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Delta Surge Drives Home Painful Truth: Covid Isn’t Going Away

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-17 03:33

        CHICAGO — As alarm mounted over the coronavirus ripping through the country, Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago was barraged with warnings: Lollapalooza was looking increasingly risky. The annual four-day music festival would draw hundreds of thousands of people downtown, unmasked, crowded into mosh pits, city parks, restaurants and L trains, setting up the threat of a superspreader coronavirus event in the Midwest.        芝加哥——随着新冠病毒在全国肆虐的警报不断升级,芝加哥市长洛里·莱特福特(Lori Lightfoot)收到了铺天盖地的警告:洛拉帕罗扎音乐节(Lollapalooza)看起来越来越危险。这个一年一度、为期四天的音乐节将吸引成千上万的人来到市中心,他们不戴口罩,挤进热舞池、城市公园、餐馆和L型火车,在中西部地区形成新冠病毒超级传播事件的威胁。
        The mayor insisted that the festival go on.        市长坚持要让音乐节照常进行。
        The decision to host the event, which injected a dormant downtown with energy and freely spending tourists at the end of last month, reflected a shifting response to the continuing pandemic. One year ago, Chicago was a muted version of itself: Businesses were restricted, schools were preparing to teach remotely, the police blocked access to beaches on Lake Michigan and Lollapalooza was canceled.        上月末,举办这次活动的决定为沉寂的市中心注入了活力,游客们也在尽情消费。一年前,芝加哥成了一个无声的城市:商业活动受到限制,学校准备远程教学,警察封锁了密歇根湖沙滩的入口,洛拉帕罗扎音乐节被取消。
        But in recent days, even as the highly contagious Delta variant ravages the South and has caused upticks in all 50 states, mayors, governors and public health officials have treaded lightly when considering whether to reimpose restrictions. With more than twice as many new virus cases being reported nationally compared with last August, baseball games, music festivals and state fairs have forged ahead, and restaurants, gyms and movie theaters have stayed open. In many places, people have been largely left to decide for themselves whether to start wearing masks again or change the ways they work, socialize and vacation.        但最近几天,尽管具有高度传染性的德尔塔变异株在南方肆虐,并在所有的50个州造成疫情增长,市长、州长和公共卫生官员在考虑是否重新实施限制时还是显得轻率。与去年8月相比,全国报告的新增病例增加了两倍多,但是棒球比赛、音乐节和州博览会都在继续推进,餐馆、健身房和电影院也都照常营业。在许多地方,人们很大程度上只能自己决定是否重新开始戴口罩,或是改变工作、社交和度假的方式。
        Americans have entered a new, disheartening phase of the pandemic: when they realize that Covid-19 is not disappearing anytime soon. A country that had been waiting for the virus to be over has been forced to recalibrate.        美国人已经进入了令人沮丧的疫情新阶段:他们意识到新冠病毒不会很快消失。这个一直在等待病毒消失的国家被迫重新调整。
        “We can’t expect it to go away where we never have to think about it anymore,” said Emily Martin, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan. “We’ve seen that it ebbs and flows. Sometimes we need to be more vigilant than others.”        “我们不能指望它会消失,让我们彻底不需要再去顾忌它,”密歇根大学(University of Michigan)的流行病学家埃米莉·马丁(Emily Martin)说:“我们已经看到了它的起伏。有时候我们需要格外警惕一些。”
        Scientists had warned for months that the coronavirus was likely to become endemic and that herd immunity was increasingly unlikely. But even though the vaccines remain effective, the virus has mutated and spread at a pace that has surprised some experts.        几个月来,科学家们一直警告称,新冠病毒很可能成为地方性流行病,而且群体免疫的可能性越来越小。但是,即使疫苗仍然有效,病毒的变异和传播速度还是让一些专家感到惊讶。
        This summer started out on a hopeful note. The United States was reporting the lowest coronavirus case totals since the pandemic’s start, and officials had given permission for vaccinated people to shed their masks in most situations. Then came a worrying cascade of outbreaks, overflowing hospitals and fears over what the virus would bring next.        今年夏天一开始充满了希望。美国报告的新冠病例总数是疫情开始以来最低的,官员们已经允许接种过疫苗的人在大多数情况下摘下口罩。接着,一连串令人担忧的疫情暴发接踵而至,医院人满为患,人们担心病毒接下来还会带来什么。
