有人要在华二次溯源?不过是打自己的脸! | 小象漫评_OK阅读网
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有人要在华二次溯源?不过是打自己的脸! | 小象漫评

来源:中国日报    2021-07-23 10:46

        The World Health Organization proposed a plan to launch another origin tracing in China.
        Its expert team has long said it was “highly unlikely” that COVID-19 came from a lab leak. Does it mean the WHO has surrendered truth to lies?
        There’s no way China will accept the new origin tracing plan as it is both political and biased.
        The WHO’s change in attitude has much to do with US and Western politicians, who only want to demonize China.
        It’s because of this they turned a blind eye to the origin tracing result in March,
        and began pouring blame on China.
        Are they aware their slimy tricks will only create trouble for themselves?
        If COVID-19 emerged from a lab leak, then the highest possibility should lie in Fort Detrick.
        While US politicians pushed biased origin tracing, a US company carried out an unfair, one-sided opinion poll that praised US’ “success” in fighting the pandemic.
        Ironically, infections rose again just when they released the poll result,
        and everybody knows that the US presents a false image of itself.
        Time for US politicians to do their job and fight the pandemic, before their people suffer greater harm from it.

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