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Cats see their humans as parents — maybe even more so than dogs, according to study

来源:中国日报    2021-08-11 16:49

        Cats have a rotten reputation as a cold and distant domesticated animal — at least compared to their main competitor, known as “man’s best friend(dogs).”作为一种冷漠而疏离的家养动物,猫咪的名声并不太好,至少与它们的主要竞争对手,“人类最好的朋友(狗狗)”相比是这样。
        Oregon State University researchers concluded that cats really do actually love their humans — or at the very least, see them as parents or caregivers — after conducting a study on kittens, modeled after previous research on dogs and babies.俄勒冈州立大学的研究人员模仿此前对狗狗和婴儿的研究,对小猫咪也进行了一番研究,并得出结论:猫咪真的真的很爱主人——或者至少是把主人看做父母或“照顾者”。
        64 percent of the kittens demonstrated a “secure attachment style” to their caregiver, meaning the cat seemed distraught when they left the room but “displayed a reduced stress response” upon their return.64%
        On the other hand, about 30 percent of the kittens were found to have an “insecure attachment style,” which means their stress levels did not decrease upon their person’s return to the room. That said, this split is consistent with the literature on human children — so the smaller percentage with insecure attachment styles is not specific to cats, contrary to popular belief. Also of note: The percentage of cats with “secure” attachment styles is actually higher than dogs’ — only 58 per cent of dogs demonstrated the “secure” attachment, while 42 percent were categorized as insecure.另一方面,大约30%的小猫出现“不安全依恋”,这意味着当看护人回到房间时,小猫的压力水平并没有降低。也就是说,这种划分比例与对人类儿童的研究文献是一致的——因此,与普遍观点相反,较少比例的不安全依恋型并非猫咪特有的。同样值得注意的是:“安全依恋型”的猫咪比例实际上高于狗狗——只有58%的狗狗表现出“安全”依恋,而42%被归类为“不安全依恋”。

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