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Cats see their humans as parents — maybe even more so than dogs, according to study

来源:中国日报    2021-08-11 16:49

        But felines do feel affection towards their humans, they simply express it differently — and it’s not just cat people saying it! Now there’s science to prove it, too.但猫科动物确实是喜欢人类的,只是它们的表达方式不同——而且不仅仅是养猫人士这么说!现在也有科学证明了这一点。
        The study, published in Current Biology, examined how kitten subjects reacted after spending two minutes with their caretaker, being left alone, then reuniting for another two minutes. After the experiment, they categorized each kitten by the attachment styles assigned to human babies and dogs in previous studies — secure, ambivalent, avoidant, and disorganized.这项发表在《当代生物学》上的研究测试了小猫在与看护人呆上两分钟后被单独留下,然后和看护人重新团聚两分钟之后的反应。实验结束后,研究人员根据此前研究中给人类婴儿和狗狗划分的依恋类型对每只小猫进行分类——安全型、矛盾型、回避型和无序型。
        What’s more, cats’ behavioural patterns remained consistent when the OSU team recreated the experiment with a group of fully grown cats. Thus: Kittens and cats show the same level of affection to their caregivers as human babies, and maybe even slightly more than dogs.更重要的是,当该研究团队用一组成年猫重新进行实验时,猫咪的行为模式保持一致。因此:小猫和成年猫对看护者的爱恋程度与人类婴儿相同,甚至可能比狗略高。

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