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The Curious World of NFT Real Estate and Design

来源:纽约时报    2021-07-12 01:53

        It’s not uncommon for people to buy vacation homes they may only visit a few times a year. What about a home you never visit? And that doesn’t actually exist?
        The market for digital files sold as “nonfungible tokens,” or NFTs, has exploded this year, most notably when an artwork by Beeple sold for $69.3 million at an online auction held by Christie’s in March. But real estate, architecture and design are also booming in the virtual marketplace.
        Hrish Lotlikar, co-founder and chief executive of SuperWorld, an augmented reality virtual world, said the company had sold “thousands of properties” already in 2021, with users spending, on average, around $2,000 on the virtual real estate platform.
        超级世界(SuperWorld)这一增强现实虚拟世界的联合创始人兼首席执行官赫里什·洛特利卡(Hrish Lotlikar)表示,他的公司在2021年已经售出“数以千计的地产”,用户在这个虚拟地产平台上的平均消费额为2000美元。
        SuperWorld is geographically mapped onto the real world, divided into 64 billion plots of equal size covering the surface of the earth. So a person could theoretically own virtual land encompassing the Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum in Rome or prime commercial property in Lower Manhattan. Or if you’re nostalgically inclined, an NFT of your childhood home.
        “Some of those iconic properties people bought right in the beginning,” said Mr. Lotlikar, who grabbed up nearly 50 virtual properties on his own platform, including one encompassing the Giza pyramids in Egypt, Piccadilly Circus in London and several blocks in Manhattan in and around Times Square. “But everyone, regardless of where you grew up, you have special places.”
        Unpurchased 100-meter by 100-meter plots on SuperWorld cost the same — 0.1 Ether, or the equivalent of $250 based on the recent value of the cryptocurrency.
        “It’s definitely a land grab now,” Mr. Lotlikar said.
        Marcus Fairs, the founder and editor-in-chief of Dezeen, an architecture publication that has covered the world of virtual design sold as NFTs, said many of his readers have pushed back against the trend. “We get angry commentators saying: ‘Just stop, will you?’” Mr. Fairs said. “A lot of people think it’s nonsense.”
        专门报道以NFT形式出售的虚拟设计品的《Dezeen》杂志创刊人兼总编辑马库斯·费尔斯(Marcus Fairs)说,他的许多读者都抵制这一趋势。“有些愤怒的评论者会说:‘停止吧,好吗?’”费尔斯说。“很多人都认为这是无稽之谈。”
        Indeed, isn’t the most essential function of a house to provide physical shelter? What can you do with a virtual sofa if not sit on it? The practical use case is not unlike Lunar Land, the company that sells land on the moon (John Cleese, the comedian and “Monty Python” alum, recently spoofed the NFT craze, and likened it to a classic huckster sales pitch, when he offered an NFT of an iPad drawing of the Brooklyn Bridge for $69.3 million).
        确实,房子最重要的功能难道不是提供现实庇护吗?如果都无法坐在虚拟沙发上,那要它来干什么?它的实际使用案例和国际月球土地注册局(Lunar Land)不同,后者是出售月球土地的公司(巨蟒剧团[Monty Python]中的喜剧演员约翰·克里斯[John Cleese]最近对NFT狂热进行了恶搞,将自己在iPad上绘制的布鲁克林大桥当作NFT出售,模仿典型的小贩推销将之叫价到6930万美元)。
        At this early stage, it’s hard to know whether virtual real estate and architecture is a curious fad or the future. Mr. Fairs, for one, is intrigued by the possibilities. “I do think the movement behind it is valid,” he said. “Clearly, we’re moving very quickly now to a state where a virtual world can do everything we can do in the physical world.”
        If you’re scratching your head at people paying real money for virtual property in a simulated world, consider that Mars House, billed as “the first NFT digital house in the world,” recently sold for 288 Ether, or $512,000.
        如果你对有人在模拟世界中支付真钱购买虚拟资产的行为感到困惑,不妨想想火星之家(Mars House),这一号称“世界上首座NFT数字住宅”的项目最近以288个以太币(约合51.2万美元)的价格售出。
        Krista Kim, the Toronto-based artist who designed Mars House, said she created it on an iPad last spring. She had been making what she described as “digital Zen gardens,” and Mars House, inspired by the serene and stylish architecture of Kyoto, Japan, was her actual dream home: It was designed specifically for the metaverse, the term for a shared virtual space.
        设计火星之家的多伦多艺术家克里斯塔·金(Krista Kim)表示,她去年在iPad上设计了这一住宅。她一直在创作她所谓的“数字禅园”,而火星之家是她真正的梦想之家,其灵感来自日本京都那些沉静而时尚的建筑:它是专门为超元域(metaverse)设计的,超元域是共享虚拟空间的专有代称。
