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A Group of Scientists Presses a Case Against the Lab Leak Theory of Covid

来源:纽约时报    2021-07-12 10:39

        In the latest volley of the debate over the origins of the coronavirus, a group of scientists this week presented a review of scientific findings that they argue shows a natural spillover from animal to human is a far more likely cause of the pandemic than a laboratory incident.        在对新型冠状病毒起源最新的一系列辩论中,一组科学家上周发表了一份对有关科学发现的综述。他们认为,这些发现显示,从动物自然溢出到人类引发新冠病毒大流行的可能性远远超过实验室泄漏引发大流行的可能性。
        Among other things, the scientists point to a recent report showing that markets in Wuhan, China, had sold live animals susceptible to the virus, including palm civets and raccoon dogs, in the two years before the pandemic began. They observed the striking similarity that Covid-19’s emergence had to other viral diseases that arose through natural spillovers, and pointed to a variety of newly discovered viruses in animals that are closely related to the one that caused the new pandemic.        这些科学家特别提到最近一份报告。该报告表明,在大流行开始前的两年里,中国武汉的市场出售易受新冠病毒感染的活体动物,包括果子狸和貉。他们注意到,新冠病毒疾病的出现与其他通过自然溢出发生的病毒性疾病有惊人的相似性,并提到在动物中新发现的与导致新冠病毒大流行的病毒关系很近的各种病毒。
        The back and forth among scientists is taking place while intelligence agencies are working with an end-of-summer deadline to provide President Biden with an assessment of the origin of the pandemic. There is now a division among intelligence officials as to which scenario for viral origin is more likely.        科学家们对病毒起源问题反复讨论的同时,情报部门正努力在夏末的最后期限之前向拜登总统提交关于大流行起源的评估报告。目前情报官员对病毒起源的哪种可能性更大存在分歧。
        The new paper, which was posted online on Wednesday but has yet to be published in a scientific journal, was written by a team of 21 virologists. Four of them also collaborated on a 2020 paper in Nature Medicine that largely dismissed the possibility that the virus became a human pathogen through laboratory manipulation.        这篇综述上周三发表在网络上,尚未在科学期刊上正式发表,文章是一个由21名病毒学家组成的小组撰写的,其中四人也是《自然医学》(Nature Medicine) 2020年一篇文章的共同作者,该文在很大程度上驳斥了新冠病毒通过实验室操作成为人类病原体的可能性。
        In the new paper, the scientists provided more evidence in favor of the virus having spilled over from an animal host outside of a laboratory. Joel Wertheim, a virologist at the University of California, San Diego, and a co-author, said that an important point in support of a natural origin was the “uncanny similarity” between the Covid and SARS pandemics. Both viruses emerged in China in the late fall, he said, with the first known cases popping up near animal markets in cities — Wuhan in the case of Covid, and Shenzen in the case of SARS.        在新综述中,科学家为病毒是在实验室外从动物宿主溢出到人类给出了更多的支持证据。加州大学圣迭戈分校(University of California, San Diego)的病毒学家乔尔·韦特海姆(Joel Wertheim)是文章作者之一,他说,一个支持自然起源的重要观点是,新冠病毒病与SARS之间有着“惊人的相似之处”。他说,这两种病毒都是晚秋时候在中国出现,最早的已知病例都发生在城市的动物市场附近——新冠病毒感染发生在武汉,SARS发生在深圳。
        In the SARS epidemic, the new paper points out scientists eventually traced the origin to viruses that infected bats far from Shenzen.        这篇综述指出,关于SARS疫情,科学家最终将疾病的源头追溯到在远离深圳的地方感染了蝙蝠的病毒。
        Based on the distribution of viruses similar to the new coronavirus across Asia, Dr. Wertheim and his colleagues predict the origin of SARS-CoV-2 will also be far from Wuhan.        根据与新型冠状病毒类似的病毒在亚洲的分布情况,韦特海姆及其同事预测,引发此次大流行的病毒SARS-CoV-2的源头也在远离武汉的地方。
        Since first surfacing in the final months of 2019, this pandemic’s viral culprit has yet to be found naturally occurring in any animal.        自从疫情在2019年的最后几个月首次出现以来,引发此次大流行的病毒尚未在自然发生在任何动物体内的病毒中找到。
        In May, another team of 18 scientists published a letter arguing that the possibility of a lab leak needed to be taken seriously, because there was too little evidence to favor a natural origin of the coronavirus or a leak from a lab. Wuhan, where the pandemic was first documented, is home to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or W.I.V. for short, where researchers have studied coronaviruses from bats for years.        今年5月,另一个18名科学家的小组发表了一封公开信,认为需要认真对待实验室泄漏的可能性,因为没有多少支持新冠病毒自然起源的证据,也没有多少支持实验室泄漏的证据。武汉是最早记录了新冠病毒感染病例的地方,也是武汉病毒研究所的所在地。该所的研究人员多年来一直在研究蝙蝠的冠状病毒。
