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Are Delta Symptoms Different?

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-13 11:15

        Two years ago, a sneeze or a cough wouldn’t have been cause for concern, but now even the mildest of symptoms can leave us wondering, “Do I have Covid?”        两年前,打喷嚏或咳嗽不会引发担忧,但现在,即使是最轻微的症状也会让我们怀疑:“我感染了新冠病毒吗?”
        Early in the pandemic, we learned about the hallmark signs of infection, which can include loss of taste and smell, fever, cough, shortness of breath and fatigue. But what about now, more than a year later? Have symptoms changed given that the Delta variant is currently the most common form of the virus in the United States?        在这次疫情初期,我们了解到感染的标志性迹象,包括味觉和嗅觉丧失、发烧、咳嗽、呼吸急促和疲劳。但是一年多之后的现在呢?鉴于德尔塔变异株是目前美国最常见的形式,症状表现是否发生了变化?
        There is little data on this question and much left to untangle.        关于这个问题的数据很少,还有很多问题需要答案。
        Unvaccinated patients make up the vast majority of those hospitalized with Covid-19, so they may be more likely to develop severe symptoms, like trouble breathing, or persistent pain or pressure in the chest. In areas with lower vaccination rates, like Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas, unvaccinated children and young adults are being sent to the hospital in larger numbers than they were at other points during the pandemic. Researchers do not yet know for sure whether Delta alone is responsible for these severe symptoms or if it is the surge in childhood infections, which can result in more hospitalizations.        未接种疫苗的患者占新冠住院患者的绝大多数,因此他们更有可能出现重症,如呼吸困难、持续性疼痛或胸闷。在路易斯安那州、得克萨斯州和阿肯色州等疫苗接种率较低的地方,与疫情期间的其他时间相比,有更多未接种疫苗的儿童和年轻人送医。研究人员尚不确定是德尔塔变异株本身导致了这些重症,或者是儿童感染的激增带来了更多的住院人数。
        The Delta variant is nearly twice as contagious as prior variants and just as contagious as chickenpox. It replicates rapidly in the body, and people carry large amounts of the virus in their nose and throat.        德尔塔变异株的传染性几乎是先前变异株的两倍,传染性与水痘相当。它在体内快速复制,人们的鼻子和喉咙中携带大量病毒。
        Dr. Andrew T. Chan, an epidemiologist and physician at Massachusetts General Hospital and one of the lead investigators of the Covid Symptom Study, has been tracking millions of people from Britain, the United States and Sweden via an app that asks participants to monitor their symptoms. A preprint using data from the study that has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal, suggests that those who are vaccinated are well protected against Delta. Breakthrough infections, while rare, tend to produce milder symptoms that are of shorter duration.        马萨诸塞州总医院(Massachusetts General Hospital)的流行病学家、医生安德鲁·T·陈(Andrew T. Chan,音)博士也是新冠病毒症状研究项目(Covid Symptom Study)的主要研究员之一。他一直在通过一个应用程序跟踪英国、美国和瑞典的数百万人,该应用程序要求参与者监测他们的症状。在一本同行评审期刊的预印本中,一项尚未发表的研究数据表明,接种疫苗的人可以很好地抵御德尔塔变异株。突破性感染非常罕见,并倾向于产生持续时间较短的轻微症状。
        At this point, nearly 90 percent of the adult population in Britain has received at least one dose of the vaccine. In the United States, 71 percent of adults are partially vaccinated.        目前英国近90%的成年人至少接种了一剂疫苗。在美国,71%的成年人部分接种了疫苗。
        Among vaccinated adults, “the symptoms we are seeing now are much more commonly identified with the common cold,” Dr. Chan said. “We are still seeing people presenting with a cough, but we are also seeing a higher prevalence of things like runny nose and sneezing.” Headaches and sore throat are other top complaints, he added. Fever and loss of taste and smell are being reported to a lesser degree.        在接种疫苗的成年人中,“我们现在看到的症状更类似普通感冒,”陈博士说。“我们仍然看到有人咳嗽,但我们也看到流鼻涕和打喷嚏等症状的出现率更高了。”他还说,其他最常见的症状是头痛和喉咙痛。人们相对较少报告发烧和味觉、嗅觉丧失。
        Dr. Chan said the researchers started to see milder reported symptoms around the time the Delta variant became prevalent in Britain, starting in the late spring, which also coincided with the country’s mass vaccination program.        陈博士说,德尔塔变异株从春末开始在英国流行,研究人员开始看到人们报告的症状较轻,此时正值该国的大规模疫苗接种计划之际。
        Pediatricians in New York City, where 67 percent of adults are fully vaccinated, say they are seeing many of the same symptoms in children that they have seen since the start of the pandemic, and that the more severe cases tend to be among unvaccinated adolescents, especially those with underlying conditions like diabetes or obesity. Some toddlers or school-age children can get very ill from Covid too, but doctors don’t always know why one kid gets much sicker than another, said Dr. Sallie Permar, pediatrician-in-chief at NewYork-Presbyterian and Weill Cornell Medicine.        纽约有67%的成年人都接种了疫苗,那里的儿科医生说,他们在儿童身上看到了自疫情开始以来的许多相同症状,而更严重的病例往往发生在未接种疫苗的青少年中,尤其是那些患有糖尿病或肥胖症等基础性疾病者。纽约长老会医院/威尔康奈尔医学中心(Weill Cornell Medical Center)的儿科医生莎莉·珀玛(Sallie Permar)博士说,一些学步期的孩子或学龄儿童也可能因感染新冠病毒而产生重症,但医生并非每次都能搞清楚为什么一个孩子的症状比另一个孩子重。
        Fever, cough, fatigue, headache and sore throat are the “classic presentation of Covid” among symptomatic children, she added.        她还说,发烧、咳嗽、无力、头痛和喉咙痛是有症状儿童的“新冠病毒典型症状”。
        If your child has any potential Covid symptoms, including gastrointestinal problems, arrange for both yourself and your child to get a Covid test and then stay home until the results are negative, said Dr. Adam Ratner, director of the division of pediatric infectious diseases at Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital at N.Y.U. Langone.        纽约大学朗格尼健康中心(N.Y.U. Langone)哈森菲尔德儿童医院(Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital)儿科传染病科主任亚当·拉特纳(Adam Ratner)博士说,如果你的孩子有任何潜在的新冠病毒症状,包括胃肠道问题,请安排你和你的孩子进行新冠病毒检测,然后呆在家里直到结果呈阴性。
        “That’s part of how we keep schools safe,” he added.        他还说:“这是我们确保学校安全的措施之一。”
        Testing is essential for adults too, the experts said. Even if you have been vaccinated and your symptoms are mild, it’s best to get tested. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believes that vaccinated people can still transmit the virus to others.        专家表示,检测对成年人来说也是必要的。即使你已接种疫苗且症状较轻,也最好去做检测。疾控中心认为,接种疫苗的人仍然可以将病毒传染给他人。
        “It’s a time to be humble about the fact that this is a new variant. We’re still learning,” said Dr. Mark Mulligan, the director of the N.Y.U. Langone Vaccine Center and the chief of infectious diseases at N.Y.U. Langone Health. “Be cautious and err on the side of caution in terms of going ahead and getting a test.”        “我们现在应该以谦卑的态度看待这是一个新变种的事实。我们仍在学习,”纽约大学朗格尼疫苗中心主任、朗格尼健康中心传染病科主任马克·穆里根(Mark Mulligan)博士说。“在行事方面宁可小心谨慎,并去做检测。”

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