        When she listed Mars House for sale on the NFT marketplace SuperRare, Ms. Kim was curious to see whether this digital house would sell for the amount of a real home. She wasn’t surprised when it did.
        “I could foresee in the future that we would have digital architecture,” Ms. Kim said, where with augmented reality glasses, “people would spend times in digital homes, digital spaces.”
        Mr. Lotlikar imagines monetizing virtual real estate within the metaverse — say, by leasing billboard space to advertisers or buying and selling properties as you would in the physical world. Ms. Kim has been granted permission by the new owner of Mars House to open it for public tours and private events through the virtual reality platform Spatial. “We are going to host the first metaverse wedding in June in the Mars House,” she said.
        Andres Reisinger, a digital artist based in Barcelona, Spain, designs surreal furniture that moves back and forth between the physical and the digital. “The original works are digital,” Mr. Reisinger said. “But it’s very interesting when some of my digital pieces evolve.”
        安德烈斯·雷辛格(Andres Reisinger)是位生活在西班牙巴塞罗那的数字艺术家,他设计的超现实家具可以在现实与数字世界中转换。“原始作品是数字的,”雷辛格说。“但我的一些数字作品的演化是非常有趣的。”
        Take, for instance, his Hortensia chair. Mr. Reisinger created the chair covered with geometric pink petals as a digital work, wanting to capture “the feeling of blooming flowers.” But after posting an image to Instagram, the chair met with such fanfare that he put it into production. A limited-edition sold out through a gallery in Milan, and, depending on the edition number, went for “around 30,000 euros.” Now he is in talks with Moooi, the Dutch furniture brand, to create a line based on his digital designs.
        Mr. Reisinger’s latest NFT furniture series, the Shipping Collection, numbered 10 digital pieces, five of which were physically produced as well, and sold for the equivalent of $450,000 in crypto. “Some collectors were almost rejecting the physical pieces,” Mr. Reisinger said. “For them, the ownership of the artworks was more important.”
        Shipping Collection是雷辛格设计的最新的NFT家居系列,包括10件编号数字家具,其中五件已经有了实物制作,并以相当于45万美元的加密货币价格出售。“一些收藏家基本拒绝所有实物作品,”雷辛格说。“对他们来说,艺术品的所有权更重要。”
        Pablo Fraile, a self-described digital art patron, collects the work of Mr. Reisinger. The work has “a layer of depth,” he said, that is beyond even traditional art. “He was able to produce an object that I have in my home, and I also have the NFT, and I also have the digital object,” said Mr. Fraile. “That is the only single available object of that kind.”
        自称数字艺术赞助人的巴勃罗·弗莱尔(Pablo Fraile)就收藏了雷辛格的作品。他的作品“有一种纵深”,他说,甚至超越了传统艺术。“他能够创造出一样我家里就有的东西,我有了NFT,还有了数字品,”弗莱尔。“这样东西就是独一无二的。”
        Yes, he acknowledged, a real chair is more useful. You can admire it in your home. “But it is less efficient than what I can do with the digital ones,” said Mr. Fraile, who lives in Miami. “We’re going to do a show in Europe. The NFT is going to cost me a few dollars to send and it can be presented in many ways.”
        Shane Dulgeroff, a 27-year-old real estate investor in Southern California, has tried to cash in on the NFT trend and do Mars House and SuperWorld one better. Instead of a digital asset that trades hands, Mr. Dulgeroff is attempting to auction off an actual home in Thousand Oaks, Calif., that also includes an NFT artwork by the artist Kii Arens. The winning bidder for the NFT also gets title to the physical home.
        27岁的南加州房产投资者尚恩·杜尔杰罗夫(Shane Dulgeroff)想利用NFT热潮大赚一笔,而且要赚得比火星之家和超级世界里的房产还多。杜尔杰罗夫打算拍卖的不是抢手的数字资产,而是加州千橡市的一处真实住宅,里面包含艺术家纪伊·阿伦斯(Kii Arens)的一件NFT艺术品。拍得这件NFT的人也将获得现实房屋的所有权。
        Instead of going through the Multiple Listing Service, or MLS, Mr. Dulgeroff used the OpenSea platform, yet another marketplace for digital items and crypto collectibles. The minimum bid is 540 Ether, or around $1.5 million.
        与其经历多重上市服务房源系统(Multiple Listing Service)的手续,杜尔杰罗夫使用了OpenSea平台,这是又一个数字商品和加密收藏品市场。最低出价要求是540以太币(约合150万美元)。
        “Did I want to sell the real estate? Not really,” Mr. Dulgeroff said. “But it’s the first real estate sale being transacted in the NFT format. I was willing to do it to be a navigator of the space.”
        So far, there is more than a week to go, and no bids.

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