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China denounces the W.H.O.’s call for another look at the Wuhan lab as ‘shocking’ and ‘arrogant.’

来源:纽约时报    2021-07-22 03:28

        Chinese officials said on Thursday that they were shocked and offended by a World Health Organization proposal to further investigate whether the coronavirus emerged from a lab in Wuhan, exposing a widening rift over the inquiry into the origins of the pandemic.        中国官员周四表示,他们对世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)提出的进一步调查新冠病毒是否来自武汉的一个实验室的提议感到惊讶和被冒犯,这暴露出在调查疫情起源方面不断扩大的分歧。
        Senior Chinese health and science officials pushed back vigorously against the idea of opening the Wuhan Institute of Virology to renewed investigation after the W.H.O. director-general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, laid out plans to examine laboratories in the central city of Wuhan, where the first cases of Covid-19 appeared in late 2019.        在世卫组织总干事谭德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)博士提出了检查中部城市武汉的实验室的计划后,中国卫生和科学界的高级官员强烈反对开放武汉病毒所接受新一轮调查的想法。武汉于2019年末出现了首批新冠疫情病例。
        Zeng Yixin, the vice minister of the Chinese National Health Commission, said at a news conference in Beijing that he was “extremely shocked” at the W.H.O.’s plan to renew attention on the possibility that the virus had leaked from a Wuhan lab.        中国国家卫生健康委员会副主任曾益新在北京的一次新闻发布会上表示,他对世卫组织重新关注病毒可能泄漏自武汉的一个实验室的计划感到“十分吃惊”。
        “I could feel that this plan revealed a lack of respect for common sense and an arrogant attitude toward science,” Mr. Zeng said. “We can’t possibly accept such a plan for investigating the origins.”        该计划“在一些方面可以说是既不尊重常识,也违背科学,”曾益新说。“我们是不可能接受这样一个溯源计划的。”
        A joint investigation by the W.H.O. and China found that said it was “extremely unlikely” that the coronavirus escaped from a Wuhan lab, according to a report released in March. Many scientists say that the virus most likely jumped from animals to people through natural spillover in a market or a similar setting.        根据今年3月发布的一份报告,世卫组织和中国的一项联合调查发现,新冠病毒从武汉的一个实验室泄漏的可能性“极小”。许多科学家表示,这种病毒最有可能是在市场或类似环境中通过自然溢出从动物传染给人的。
        But some scientists have said that the initial inquiry was premature in dismissing the lab leak idea. The United States and other governments have pressed China to share more information, especially from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.        但一些科学家表示,最初的调查对于否定实验室泄漏的想法还为时过早。美国和其他国家政府向中国施压,要求其分享更多信息,尤其是武汉病毒研究所的信息。
        At the news conference on Thursday, several Chinese officials asserted that the W.H.O. inquiry got it right the first time, and that there was no evidence to justify renewed checks of the labs. The W.H.O. investigators should instead focus their search on signs of natural transmission, they said, and the possibility that the virus may have first spread outside China.        在周四的新闻发布会上,几名中国官员声称,世卫组织的第一次调查已经把事情搞清楚,没有证据表明重新检查实验室是合理的。他们说,世卫组织的调查人员应该把溯源重点集中在自然进化,以及病毒首先在中国境外传播的可能性。
        In recent days, a spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry and Global Times, a news outlet overseen by the Chinese Communist Party, have gone even further in pushing back against the demands on Beijing. They have reiterated claims — widely dismissed by scientists — that the coronavirus may have escaped from a U.S. military laboratory. A petition organized by Global Times calling for an inquiry into the American facility claims to have collected nearly six million signatures.        最近几天,中国外交部发言人和中国共产党监管的新闻机构《环球时报》进一步反击了对北京的要求。他们重申了被科学家广泛驳斥的说法,即新冠病毒可能是从美国的军事实验室逃出来的。《环球时报》组织了一份请愿书,要求对美国的设施进行调查,声称已经收集到近600万个签名。

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