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Caught in the Crossfire Over Covid’s Origins

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-25 06:51

        In the early days of the pandemic, scientists reported a reassuring trait in the new coronavirus: It appeared to be very stable. The virus was not mutating very rapidly, making it an easier target for treatments and vaccines.
        At the time, the slow mutation rate struck one young scientist as odd. “That really made my ears perk up,” said Alina Chan, a postdoctoral fellow at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Chan wondered whether the new virus was somehow “pre-adapted” to thrive in humans, before the outbreak even started.
        当时,这种缓慢的突变率让一位年轻的科学家感到奇怪。“真的让我一下子警惕起来,”在马萨诸塞州坎布里奇的布罗德研究所(Broad Institute)做博士后研究员艾琳娜·陈(Alina Chan)说。她想知道,在疫情暴发之前,这种新病毒是否以某种方式做了“预适应”,以便在人类之中得以繁衍。
        “By the time the SARS-CoV-2 virus was detected in Wuhan in late 2019, it looked like it had already picked up the mutations it needed to be very good at spreading among humans,” Chan said. “It was already good to go.”
        The hypothesis, widely disputed by other scientists, was the foundation for an explosive paper posted online in May 2020, in which Chan and her colleagues questioned the prevailing consensus that the lethal virus had naturally spilled over to humans from bats through an intermediary host animal.
        The question she helped put on the table has not gone away. In late May, President Joe Biden, dissatisfied by an equivocal report he had received on the subject, asked U.S. intelligence services to dig deeper into the origins question. The new report is due any day now.
        她参与提出的问题并没有消失。5月下旬,美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)对他收到的有关该问题的一份模棱两可的报告感到不满,要求美国情报机构深入挖掘起源问题。新报告计划在近几天完成。
        In last year’s paper, Chan and her colleagues speculated that perhaps the virus had crossed over into humans and been circulating undetected for months while accumulating mutations.
        Perhaps, they said, the virus was already well adapted to humans while in bats or some other animal. Or maybe it adapted to humans while being studied in a lab, and had accidentally leaked out.
        Chan soon found herself in the middle of a maelstrom. An article in The Mail On Sunday, a British tabloid, ran with the headline: “Coronavirus did NOT come from animals in the Wuhan market.”
        艾琳娜·陈很快发现自己陷入了一场大漩涡。英国小报《星期日邮报》(The Mail On Sunday)一篇文章的标题是《冠状病毒并非来自武汉市场的动物》。
        Many senior virus experts criticized her work and dismissed it out of hand, saying she did not have the expertise to speak on the subject, that she was maligning their specialty and that her statements would alienate China, hampering any future investigations.
        Some called her a conspiracy theorist. Others dismissed her ideas because she is a postdoctoral fellow, a junior scientist. One virus expert, Benjamin Neuman, called her hypothesis “goofy.”
        有人称她为阴谋论者。还有人否定她的想法,因为她只是博士后研究员,是初级科学家。病毒专家本杰明·纽曼(Benjamin Neuman)称她的假设是“愚蠢的”。
        A Chinese news outlet accused her of “filthy behavior and a lack of basic academic ethics,” and readers piled on that she was a “race-traitor,” because of her Chinese ancestry.
        “There were days and weeks when I was extremely afraid, and many days I didn’t sleep,” Chan, 32, said recently at an outdoor cafe, not far from the Broad Institute.
        Chan’s story is a reflection of how deeply polarizing questions about the origins of the virus have become. The vast majority of scientists think it originated in bats, and was transmitted to humans through an intermediate host animal, though none has been identified.
        Some of them believe that a lab accident, specifically at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, cannot be discounted and has not been adequately investigated. And a few think that the institute’s research, which involved harvesting bats and bat coronaviruses from the wild, may have played a role.
        It is an acrid debate. In May, 18 scientists, including Chan, published a letter calling for an investigation into the origins of the coronavirus. In July, a group of 21 virus experts — including one who had signed the May letter — posted a paper compiling the evidence for an animal source, saying there was “no evidence” of a laboratory origin.
        Scientists on all sides say they have been threatened with violence and have faced name-calling for their positions. The attacks were so fierce that Chan worried for her personal safety and started taking new precautions, wondering if she was being followed and varying her daily routines.
        The backlash made her fear that she had put her professional future in jeopardy, and she wrote a letter to her boss, in which she apologized and offered her resignation.
        “I thought I had committed career suicide, not just for me but for the whole group that wrote the paper,” Chan said. “I thought I had done a huge disservice to everybody, getting us mired in this controversy.”
        But Chan’s boss, Benjamin E. Deverman, who was a co-author on the paper, refused to accept her resignation, saying only that they had been naive not to anticipate the heated reaction.
        但艾琳娜·陈的老板、论文合著者本杰明·E·德弗曼(Benjamin E. Deverman)拒绝接受她的辞呈,他只说他们太天真了,没有预料到人们的激烈反应。
        Chan’s role has been so contentious that many scientists declined to discuss her at all. One of the few virus experts who was willing to comment flatly dismissed the possibility of a lab leak.
