong, 32, hemmed and hawed. “If I don’t train later on, then maybe I will lose weight, and then get married and have kids,” she said. “The path one must walk in life.”        32岁的巩立姣踌躇了片刻。“如果真要说不练的话,可能就减肥,然后结婚生孩子吧。”她说。“人生必经之路。”
        The segment continued with a videographer and Lu asking the athlete whether she had a boyfriend, what she was looking for in a partner and whether she or a prospective partner would be better at arm-wrestling.        接下来的片段显示,摄影师和陆幽问这位运动员是否有男朋友,她想找什么样的伴侣,她和未来的伴侣谁会更擅长掰手腕。
        On Weibo, a popular microblogging platform, a discussion page on Gong and the question “Is marriage the only thing we can discuss about women?” had been viewed almost 300 million times on Thursday, generating more than 140,000 posts.        在微博上,有一个关于巩立姣的话题页:“#女性能被谈论的只有婚姻吗?”该话题周四的浏览量达到近3亿次,产生了超过14万条帖子。
        Many internet users criticized the CCTV reporter’s questions, comparing them to those asked by nosy relatives. Others asked why a gold medalist was subjected to a stereotypical line of inquiry.        许多网民批评央视记者的问题,将其与多管闲事的亲戚提出的问题相提并论。其他人还问道,为什么金牌获得者也会受到刻板印象的询问。
        One trending post stated that men were simply not good enough to marry Gong, adding: “Discourse about women isn’t limited to marriage and physical appearances. There are also dreams and success.”        一篇热门帖子写道,是男人配不上巩立姣,并写道:“女性可以被谈论的不是只有婚姻和外貌,还有梦想和成功。”
        Gong responded to the post from her official Weibo account. “This completely says what I’m thinking!” she wrote. “Thank you!”        巩立姣通过她的官方微博帐号回应了这篇帖子。“完全说出了我的心声,”她写道。“谢谢!”

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