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Apple says photos in iCloud will be checked by child abuse detection system

来源:中国日报    2021-08-10 15:37

        The disclosure came in a series of media briefings in which Apple is seeking to dispel alarm over its announcement last week that it will scan users' phones, tablets and computers for millions of illegal pictures.上周,苹果宣布将扫描用户手机、平板电脑和电脑,与数百万张非法图片进行比对,引发广泛担忧。此次苹果在一系列媒体发布会上披露检查方式,是为了消除人们此前的担忧。
        Some said they expected that governments would seek to force the iPhone maker to expand the system to peer into devices for other material.有人表示,他们认为政府将试图迫使苹果公司扩展该系统,以便窥探设备上的其他内容。
        Julie Cordua, chief executive of Thorn, a group that has developed technology to help law enforcement officials detect sex trafficking, said about half of child sexual abuse material is formatted as video.Thorn集团的首席执行官朱莉·科尔多瓦说,大约一半的儿童性虐待内容为视频格式。该公司开发了一项帮助执法人员侦查性贩卖的技术。
        Apple has come under international pressure for the low numbers of its reports of abuse material compared with other providers. Some European jurisdictions are debating legislation to hold platforms more accountable for the spread of such material.与其他供应商相比,苹果上报虐待内容的数量较少,因此受到国际压力。一些欧洲地区正在讨论通过立法,要求平台对此类内容的传播承担更多责任。
        The executives acknowledged that a user could be implicated by malicious actors who win control of a device and remotely install known child abuse material. But they said they expected any such attacks to be very rare and that in any case a review would then look for other signs of criminal hacking.苹果高管们承认,用户可能会受到恶意行为人的牵连,这些人可能获得设备的控制权,并远程置入虐童内容。但他们认为此类攻击是非常罕见的,再者,他们在审查时都会检查黑客入侵的痕迹。

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