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Apple says photos in iCloud will be checked by child abuse detection system

来源:中国日报    2021-08-10 15:37

        Apple Inc on Monday said that iPhone users' entire photo libraries will be checked for known child abuse images if they are stored in the online iCloud service.苹果公司8月9日表示,如果iPhone用户将照片存储到iCloud服务,苹果会检查照片中是否存在已发现的虐童内容。
        While Google, Microsoft and other technology platforms check uploaded photos or emailed attachments against a database of identifiers provided by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and other clearing houses, security experts faulted Apple's plan as more invasive.虽然谷歌、微软和其他技术平台会根据全美失踪和受剥削儿童中心和其他信息交换中心提供的标识符数据库与上传的照片或电子邮件附件进行比对,但安全专家认为苹果的计划更具侵入性。
        In the briefing on Monday, Apple officials said the company's system, which will roll out this fall with the release of its iOS 15 operating system, will check existing files on a user's device if users have those photos synched to the company's storage servers.苹果公司官员在8月9日的发布会上表示,该系统将在今年秋天与iOS 15操作系统一起发布,如果用户将手机里的照片同步到苹果公司的存储服务器,系统将检查对这些文件进行检查。
        Apple's system does not check videos before they are uploaded to the company's cloud, but the company said it plans to expand its system in unspecified ways in the future.苹果公司的系统在视频上传到云端之前不会检查视频,但该公司表示,他们计划在未来以未指明的方式扩展这个系统。
        Company executives argued on Monday that on-device checks preserve privacy more than running checks on Apple's cloud storage directly. Among other things, the architecture of the new system does not tell Apple anything about a user's content unless a threshold number of images has been surpassed, which then triggers a human review.苹果公司高管8月10日表示,与直接在苹果云存储上进行检查相比,在设备上的检查更能保护隐私。除此之外,新系统的架构不会向苹果报告任何用户内容信息,除非对比发现的内容达到一定数量,触发人工审查。

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