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‘Anti-Sex’ Beds in the Olympic Village? A Social Media Theory Is Soon Debunked

来源:纽约时报    2021-07-20 03:35

        Competitors arriving at the Tokyo Olympics have discovered something unusual about the beds in the athletes’ village: They’re made of cardboard.        参加东京奥运会的运动员们发现,奥运村的床有些不同寻常:它们是硬纸板做的。
        Some have shared images on social media of the modular bed frames, which are made by the Japanese company Airweave and are recyclable. Organizers say it is the first time that the beds at the Games will be made almost entirely out of renewable materials.        一些人在社交媒体上分享了模块化床架的图片,这些床架由日本公司爱维福(Airweave)制造,可以回收。组织者表示,奥运会的床几乎全部由可再生材料制成,这还是第一次。
        But in the time of the coronavirus, when Olympic organizers worried about transmission are trying to discourage close contact as much as possible, the unusual bed frames have led some to suggest there’s another motive behind them.        但在新冠病毒流行期间,奥运会组织者担心病毒传播,他们试图尽可能地阻止亲密接触,这种不寻常的床架让一些人认为,它们背后另有动机。
        Paul Chelimo, an American distance runner, speculated on Twitter that the beds were unable to support more than one person and were “aimed at avoiding intimacy among athletes.” Soon the beds were being labeled on social media as “anti-sex.”        美国长跑运动员保罗·切里莫(Paul Chelimo)在Twitter上猜测,这些床不能同时支撑一个以上的人,是“为了避免运动员之间的亲密关系”。很快,这些床在社交媒体上被贴上了“反性爱”(anti-sex)的标签。
        Rhys McClenaghan, a gymnast from Ireland, called the claim “fake news.” A video he posted on Twitter showed him jumping on his bed to demonstrate that it could withstand vigorous activity. The official Olympics Twitter account reposted Mr. McClenaghan’s video, adding: “Thanks for debunking the myth.”        来自爱尔兰的体操运动员里斯·麦克莱纳汉(Rhys McClenaghan)称这种说法是“假新闻”。他在Twitter上发布的一段视频显示,他在自己的床上跳,以证明床能够经受住剧烈活动。奥运会的官方Twitter帐号转发了麦克莱纳汉的视频,并补充说:“谢谢你揭穿了这个传言。”
        The plan for the 18,000 beds and mattresses — 8,000 will also be used for the Paralympics starting next month — was announced before the pandemic started and social distancing restrictions were first put in place, and they’re sturdier than they look.        这18000张床和床垫的计划(其中8000张还将用于下月开始的残奥会)是在疫情开始和社交距离限制首次实施之前宣布的,它们比看起来更坚固。
        “Cardboard beds are actually stronger than the one made of wood or steel,” Airweave said in a statement on Monday.        “纸板床实际上比木头床或钢铁床更坚固,”爱维福公司在周一的声明中说。
        The modular mattresses are customizable to suit athletes of all body types, and the beds can sustain up to 440 pounds, enough for even the most imposing Olympians.        这种模块化床垫是可定制的,以适应各种体型的运动员,而且床可以承受440磅(约200公斤)的重量,即使是最重量级的奥运选手也足够了。
        But Olympic officials still prefer that athletes sleep alone while in Tokyo, and stay away from each other everywhere else as well. A playbook outlining safety measures advises Olympic participants to “avoid unnecessary forms of physical contact such as hugs, high-fives and handshakes.”        但奥运会官员仍然希望运动员在东京时独自睡觉,在其他任何地方也不要彼此接触。一份概述安全措施的手册建议奥运选手“避免不必要的身体接触,如拥抱、击掌和握手”。
        To further discourage carousing, alcohol sales will be banned. Condoms, which have been distributed at the Olympics since the Seoul Games in 1988, will be provided to encourage safe sex, but only about one-third as many as the record 450,000 handed out at the Rio Games in 2016. And Olympic officials have made it clear that they are intended for athletes to use only once they’re back in their home countries.        为了进一步抑制狂欢活动,酒类销售将被禁止。自1988年汉城奥运会以来,奥运会一直在发放保险套,以此鼓励安全性行为,但此次发放的避孕套仅为2016年奥运会创纪录的45万个的三分之一。奥运官员已经明确表示,这些安全套只提供给运动员在回到本国后使用。
        The restrictions reflect widespread concern about the coronavirus as the Olympics get underway, especially with the highly contagious Delta variant fueling outbreaks around Asia. A strict testing regime has turned up dozens of positive results this month as more than 18,000 people have arrived in Tokyo for the Games.        从这些限制措施可以看出在奥运会开幕之际人们对新冠病毒的普遍担忧,尤其是传染性极强的Delta病毒变种正在亚洲各地引发疫情。本月,超过1.8万人抵达东京参加奥运会,在严格的检测制度下,已经发现了数十个阳性结果。
        Over the weekend, officials confirmed the first three cases inside the athletes’ village, including one organizer and two competitors. Some athletes have pulled out of the Games over safety fears, while others, like the teenage American tennis star Coco Gauff, have withdrawn after testing positive.        上周末,有关官员确认了奥运村内首批三个病例,包括一名组织者和两名运动员。一些运动员出于安全担忧退出了奥运会,还有一些运动员,比如美国网球少女明星可可·高夫(Coco Gauff),则在检测呈阳性后退出了比赛。

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