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China moves against private tutoring companies, causing shares to plunge.

来源:纽约时报    2021-07-27 12:22

        Chinese regulators on Monday banned tutoring companies from making profits, a move that sent their shares plummeting, erasing tens of billions of dollars from the value of the country’s once blistering education sector, as Beijing turns its focus to the growing financial burden that students — and their parents — face.        随着中国政府将注意力转向学生及其家长面临的日益沉重的经济负担,周一,中国监管机构禁止校外培训机构盈利,此举导致其股价暴跌,一度火爆的中国教育行业市值蒸发数百亿美元。
        Some of China’s biggest publicly listed education companies lost significant chunks of their value as investors ditched them following the announcement of rules that require all companies that offer curriculum tutoring to register as nonprofits.        在要求所有提供课外辅导的公司注册为非营利组织后,中国一些最大的上市教育公司价值大幅缩水,投资者纷纷抛售。
        The rules will also restrict new foreign investment, once a key avenue for those companies to raise money. They are the latest in a series of moves by China to rein in its technology sector that has hit stocks of its biggest companies, in sectors as diverse as ride hailing and music licensing. Regulators say that they are tackling privacy, cybersecurity, and antitrust concerns, directing their crackdown at the country’s thriving internet industry.        新规还将限制新的外国投资,外国投资一度是这些公司筹集资金的重要途径。这是中国控制科技行业的一系列措施中的最新举措,这对中国大公司的股票造成了冲击,涉及领域广至网约车服务和音乐版权服务。监管机构表示,他们正在解决隐私、网络安全和反垄断问题,将打击目标对准中国蓬勃发展的互联网行业。
        Koolearn Technology, which provides online classes and test-preparation courses, said that it expected the rules to “have material adverse impact” on its business. Its stock lost 33 percent on Monday. A handful of other Hong Kong-listed education companies, including New Oriental Education & Technology and Scholar Education Group, along with the U.S.-listed companies Gaotu Techedu and TAL, issued similar statements. TAL lost 71 percent of its value on Friday, while Gaotu lost 63 percent.        提供在线课程和备考课程的新东方在线表示,预计这些规定将对业务“产生重大不利影响”。周一,它的股价下跌了33%。其他几家在香港上市的教育公司,包括新东方教育科技和思考乐教育集团,以及在美国上市的高途在线和好未来,也发布了类似声明。好未来股价周五下跌71%,而高途在线下跌63%。
        For years, China’s private education sector was one of the most enticing for global investors, who threw billions of dollars at publicly listed companies that promised to capitalize on the hundreds of thousands of families striving for better opportunities through education. By Monday evening in Asia, much of that money had vanished.        多年来,中国的民营教育行业一直是对全球投资者最具吸引力的领域之一。投资者向上市公司投入了数十亿美元,这些公司承诺利用数十万家庭为通过教育争取更好机会的努力而盈利。到周一晚上,在亚洲,这些资金当中很大一部分已经消失了。
        Many middle-class families in China pay for after-school tutoring to help their children gain an edge in national tests that determine their futures. Last week, the country’s top administrative body published an opinion that took aim at the sector and outlined its plans to “reduce the burden of students’ homework and off-campus training.”        在中国,许多中产阶级家庭支付课外补习费用,帮助他们的孩子在决定未来的全国考试中获得优势。上周,国家最高行政机构发布了一份针对该行业的《意见》,概述了其“减轻义务教育阶段学生作业负担和校外培训负担”的计划。
        Analysts swiftly recalibrated their assessment of the prospects for the industry, which was once valued at more than $100 billion by Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs. On Monday, the bank’s analysts estimated it would be worth $24 billion in the coming years.        分析师们迅速调整了对该行业前景的评估。高盛(Goldman Sachs)等华尔街银行对该行业的估值一度超过1000亿美元。周一,该银行的分析师估计,未来几年它的价值将跌至240亿美元。
        The news reverberated through Chinese stock indexes. The Shanghai Composite index closed 2.3 percent lower, and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng dropped 4.1 percent.        这一消息在中国股市引起了反响。上证综合指数收盘时下跌2.3%,香港恒生指数下跌4.1%。
        Separately, regulators over the weekend ordered Tencent, the Chinese tech conglomerate, to end all exclusive music licensing deals with record labels and fined it around $78,000 for what it said were unfair practices. Shares in Tencent Music, which trades in the United States, were down more than 13 percent in premarket trading on Monday.        另外,监管机构在周末下令中国科技集团腾讯终止与唱片公司的所有独家音乐版权协议,并对其罚款50万元,称其存在不公平行为。在周一的盘前交易中,在美国交易的腾讯音乐股价跌幅超过13%。

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