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来源:中国日报    2021-07-24 09:00

        Bubble: a usually small group of people (such as family members, friends, coworkers, or classmates) who regularly interact closely with one another but with few or no others in order to minimize exposure and reduce the transmission of infection during an outbreak of a contagious disease.        CNBC电视台在去年6月27日的一篇文章中,就曾描述过COVID-19 bubble:
        You probably have a COVID-19 “bubble” and don’t know it. It could be your group of close friends, your extended family members, your neighbors or even your co-workers.        你也许有一个新冠“气泡圈子”而不自知。它可以是你的密友、亲人、邻居甚至同事组成的群体。
        A “bubble” is an unofficial term used to describe the cluster of people outside your household with whom you feel comfortable spending time during the pandemic.        “气泡圈子”这一非正式用语描述的是在大流行病期间,你在家庭之外乐意与之相处的圈子。
                 它还可以用来描述一起隔离的一群人,即quarantine bubble:
        A quarantine bubble is a group of individuals or families whose members have been safely quarantining and who can now start hanging out with other observant groups, so long as the families observe safety guidelines and agree to be exclusive.        隔离气泡圈子是已进行安全自我隔离的一群人或家人,这些人只要遵守安全准则并同意不与外人接触,那么他们便可以开始和其他的处于观察中的群体来往。
                 韦氏字典还指出quarantine bubble和quarantine pod意义相同。
                 to form a childcare bubble (with another family),a support bubble; a COVID-19 bubble; travel bubble
        If you see someone posting on social media that they’re going to parties or other large group gatherings, or not wearing a mask when they’re out of the home, don’t bubble with them.        如果你看到某些人发朋友圈说要去参加派对或别的什么大型聚会,或出门不戴口罩,那么,别和这些人结成圈子。
                 首先,把该语境中的bubble直译为气泡或泡沫不合适,类似“股市泡沫”(stock bubble, stock market bubble)、“房地产泡沫”(real estate bubble)等的说法由来已久,人们对“泡沫”、“气泡”一捅就破的印象已根深蒂固。
                 2020年9月11日,香港的《文汇报》副刊有一篇文章——《“旅游气泡”文理不通》。作者范举批评了将travel bubble翻译成“旅游气泡”的生硬做法。他在文中将之译为“旅游安全圈”。
                 “旅游气泡”来源于英文Travel Bubble,bubble可以解作泡沫,或者气泡,但是这样翻译完全不能反映旅游业中的专业用语的真正含意,bubble应该解作圈闭的旅游运作,或者称为旅游小圈子。随着世界许多地方新冠肺炎疫情放缓,欧洲一些疫情差不多的地区之间正在商讨互相开放边境,让双方的旅客可以在这些地区之间旅游或工作,而不需在入境后进行隔离。欧洲人称之为Travel Bubble。
        In England, single adults living alone — or single parents whose children are under 18 — can form a support bubble with one other household.        在英国,单身的成年人,或者是孩子未满18岁的单亲父母,可以和别的家庭结成一个互助的“气泡圈子”。

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