        Hospitalizations have reached their highest levels since winter. And in parts of the South, including Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida, the Delta variant has shattered case records and overwhelmed intensive care units.        住院人数达到了自冬季以来的最高水平。在南方的部分地区,包括密西西比州、路易斯安那州和佛罗里达州,德尔塔变异株病例已经打破纪录,重症监护病房也不堪重负。
        “I think we all took a step back and thought things were getting better,” said Anthony Monteiro, 30, of Tampa, Fla., whose job in medical device sales frequently brings him into hospitals. “There are so many Covid patients, I feel like Covid is in the air everywhere I go now.”        “我想我们都后退了一步,认为情况正在好转,”佛罗里达州坦帕市30岁的安东尼·蒙泰罗(Anthony Monteiro)说。他从事医疗器械销售工作,因此经常去医院。“新冠患者太多了,我觉得现在无论走到哪里,空气中都弥漫着新冠病毒。”
        About 130,000 cases are being reported across America each day, almost twice as many as last summer’s highest levels. Even as some of the first hot spots of this summer, including Missouri and Nevada, show glimmers of progress, much of the country continues to see explosive case growth.        全美每天都报告大约13万例病例,几乎是去年夏天最高水平的两倍。尽管今年夏天包括密苏里州和内华达州在内的首批热点地区出现了一些进展的迹象,但美国大部分地区的病例仍在爆炸性增长。
        During the latest surge, the United States is armed with vaccines that are highly effective in preventing severe illness and death, and are available to anyone 12 years and older. But only about half of Americans are fully vaccinated, and daily vaccination rates have risen only modestly, to about 700,000 doses a day, since the Delta surge began.        在最近的激增期间,美国手握能够有效预防重症和死亡的疫苗武器,所有12岁及以上的人都可以接种。但是,只有大约一半的美国人完全接种了疫苗,而且自德尔塔变种疫情暴发以来,每日疫苗接种率只有小幅上升,约为每天70万剂。
        The worst surges have so far been concentrated in Southern states with underwhelming vaccination numbers, but infections have also been rising in places with far better vaccine uptake. Oregon and Hawaii, both of which have relatively high vaccination rates, have set weekly case records in recent days, and daily case rates have more than doubled in recent weeks in highly vaccinated parts of New England. Whether cases there eventually reach Louisiana-like levels will be seen as a test of whether vaccinations can make a significant difference on not just the number of deaths but in the size and strength of surges.        到目前为止,最严重的激增集中在接种率不高的南部各州,但在接种疫苗人数高得多的地方,感染人数也在上升。俄勒冈州和夏威夷州的接种率都相对较高,最近几天都创下了每周病例纪录,而在新英格兰接种较多的地区,最近几周的每日病例率增加了一倍以上。那里的病例最终是否会达到路易斯安那州的水平,将被视为一种测试,看看接种疫苗是否不仅能对死亡人数、也能对激增的规模和强度带来显著差异。
        Most of the country remains fully open, and aside from Hawaii, where the governor recently imposed restrictions on social gatherings and restaurants, most officials have so far steered away from restricting or shuttering businesses, leaning instead on mask rules or vaccine requirements or, more commonly, nothing at all. Louisiana and Oregon have reinstated mask mandates. San Francisco will require proof of vaccination to patronize restaurants, bars and gyms. Several school districts and cities have returned to universal masking, while more employers and colleges have announced plans to require vaccines.        这个国家的大部分地区仍然完全开放——除了夏威夷以外,该州州长最近对社交聚会和餐馆实施了限制——迄今为止,大多数官员没有限制或关闭企业,而是倾向于口罩规定或疫苗要求,或者更常见的是什么都不做。路易斯安那州和俄勒冈州恢复了戴口罩的规定。旧金山将要求餐馆、酒吧和健身房提供疫苗接种证明。一些学区和城市已经恢复了普遍戴口罩的要求,更多的雇主和大学宣布了要求接种疫苗的计划。
