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W.H.O. Says China Has Eliminated Malaria

来源:纽约时报    2021-07-01 02:14

        The World Health Organization declared China free of malaria on Wednesday after a seven-decade campaign against the disease, which has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the country.        世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)周三宣布,经过70年的抗击疟疾努力之后,中国获得了世卫组织给予的无疟疾认证。疟疾曾在中国导致数十万人死亡。
        The achievement is a major milestone for the world’s most populous nation — China is the first country in the W.H.O. Western Pacific region to be awarded a malaria-free certification in more than three decades. The only other countries in the region that have eradicated malaria are Australia, Brunei and Singapore, according to the global health agency.        该成就是这个世界上人口最多国家的一个重要里程碑——中国是世卫组织西太平洋区域30多年来第一个获得无疟疾认证的国家。据世卫组织的数据,该地区只有其他三个国家获得了无疟疾认证:澳大利亚、文莱和新加坡。
        “Today we congratulate the people of China on ridding the country of malaria,” Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the W.H.O., said in a statement.        “今天,我们祝贺中国人民消除了疟疾,”世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞博士(Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)在一份声明中说。
        “Their success was hard-earned and came only after decades of targeted and sustained action,” he added. “With this announcement, China joins the growing number of countries that are showing the world that a malaria-free future is a viable goal.”        “他们的成功来之不易,是经过几十年有针对性的持续行动才取得的,”谭德塞还说。“随着这一宣布,中国加入了越来越多国家的行列,向世界表明,无疟疾的未来是一个可行的目标。”
        Although the W.H.O. warned that malaria could return to China, the country’s victory over the disease demonstrated that innovative treatments and aggressive tracking of cases can keep it in check.        尽管世卫组织警告,疟疾可能会在中国再次出现,但该国战胜疟疾表明,创新的治疗方法和积极的疾病监测可以遏制疟疾。
        More and more countries are becoming free of malaria, a blood disease contracted through the bite of an infected mosquito. Forty countries and territories have now eradicated the disease, according to the W.H.O.        疟疾是一种血液疾病,通过被受感染的蚊子叮咬来传播,越来越多的国家正在摆脱疟疾的困扰。据世卫组织,目前已有40个国家和地区获得了无疟疾认证。
        Africa still carries a disproportionately high share of the global malaria burden. In 2019, the region was home to 94 percent of malaria cases and deaths. That year, the estimated number of deaths worldwide from malaria stood at 409,000. Most of the victims were children.        非洲仍承受着与其人口不相称的全球疟疾负担。2019年,全球94%的疟疾感染和死亡病例发生在非洲。那年,全世界因疟疾死亡的人数估计是40.9万人。大多数死者是儿童。
        Chinese officials have sought to share their lessons in countering malaria with the African continent. In December 2020, officials from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention held a symposium for that purpose with Harvard University and the W.H.O.        中国官员已寻求与非洲大陆分享他们抗击疟疾的经验。2020年12月,来自中国疾病预防控制中心的官员曾为这个目的与哈佛大学(Harvard University)和世卫组织举行了一次研讨会。
        China has battled malaria for decades. In the 1950s, the country grappled with as many as 30 million cases a year, with a mortality rate of 1 percent. The problem was so dire that Mao Zedong set up a secret military project, Project 523, to find a solution for it.        中国遏制疟疾的努力已进行了几十年。中国在20世纪50年代每年曾发生多达3000万例感染病例,死亡率为1%。疟疾的问题如此之严重,以至于为寻找解决办法,毛泽东启动了一个秘密的军事项目,即“523”项目。
        It was through Project 523 that Tu Youyou, a Chinese scientist, discovered artemisinin, the core compound of the most effective anti-malarial drug today. Dr. Tu was later awarded a Nobel Prize in 2015.        正是通过“523”项目,中国科学家屠呦呦发现了青蒿素,这是当今最有效的抗疟药物的核心化合物。屠呦呦后来在2015年获得了诺贝尔奖。
        In the 1980s, even before the W.H.O. recommended the use of mosquito nets to control malaria, China deployed insecticide-treated nets across the country. By 1988, more than 2.4 million nets had been distributed nationwide.        20世纪80年代,早在世卫组织建议用蚊帐控制疟疾之前,中国就在国内使用药浸蚊帐来预防疟疾。到1988年,在全国范围内分发了240多万顶蚊帐。
        By the end of 1990, the number of malaria cases in China had plummeted to 117,000, and deaths had been reduced by 95 percent. In 2003, China continued to step up training, staffing, laboratory equipment and medicines to combat the scourge.        到1990年底,中国的疟疾病例数已降至11.7万例,死亡人数减少了95%。2003年,中国为抗击疟疾加强了培训、人员配备、实验室设备和药品。
        Beijing decided that it needed to take a more sweeping approach to eradicating the disease in 2010, when the government launched a national malaria elimination plan. Thirteen ministries — including those in health, the police, the army and tourism — were enlisted as part of the nationwide effort.        2010年,中国政府决定为消除疟疾采取更全面的措施,政府启动了全国范围内消除疟疾的计划,动员了包括卫生、警察、军队和旅游部门在内的13个部委展开联合行动。
        These agencies were taught to respond quickly to cases, using what China called a “1-3-7” strategy. It gave a one-day deadline for health facilities to report a malaria diagnosis; a three-day period for the health authorities to confirm a case and determine the risk of spread; and a seven-day timeline for officials to take appropriate measures to prevent further spread.        这些部委按照中国称之为“1-3-7”战略的时间表对出现的疫情做出快速响应。它要求卫生机构在一天内报告疟疾诊断;到第三天结束时,卫生主管部门需要确认病例并确定传播风险;在七天内,必须采取适当的措施来防止疾病的进一步传播。
        This strategy proved to be useful in southwestern Yunnan Province, which ranked No. 1 in China for having the greatest number of high-risk counties for the disease. Yunnan’s rainy season creates prime breeding conditions for mosquitoes to grow. It also borders Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos, countries where malaria is endemic.        这个战略在云南省被证明有效,云南是中国疟疾高发县最多的省份。云南的雨季为蚊子的孳生创造了良好的条件。云南也与疟疾流行的越南、缅甸和老挝接壤。
        Each time a case emerged in Yunnan, local officials tested many members of the community and sounded the alarm. They surveyed which mosquito species had caused the cases and undertook campaigns to kill mosquitoes by spraying insecticide.        云南省每次出现确诊病例后,当地官员都会对社区的许多成员进行检测,敲响警钟。他们对引发感染的蚊子种类进行调查,还发动了喷洒杀虫剂杀死蚊子的运动。
        As a result, Yunnan has not reported a single case of malaria in several years. By 2020, China had gone four years without reporting any malaria cases, according to the W.H.O. In May, members of the independent Malaria Elimination Certification Panel traveled to China to verify that the country had eradicated the disease. It told the W.H.O. that China was malaria-free.        结果是,云南几年来已未报告过一例疟疾感染病例。据世卫组织说,到2020年,中国已连续四年报告零本地病例。今年5月,独立的消除疟疾认证小组成员前往中国,核实该国的无疟疾状态。小组成员告诉世卫组织,中国消除了疟疾。

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