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Here’s how Taiwan is curbing outbreaks without strict lockdowns.

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-17 01:22

        The most popular YouTube shows in Taiwan are pop music videos, clips of video gamers and, in recent months, the health minister’s daily updates on the coronavirus.        在台湾,最受欢迎的YouTube节目是流行音乐视频、电子游戏玩家的视频片段,以及最近几个月卫福部长关于新冠疫情的每日更新。
        The briefings by the health minister, Chen Shih-chung, in which he and other officials take questions from the public about the island’s latest virus efforts, have become a hit, with hundreds of thousands of people tuning in each afternoon. The local edition of GQ called him a “minister of steel.” He uses infographics and memes, including one of a Health Ministry worker’s dog, to convey news about cases in Taiwan and how members of the public can stay vigilant.         卫福部长陈时中(Chen Shih-chung)和其他官员在简报会上回答公众关于台湾最新防疫举措的问题,这成为了热门节目,每天下午都有数十万人收看。当地版的GQ杂志将陈时中称为“钢铁部长”。他使用信息图表和米姆(包括一只卫生部工作人员的狗)来传达有关台湾病例的新闻,以及公众该如何保持警惕。
        Taiwan, where there are fewer than 10 locally transmitted cases a day, has favored a less heavy-handed approach than in China, instead raising awareness through public health campaigns, like the daily briefing. Masks are required in public spaces, and people typically abide by social-distancing rules when they go hiking, running, or even to swimming pools.        台湾每天本地传播的病例不到10例,与中国大陆相比,这里倾向于采取不那么强硬的手段,而是通过每日简报等公共卫生活动来提高人们的意识。在公共场所需要戴口罩,人们在徒步旅行、跑步,甚至去游泳池时,通常都会遵守社交距离规范。
        Through most of the pandemic, Taiwan has thrived as a bubble of normalcy and has mostly avoided strict lockdowns by imposing rigorous contact tracing and quarantines for foreign visitors.        在新冠大流行的大部分时间里,台湾就像一个处在正常状态中的泡泡中一样从容应对,通过对外国游客实施严格的接触者追踪和隔离,在很大程度上避免了严格的封锁。
        When it faced a surge of cases in May, rather than forcing mass testing and complete lockdowns like the Chinese government did, the Taiwanese government kept offices and shops open and kept public transportation running, but at lower capacity. In recent weeks, those restrictions have lifted, with indoor dining, gyms and tourism sites opening, but many people have stayed home except for essential activities out of concern about another wave.        今年5月,当面临病例激增时,台湾政府没有像中国政府那样强制进行大规模检测和全面封锁,而是让办公室和商店继续营业,并让公共交通以较低的运力保持运转。最近几周,这些限制已经解除,室内餐饮、健身房和旅游景点都已开放,但许多人出于对另一波疫情的担忧,除了必要的活动外,仍然留在家中。
        As of Monday, around 39 percent of Taiwan’s 23.5 million residents have received at least one dose of a vaccine, according to a New York Times tracker, and a locally developed vaccine will be available starting next week.        据《纽约时报》(New York Times)的追踪数据,截至周一,台湾2350万居民中约39%的人至少接种了一剂疫苗,一种当地研发的疫苗将于下周开始供应。
        China, which claims the self-ruling democracy as its territory, has been more forceful in response to recent flare-ups of cases driven by the more contagious Delta variant. Beijing has punished dozens of officials, saying that they mishandled local outbreaks, and has rejected suggestions that it abandon its “zero case” policy.        声称这个自治民主岛屿是其领土的中国在应对最近由传染性更强的德尔塔变异株引发的疫情暴发时更加强硬。北京已经惩罚了数十名官员,称他们对当地疫情处理不当,并拒绝了关于放弃“零病例”政策的建议。
        A local government in the southern Chinese province of Yunnan closed all roads leaving the city after three new locally transmitted cases were reported there last month. In hard-hit eastern cities, including Nanjing and Yangzhou, the authorities have conducted at least seven rounds of mass testing and residents have been ordered to stay home.        中国南部的云南省在上个月报告了三例新增本地传播病例后,当地政府关闭了离开该市的所有道路。在南京和扬州等疫情严重的东部城市,当局已经进行了至少七轮大规模检测,居民被要求留在家中。

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