        One of the signers of the May 2021 letter, Michael Worobey of the University of Arizona, became a co-author of the new paper arguing for a natural spillover.        亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)的迈克尔·沃洛贝(Michael Worobey)曾是今年5月那封信的签署者,如今成了这份主张自然溢出说的新综述的共同作者。
        He said his views have evolved as more information emerges. Among other reasons for Dr. Worobey’s shift was the growing evidence about the Huanan animal market in Wuhan. When the pandemic first arose in Wuhan, Chinese officials tested hundreds of samples from animals sold at the market and did not find the coronavirus in any of them.        他说,他的观点随着更多信息的出现而逐渐改变。让沃洛贝改变想法的其他原因包括,有关武汉华南海鲜市场的证据越来越多。新冠病毒大流行最初在武汉暴发后,中国官员检测了该市场出售的数百个动物的样本,没有在其中发现新冠病毒。
        But last month a team of researchers presented an inventory of 47,381 animals from 38 species sold in Wuhan markets between May 2017 and November 2019. It included species like civets and raccoon dogs that can act as intermediate hosts for coronaviruses.        但上个月,一个研究组发表了一份从2017年5月到2019年11月在武汉各个市场出售的47381只动物的清单,这些动物来自38个物种,包括果子狸和貉等能为新冠病毒充当中间宿主的物种。
        Dr. Worobey called that study “a game-changing paper.”        沃洛贝称该研究是“彻底改变形势的论文”。
        He also pointed to the timing of the earliest cases of Covid in Wuhan. “The Huanan market is right at the epicenter of the outbreak, with later cases then radiating outward in space from there,” Dr. Worobey said in an email.        他还提到最早的新冠病毒病例在武汉出现的特定时间。“华南市场是疫情暴发的中心,后来的病例在空间上是从那里向外辐射出去的,”沃洛贝在电子邮件中写道。
        “No early cases cluster anywhere near the W.I.V., which has been the focus of most speculation about a possible lab escape,” he said.        “武汉病毒研究所附近没有任何早期的聚集性感染病例,该研究所一直是关于实验室泄露可能性的主要猜测焦点,”他说。
        Other scientists, however, say that such arguments are speculative, and that the new review is mostly a rehash of what was already known.        但其他科学家说,新综述提出的论点都是推测性的,而且主要是重新表述了人们已知的东西。
        “Basically, it really boils down to an argument that because nearly all previous pandemics were of natural origin, this one must be as well,” said David Relman, a microbiologist at Stanford University who organized the May letter to Science.        “新综述其实可归结为一个论点,那就是,因为以前所有的大流行病几乎都是自然起源,所以这一次也一定如此,”斯坦福大学(Stanford University)微生物学家戴维·雷尔曼(David Relman)说,他是今年5月在《科学》(Science)杂志发表的那封公开信的组织者。
        He noted that he does not object to the natural origin hypothesis as a plausible explanation for the pandemic origin. But Dr. Relman thinks the new paper presented “a selective sampling of findings to argue one side.”        他指出,他不反对将自然起源假说作为大流行起源的一种合理解释。但雷尔曼认为,新综述“为支持一方的观点,对研究结果进行了选择性取用”。
        Dr. Worobey and his colleagues also presented evidence in their new paper against the idea that so-called gain-of-function research that intentionally alters the function of a virus might have played a role in the pandemic. The researchers argue that the genome of the coronavirus shows no compelling signatures of being manipulated. And the diversity of coronavirus scientists have been discovering in Asian bats could have served as the evolutionary wellspring for Covid-19.        沃洛贝及其同事也在他们的新综述中给出证据,反对了所谓“功能获得型”研究(即有意改变病毒的功能)可能在新冠病毒大流行中起了作用的观点。这些研究人员认为,新冠病毒的基因组不带有令人信服的人为操纵标志。而且,科学家在亚洲蝙蝠身上发现的冠状病毒多样性本来就有可能成为新冠病毒演化的来源。
        But Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University and a persistent critic of attempts to diminish the likelihood of a laboratory leak, said that this was a straw-man argument.        但罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)的分子生物学家理查德·埃布赖特(Richard Ebright)说,这是稻草人谬误。埃布赖特一直不懈批评降低实验室泄漏假说可能性的企图。
        Dr. Ebright said it was possible that a W.I.V. lab worker might have contracted the coronavirus on a field expedition to study bats or while processing a virus at the lab. The new paper, he argued, failed to address such possibilities.        埃布赖特说,武汉病毒研究所的实验室工作人员有可能在野外研究蝙蝠时、或在实验室处理病毒时感染了这种冠状病毒。他认为新综述没有讨论这种可能性。
        “The review does not advance the discussion,” Dr. Ebright said.        “综述并没有推动这种讨论,”埃布赖特说。

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