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After months in limbo, Taiwan finally has a deal to acquire BioNTech shots.

来源:纽约时报    2021-07-13 12:21

        BioNTech on Monday announced a deal to provide 10 million doses of its coronavirus vaccine to Taiwan, easing a serious shortage there and ending months of deadlock stemming from the self-ruling island’s complicated relationship with China, which considers Taiwan part of its territory.        BioNTech周一宣布向台湾提供1000万剂新冠病毒疫苗,缓解了台湾疫苗严重短缺的局面,并结束了由于自治的台湾与中国之间复杂的关系而导致的长达数月的僵局。中国将台湾视为其领土的一部分。
        The deal is a convoluted one, reflecting the delicate needle that had to be threaded.        这是一笔错综复杂的交易,反映出不得不穿针引线一般的微妙局面。
        The vaccines will be purchased, then donated to Taiwan’s government, by two of the island’s most prominent corporate titans — Foxconn, a major assembler of Apple’s iPhones; and TSMC, which makes the cutting-edge chips in Apple’s latest devices — in conjunction with the YongLin Foundation, a charity set up by Foxconn’s founder, Terry Gou.        这些疫苗将由台湾两家最知名的企业巨头富士康和台积电,连同永龄基金会共同购买,然后捐赠给台湾政府——富士康是苹果iPhone的主要组装商,台积电是苹果最新设备的尖端芯片制造商,永龄基金会是富士康创始人郭台铭设立的慈善机构。
        The shots will be sold by Fosun Pharma, the Shanghai company that is BioNTech’s manufacturing and distribution partner for mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. (BioNTech’s partner in other parts of the world, including the United States, is Pfizer.)        这些疫苗将由复星医药出售,这家上海公司是BioNTech在中国大陆、香港、澳门和台湾的制造和分销合作伙伴。(BioNTech在包括美国在内的世界其他地区的合作伙伴是辉瑞[Pfizer]。)
        And officially, the buyer will be Zuellig Pharma, a Swiss-owned company entrusted with the task by Foxconn, TSMC and YongLin. The New York Times reported last month that discussions had taken place about a deal that would include Zuellig, which is already working with Moderna to supply that company’s coronavirus vaccine in Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.        瑞士公司裕利医药(Zuellig Pharma)将受托于富士康、台积电和永龄基金会,成为这笔交易官方层面上的买家。《纽约时报》上个月报道称,一笔涉及裕利医药的交易正在讨论中,裕利医药已与莫德纳(Moderna)合作,在东南亚、香港、澳门和台湾供应该公司的新冠病毒疫苗。
        For much of this year, it looked as if Taiwan’s efforts to acquire vaccines from BioNTech, a German company, had fallen victim to political tensions with China. Taiwanese officials said that they had negotiated with BioNTech for months before unspecified “Chinese intervention” caused the talks to run aground. Officials in Beijing denied this and said that, given BioNTech’s partnership with Fosun, Taiwan should not have been dealing directly with the German drugmaker in the first place.        在今年的大部分时间里,台湾从德国公司BioNTech购买疫苗的努力似乎成了台湾与中国政治紧张关系的牺牲品。台湾官员表示,他们在与BioNTech展开谈判数月后,谈判因未指明的“中国干预”而搁浅。北京官员否认了这一说法,并表示,鉴于BioNTech与复星的合作关系,台湾一开始就不应该直接与这家德国制药商进行交易。
        Chinese officials have offered to donate vaccines made by Chinese companies and said that Taiwanese people were welcome to get inoculated in China. But Taiwanese law bars the import of Chinese-made vaccines, and opinion polls show that many people in Taiwan distrust them. So far, the island has administered first vaccine doses to around 15 percent of its 23.5 million residents. Many of those shots were donated by Japan or the United States.        中国官员提出捐赠中国公司生产的疫苗,并表示欢迎台湾民众在中国接种疫苗。但台湾法律禁止进口中国制造的疫苗,民意调查也显示,许多台湾人不信任这些疫苗。到目前为止,该岛2350万居民中,已有约15%接种了第一剂疫苗。其中许多疫苗是由日本或美国捐赠的。
        Foxconn, TSMC and YongLin sought to reassure the Taiwanese public in a joint statement on Monday, saying that the BioNTech vaccines they were buying would be imported directly from factories in the European Union and would bear the original labeling. The shots are expected to arrive at the end of September at the earliest, the statement said.        富士康、台积电和永龄周一在一份联合声明中试图安抚台湾公众,称他们购买的BioNTech疫苗将直接从欧盟的工厂进口,并将贴上原始标签。声明说,预计这些疫苗最早将在9月底到达。
        Mr. Gou of Foxconn wrote on his Facebook page that the government in Beijing had not steered the purchase or interfered in it at all.        富士康的郭台铭在他的Facebook页面上写道,北京当局没有对此次疫苗采购过程进行任何指导或干涉。
        Taiwanese health officials expressed their gratitude for the deal on Monday. A spokesman for China’s Taiwan Affairs Office also praised the agreement, though he added that if the island’s government “had considered the life, health and well-being of Taiwan compatriots, this issue could have been resolved sooner.”        台湾卫生官员周一对该协议表示感谢。中国国务院台湾事务办公室一名发言人也对该协议表示赞赏,但他补充说,如果台湾政府“能从台胞生命健康福祉考虑,这件事可以早点促成”。

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