“仇恨病毒”肆虐 美国已报告近万起反亚裔事件_OK阅读网
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“仇恨病毒”肆虐 美国已报告近万起反亚裔事件
More than 9,000 anti-Asian incidents reported in US since pandemic started

来源:中国日报    2021-08-17 08:00

        More than 9,000 anti-Asian incidents have been reported across the United States since the coronavirus pandemic began, according to a report released on Thursday.8月12日发布的一份报告显示,自新冠疫情暴发以来,美国各地已报告的反亚裔事件达9000多起。
        Since the coronavirus was first reported in China, members of Asian American and Pacific Islander communities across the US have faced bigotry in the form of verbal harassment and physical attacks. Many blame Donald Trump for helping to stir anti-Asian sentiment by using racist terms when referring to the virus, such as “Chinese virus” and “kung flu”.自中国首次报告新冠病毒以来,亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民所在社区就面临着语言骚扰和人身攻击等形式的种族偏见。许多人指责唐纳德·特朗普在提到病毒时使用了种族主义术语,如“中国病毒”和“中国流感”,助长了反亚裔情绪。
        The number of seniors – 60 years old and older – reporting hate crimes increased from 6.5% in 2020 to 7.2% in 2021. Since the pandemic began, most of the headline-making attacks have involved senior Asians across the country, with many being beaten, kicked, shoved or stabbed.老年人(60岁及以上)报告仇恨犯罪的人数从2020年的6.5%增加到2021年的7.2%。自新冠疫情暴发以来,大多数成为新闻头条的攻击事件都涉及全美各地的亚裔老年人,其中许多人遭到殴打、踢踹、推搡或刺伤。
        A reporting spike usually occurs after a high-profile incident such as the 16 March Atlanta spa shootings that left eight people dead, including six Asian women.报告高峰通常发生在引人注目的事件之后,比如,3月16日“亚特兰大枪击案”导致8人死亡,其中包括6名亚裔女性。
        Stop AAPI Hate praised the bill but criticized its focus on law enforcement over community-led reform.“停止仇恨亚太裔”对该法案表示赞赏,但批评其将重点放在执法上,而不是社区主导的改革。

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