        In Jackson, Miss., Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba kept a mask mandate in place even after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced in May that fully vaccinated people could go most places without masks, guidance it later reversed. In recent days, with cases in Mississippi reaching record levels and hospitalizations rising, he announced that municipal workers would soon have to submit proof of vaccination or be tested regularly. Mr. Lumumba said restrictions, including limits on businesses, were under consideration but have yet to be put in place.        在密西西比州杰克逊市,尽管美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)今年5月宣布,已完全接种疫苗的人可以不戴口罩前往大多数地方,但该市市长乔克韦·安塔尔·卢蒙巴(Chokwe Antar Lumumba)仍坚持佩戴口罩的要求,该规定后来被推翻。最近几天,随着密西西比州的病例达到创纪录的水平,住院人数也在上升,他宣布市政工作人员不久后必须提交疫苗接种证明或接受定期检测。卢蒙巴说,限制措施,包括对商户的限制,正在考虑之中,但尚未出台。
        “There’s a likelihood, or at least a probability, that there could be other measures implemented,” Mr. Lumumba said. “Whether that’s a reimplementation of old protocol or the establishment of new protocol within the city, everything’s on the table.”        “也许,或者至少有一定可能性,会实施其他措施,”卢蒙巴说。“无论是重新实施旧规定,还是在城市内建立新规定,一切都在讨论中。”
        But other officials have been hostile to new restrictions, or have worried that rules could backfire and further politicize the pandemic. The C.D.C. has recommended that some vaccinated Americans wear masks in public again, but has not suggested shutting down businesses.        但其他官员对新的限制措施持反对态度,或担心这些规定可能适得其反,使疫情进一步政治化。疾控中心建议一些接种过疫苗的美国人在公共场合重新开始戴口罩,但没有建议关闭商铺。
        A Gallup poll conducted in late July, when cases were starting to spike, found that 59 percent of respondents thought it was good advice for healthy people to go about life normally, compared with 41 percent who thought it was better to stay home as much as possible.        7月下旬,当病例开始激增时,盖洛普(Gallup)的一项民意调查发现,59%的受访者认为健康人正常生活是一个好建议,而41%的人认为尽可能待在家里更好。
        “I don’t believe that a public health order in the future is going to be any more effective than they were in the past — and they weren’t effective enough,” said Dan Partridge, the director of the Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department in Kansas, who said he wanted to encourage masking and vaccination without issuing mandates or canceling events.        “我不相信未来的公共卫生命令会比过去更加有效——其实过去的命令效果也不够好,”堪萨斯州劳伦斯-道格拉斯县卫生部门主任丹·帕特里奇(Dan Partridge)说。他说,他希望鼓励人们戴口罩和接种疫苗,同时不必发布命令或取消活动。
        One center of the summer surge is Florida, with the country’s worst hospitalization rate. Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, has largely blocked local governments from putting restrictions in place.        这波夏季激增的一个中心是佛罗里达州,那里的住院率是全国最严重的。共和党人、州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)在很大程度上阻止了地方政府实施限制措施。
        Unlike in the pandemic’s early months, there are no state-ordered limits on visitation at nursing homes, leaving each facility to make its own decisions based on C.D.C. rules and its own circumstances. Nick Van Der Linden, the communications director for LeadingAge Florida, a trade organization for nursing homes, said nursing homes and assisted living facilities were starting to treat the coronavirus as “something we live with for the long run.”        与疫情暴发之初的几个月不同,该州对养老院的探视没有规定限制,让每家疗养院根据疾控中心的规定和自己的情况做出自己的决定。养老院行业组织“佛罗里达领先时代”(LeadingAge Florida)的公关总监尼克·范德林登(Nick Van Der Linden)说,养老院和辅助生活设施开始把新冠病毒视为“与我们长期共存的东西”。
        Providers have established daily infection protocols for Covid-19 as they have for other communicable diseases, such as the flu and norovirus, in addition to federally mandated protocols, such as twice-weekly testing of staff members and residents given Florida’s virus surge. “Are we going to treat it like it’s here to stay? Yes,” Mr. Van Der Linden said. “Covid-19 is not going away. But we’re not in the 2020 pandemic anymore, either.”        除了联邦政府强制实施的方案(比如考虑到佛罗里达州的病毒激增,工作人员和居民每周将进行两次检测)之外,医疗机构还制定了针对新冠病毒的日常感染方案,就像他们曾经制定过关于流感和诺如病毒等其他传染病的感染方案一样。“我们要把它当做长期存在来对待吗?是的,”范德林登说。“新冠病毒不会消失。但我们也不再处于2020年的大流行了。”

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