        “I believe there is no way the virus was genetically modified or person-made,” said Susan Weiss, co-director of the Penn Center for Research on Coronaviruses and Other Emerging Pathogens at University of Pennsylvania, who also dismissed the possibility that the virus may have accidentally escaped the lab. “It is clearly zoonotic, from bats.”
        “我认为病毒不可能经过基因修改,也不可能是人造的,”宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)冠状病毒和其他新兴病原体研究中心(Penn Center for Research on Coronaviruses and Other Emerging Pathogens)联席主任苏珊·韦斯(Susan Weiss)说。她还排除了病毒意外逃出实验室的可能性。“这显然是由蝙蝠引起的人畜共患疾病。”
        Others said Chan was brave to put alternative hypotheses on the table.
        “Alina Chan deserves the credit for challenging the conventional narrative and asking this question,” said Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist at Yale University. “It is not easy for a junior scientist to openly challenge an established narrative.”
        “艾琳娜·陈挑战了传统叙事,提出了这个问题,这一点值得称赞,”耶鲁大学免疫学家岩崎明子(Akiko Iwasaki)说,“一个初级科学家公开挑战一个既定的说法并不容易。”
        As she sipped unsweetened ice tea and chatted about her ideas recently, Chan seemed an unlikely provocateur. She insisted that she was still on the fence about the virus’s origins, torn “50-50” between the natural route and lab accident hypotheses.
        No scientific journal ever published her paper. Determined to draw the attention to what she considered a critical question that had to be answered in order to prevent a future pandemic, Chan took to Twitter, mastering the art of tutorial threads and gathering followers.
        She is now in “worse shape” than before, Chan said: “Now I’m getting attacked from both sides. The scientists are still attacking me, and the lab leak proponents are attacking me, too, because I won’t go all the way and say it’s from a lab. I keep telling them I can’t, because there is no evidence.”
        Critics say Chan bears some responsibility for the backlash.
        Early last year on Twitter, she appeared to accuse scientists and editors “who are directly or indirectly covering up severe research integrity issues surrounding the key SARS-2-like viruses to stop and think,” adding, “If your actions obscure SARS2 origins, you’re playing a hand in the death of millions of people.” (She subsequently deleted the tweet.)
        Lab-leak proponents — who have called her “an apologist” for virus experts — have also been irked by the fact that Chan received so much credit for putting the question on the public agenda.
        Scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology said in early 2020 that they had found a virus in their database whose genome sequence was 96.2% similar to that of SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus.
        But it was internet sleuths and scientists who discovered that the virus matched one harvested in a cave linked to a pneumonia outbreak in 2012 that killed three miners — and that the Wuhan lab’s genomic database of bat coronaviruses was taken offline in late 2019.
        Chan also landed a deal with Harper Collins, for an undisclosed amount, to co-author a book with Matt Ridley, a bestselling but controversial science writer who has been criticized for downplaying the seriousness of climate change.
        陈还拿到了哈珀科林斯(Harper Collins)的出版合同,具体金额不明,她将与有争议的科普畅销书作家迈特·里德利(Matt Ridley)合作写书,里德利由于淡化气候变化的严重性而受到了指责。
        She denies accusations that she is writing the book for financial gain, saying she simply wants a complete record of the facts that will last longer than a Twitter feed. She plans to donate the proceeds to a COVID-related charity.
        “I don’t need money and frills,” she said.
        Chan was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, but her parents returned to their native Singapore when she was an infant. She was a teen when the SARS epidemic hit there.
        “People were dying of SARS, and it was nonstop on TV,” she recalled. “I was 15, and it really stuck with me. There were pictures of body bags in hospital hallways.”
        “When COVID started, many people in Boston thought it was no big deal, that flu is worse,” she said. “I remember thinking, ‘This is serious business.’ ”
        She returned to Canada after high school, studying biochemistry and molecular biology at University of British Columbia, and completing a Ph.D. in medical genetics. By age 25, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, and then she took a position working for Deverman, who is the director of the vector engineering research group at the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.
        她在高中毕业后回到加拿大,在不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)读生物化学和分子生物学专业,拿到了一个医学基因学博士学位。到了25岁时,她已经是一名哈佛大学博士后,而后开始为德弗曼工作,当时德弗曼是麻省理工和哈佛布罗德研究所斯坦利精神病学研究中心(Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)矢量工程研究组负责人。
        Chan is “insightful, incredibly determined and apparently fearless,” Deverman said, and she has an uncanny ability “to synthesize large amounts of complex information, distill all of the details down to the most critical points and then communicate them in easy to understand language.”
        She remains equivocal about the origins of the virus. “I’m leaning toward the lab leak theory now, but there are also days when I seriously consider that it could be from nature,” she said.
        “On those days, I feel mostly really, really sorry for the scientists who are implicated as possible sources for the virus,” she said.
        Referring to Shi Zhengli, the top Chinese virus expert who leads the research on emerging infectious diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chan said, “I feel really sad for her situation. The stakes could not be higher.”

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