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Tony Podesta is hired to lobby by Huawei and a Bulgarian energy company.

来源:纽约时报    2021-07-26 11:08

        WASHINGTON — The Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei has hired the veteran Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta as part of an expanded campaign to improve relations with the Biden administration.
        华盛顿——为了进一步改善与拜登政府的关系,中国电信巨头华为聘请了资深民主党说客托尼·波德斯塔(Tony Podesta)。
        Mr. Podesta has deep connections inside the White House, including to President Biden and his close counselor Steve Ricchetti. But Mr. Podesta has been out of lobbying since late 2017, when his $42-million-a-year lobbying and public relations firm collapsed amid a federal investigation that rendered him toxic.
        波德斯塔在白宫内部人脉深厚,包括与拜登总统及其亲密顾问史蒂夫·里凯蒂(Steve Ricchetti)的关系。但自2017年底以来,波德斯塔一直没有再参与游说活动,当时,他每年4200万美元的游说报酬,再加上不少公关公司在一次联邦调查中纷纷倒闭,让他成了一个问题人物。
        He turned to his vast modern art collection for income, but in recent weeks, he began exploring a return to lobbying, holding talks with prospective clients around the world.
        Mr. Podesta signed an agreement with Huawei a couple weeks ago, and this week he signed a deal to represent a Bulgarian energy company seeking to do business with American companies, according to a person familiar with his efforts.
        His hiring by Huawei, which was reported by Politico on Friday, comes as the company tries to smooth over tensions with the U.S. government and make inroads into U.S. markets.
        Huawei was branded a national security threat by the Trump administration, which argued that the Chinese government could use its communications technology for spying. The company has denied that, but it has suffered from a sustained American campaign to bar it from using U.S. technology and software, and to keep its equipment from being used in new 5G networks around the world.
        The company and two of its subsidiaries are also facing federal charges of racketeering and conspiring to steal trade secrets from American companies.
        Huawei has hired a number of new lawyers and lobbyists with connections to both parties in recent months, increasing its lobbying spending to more than $1 million in the last three months from $180,000 in the first three months of the year, according to congressional lobbying disclosures.
        Huawei did not respond to a request for comment.
        Mr. Podesta, 77, was once a dominant figure in Washington, raising millions of dollars for Democratic candidates and party committees, while building his firm, the Podesta Group, into one of the highest-earning shops on K Street.
        现年77岁的波德斯塔曾是华盛顿举足轻重的人物,为民主党候选人和政党委员会筹集了数以百万计的资金,同时把自己的波德斯塔集团(Podesta Group)打造成了K街(K Street,曾容纳诸多游说办公室的一条街道,后来成为游说行业的代名词——译注)营收最高的公司之一。
        The firm disintegrated after it became ensnared in one strand of the special counsel’s investigation into President Donald J. Trump, his campaign and its ties to Russia. The firm had taken on a client involved in Ukrainian politics that was linked to two figures central to the investigation: the Republican lobbyists Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, who had worked in Ukraine before joining the Trump campaign.
        该公司在特别检察官调查唐纳德·J·特朗普总统(Donald J. Trump)、他的竞选活动及其与俄罗斯的关系时受到牵连,随后解体。该公司曾接待过一名与乌克兰政坛有关的客户,后者正与受到调查的两名核心人物有关:共和党说客保罗·马纳福特(Paul Manafort)和里克·盖茨(Rick Gates),他们在加入特朗普竞选团队之前曾在乌克兰工作。
        Mr. Podesta’s firm initially failed to register the work under Justice Department foreign lobbying rules, and investigators spent months looking into the Podesta Group’s work, but ultimately decided not to bring charges.
        Mr. Podesta’s return to lobbying is starting off more modestly.
        He is working mostly by himself and intends to use the corporate name Podesta.com, the person familiar with his efforts said, in part because the Podesta Group’s email accounts and website were compromised after Chinese cyberthieves launched a wide-ranging phishing campaign using one of his domain names.
        He is consulting with a lawyer about whether to disclose his lobbying arrangement with Huawei under congressional lobbying rules or the more detailed Justice Department foreign lobbying rules, the person said.

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