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Chinese video game shares plunge after state media calls its products ‘spiritual opium.’

来源:纽约时报    2021-08-04 09:54

        Shares of Tencent Holdings and other prominent Chinese video-game companies plunged in Hong Kong trading on Tuesday after a Beijing-affiliated media outlet called their products “spiritual opium.”        周二,腾讯控股和其他中国知名视频游戏公司的股票在香港股市暴跌。此前,一家官媒称这些公司的产品为“精神鸦片”。
        The blast from the state-affiliated media outlet, the Economic Information Daily, came after months of increased pressure from Beijing aimed at the broader Chinese internet industry, which serves one billion users. That pressure has moved global investors to pull billions of dollars out of Chinese technology stocks, on fears that tighter regulation could hurt company prospects.        官方媒体《经济参考报》发表这番言论之前,北京已连续数月对服务于10亿用户的中国互联网行业施以不断加大的压力。这种压力促使全球投资者从中国科技股中撤出数十亿美元,他们担心更严格的监管可能会损害公司的前景。
        The article from the Economic Information Daily did not declare that any specific policy changes would be made, and it was unclear whether it reflected the views of Beijing officials or merely those of the publication’s editors.        《经济参考报》的这篇文章并没有宣称会有任何具体的政策调整,也不清楚这篇文章是反映了北京官员的观点,还是仅仅反映了该报编辑的观点。
        Further adding to the uncertainty, the link to the article went dead later on Tuesday, though a copy could still be found on the site of Xinhua, the official state news agency, which controls the Economic Information Daily.        周二晚些时候,这篇文章的链接失效,进一步增加了事情的不确定性。不过,在官方新闻机构新华社的网站上,仍能找到这篇文章的副本。《经济参考报》是新华社旗下媒体。
        Despite the uncertainty, nervous investors were quick to sell shares.        尽管存在不确定性,紧张的投资者还是迅速抛售股票。
        Tencent, a technology conglomerate with a big presence in social media and entertainment in addition to video games, saw its shares drop about 10 percent at one point, though the losses moderated later on Tuesday and ended down about 7 percent. NetEase, another mainland video game company, saw its shares drop nearly 9 percent.        在电子游戏之外,腾讯还是一家在社交媒体和娱乐领域都有很大影响力的科技企业集团。该公司股价一度下跌了约10%,不过周二晚些时候跌幅有所回落,最终下跌约7%。另一家大陆电子游戏公司网易的股价下跌了近9%。
        The article’s headline — “A ‘spiritual opium’ has grown into an industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars” — left little doubt at the thrust of the piece. It cited a litany of threats posed by video games, including diverting attention from school and family and causing nearsightedness.        这篇文章的标题——《“精神鸦片”竟长成数千亿产业》——让人毫不怀疑它的主旨。文章列举了电子游戏带来的一系列危害,包括分散孩子对学校和家庭的注意力,以及导致近视。
        “No industry or sport should develop at the price of destroying a generation,” it said.        “任何一个产业、一项竞技都不能以毁掉一代人的方式来发展,”该文章说。
        The article singled out Tencent, which owns games popular in China like Honor of Kings as well as titles popular around the world, like League of Legends.        这篇文章特别提到了腾讯,该公司拥有《王者荣耀》等在中国流行的游戏,以及《英雄联盟》(League of Legends)等在世界各地流行的游戏。
        Tencent on Tuesday released a statement on its WeChat social media network describing some of the limits it recently decided to put into place, like limiting game time for minors and increased efforts to ferret out those who lie about their age to play.        周二,腾讯在旗下的社交媒体网络微信上发布了一份声明,介绍了最近决定采取的一些措施,比如限制未成年用户的在线时长,加大力度巡查谎报年龄的玩家。
        The scrutiny isn’t new to Tencent or the industry. More than half of Chinese internet users play online games, according to government statistics. In the past, officials have worried that games could hurt children’s academics, damage their eyesight and reduce the country’s military readiness. In 2019, the authorities limited the amount of time young people could spend playing games online.        这种审查对腾讯或整个行业来说都不是什么新鲜事。根据政府统计数据,有超过一半的中国网民在玩网络游戏。过去,官员们担心游戏会影响孩子们的学业,损害他们的视力,破坏国家的军事准备状态。2019年,当局对未成年人在线玩游戏的时长做出了限制。

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