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Where Sun, Sand and Splendor Are Still to Be Discovered

来源:纽约时报    2021-06-29 06:45

        This article is part of our latest special report on Waterfront Homes, which focuses on living near, and sometimes even on, the water.
        Waterfront living is a concept that seems to have endless appeal. “It doesn’t matter whether you swim or partake in water sports or not,” said Danny Hertzberg, a real estate agent with the Jills Zeder Group in Miami Beach, who sees nonstop demand in waterfront properties. “For most people, the ultimate amenity is the water. It’s always desirable.”
        滨水生活似乎是一个有着无穷吸引力的概念。“你是否游泳或参加水上运动并不重要,”迈阿密海滩吉尔斯·齐德尔集团(Jills Zeder Group)的房地产经纪人丹尼·赫茨伯格(Danny Hertzberg)说。“对大多数人来说,最终享受的是水。它总是令人向往。”
        Interest in waterfront properties has grown significantly in the last year. Sales at the Jills Zeder Group, for instance, increased to over $1 billion in 2020 from $500 million in 2019. According to Mr. Hertzberg, a majority of these sales were waterfront homes. “We’re already on track this year to outpace 2020,” he said.
        And during the first quarter of this year, page views for waterfront “amenities and features” on the website of Sotheby’s International Realty increased to 56,517 from 11,818 in the same period in 2020 — an increase of more than 378 percent.
        今年第一季度,苏富比国际地产(Sotheby’s International Realty)网站上关于水滨的“设施和特色”的页面浏览量从2020年同期的11818次增加到了56517次,增幅超过百分之378。
        South Florida; Los Cabos, Mexico; and Marbella, Spain, are mainstays for waterfront properties, but other places are starting to get attention, too, like these five emerging destinations.
        Antigua and Barbuda
        安提瓜和巴布达(Antigua and Barbuda)
        This Caribbean island nation has more than 300 white-sand beaches and four marinas, including one that housed the British fleet during colonial times and is now a base for megayachts.
        Justin White, the co-owner of Anchor Antigua Realty, an affiliate of Christie’s International Real Estate, said the island was ideal for those who enjoy watersports. “We have great snorkeling, scuba diving, sailing and kite surfing,” he said. “You can come here and be active all day and start your evening with a cocktail on the beach during sunset.”
        国际佳士得国际房地产公司(Christie’s International Real Estate)的附属公司安提瓜锚地产(Anchor Antigua Realty)的共同所有人贾斯汀·怀特(Justin White)说,对于喜欢水上运动的人来说,这座岛是理想之地。“我们有很棒的浮潜、水肺潜水、帆船和风筝冲浪,”他说。“你可以来这里活动一整天,日落时分在海滩上喝杯鸡尾酒,开始你的夜晚。”
        Antigua has low crime rates, making safety an advantage of owning a home there. Grocery stores, which abound, sell both imported goods and local delicacies like lobster. Although roads on the island can be bumpy, Mr. White said they were being improved.
        Home buyers will find a cross section of properties in Antigua, from apartments to townhouses to spacious villas. Mr. White said that prices for a two-bedroom townhouse started at about $200,000, and that villas in upscale developments, such as Galley Bay Heights, were well into the seven figures.
        在安提瓜岛,购房者可以找到不同类型的房产,从公寓到联排别墅,再到宽敞的别墅。怀特说,一套两居室的联排别墅起价在20万美元左右,而加利湾高地(Galley Bay Heights)等高档开发项目中的别墅价格则高达七位数。
        More recently, Barbuda, a virtually undeveloped island, has been getting attention because the luxury real estate developer Discovery Land Company is building Barbuda Ocean Club, a community that broke ground in 2019. A chic-meets-rustic beach club with waterfront safari tents is already complete and gives interested buyers an opportunity to visit and explore ownership. The community, which occupies more than 700 acres, has seven miles of beachfront and will have 450 residences, including estates, golf villas and waterfront cottages. Ranging from 2,000 to 7,500 square feet, they have a starting price of $3 million.
        最近,巴布达这个几乎未开发的岛屿一直受到关注,因为豪华房地产开发商发现土地公司(Discovery Land Company)正在建设巴布达海洋俱乐部(Barbuda Ocean Club),这个社区将于2019年破土动工。一个时尚与乡村结合的海滩俱乐部已经完工,带有海滨游猎帐篷,有兴趣的买家可以参观和探索物业。该社区占地700多英亩,有七英里的海滨,将有450处住宅,包括庄园、高尔夫别墅和海滨别墅。它们的面积从2000平方英尺到7500平方英尺不等,起价为300万美元。
        “Discovery’s project is the pinnacle of luxury and is going to elevate Antigua and Barbuda to another level, but there are plenty of affordable housing options as well,” Mr. White said.
        Costalegre, Mexico
        墨西哥科斯塔勒格(Costalegre, Mexico)
        While Mexico is a well-established site for a waterfront home, Rick Moeser, executive director of Christie’s International Real Estate, said Careyes, a private resort community, and the surrounding Costalegre region were still largely uncharted.
        虽然墨西哥是一个成熟的海滨住宅地点,但佳士得国际房地产公司的执行董事里克·莫泽(Rick Moeser)表示,私人度假社区卡里耶斯(Careyes)和周边的科斯塔勒格(Costalegre)地区在很大程度上仍未被开发。
        “Unlike the rest of the country, which is overbuilt and crowded, this coastline is spread out and somewhat undiscovered,” he said.
        On the Pacific coast, between the cities of Puerto Vallarta and Manzanillo, Careyes is where the jungle meets the sea. Mr. Moeser described the landscape as “dramatic,” with many cliffs, surrounded by lush trees, framing scenic beaches.
        Founded in 1968 by an Italian entrepreneur, Gian Franco Brignone, Careyes has grown over the last several decades to more than 35,000 acres. It includes a polo field and a biosphere reserve with 70 species of animals and more than 1,200 varieties of flora and fauna.
        卡里耶斯由意大利企业家吉安·弗兰科·布里尼奥内(Gian Franco Brignone)于1968年修建,在过去的几十年里已经发展到超过35000英亩。它包括一个马球场和一个生物圈保护区,有70个动物物种和1200多个动植物品种。
        In real estate, Careyes has 65 villas, most with infinity pools, along cliffs overlooking the Pacific. There are also 40 colorful casitas, inspired by the Amalfi Coast of Italy, and El Careyes Club & Residences, which comprises 60 homes of one to four bedrooms. Prices for a one-bedroom casita start at about $400,000, while oceanfront villas average around $2.5 million.
        在房地产方面,卡里耶斯拥有65栋别墅,大多数都配有极大的泳池,坐落在悬崖边,可以俯瞰太平洋。还有40座色彩鲜艳的小屋,灵感来自意大利阿马尔菲海岸,还有艾尔·卡里耶斯俱乐部和住宅(El Careyes Club & Residences),由60座一至四间卧室的住宅组成。一居室小屋的起价约为40万美元,海滨别墅的平均价格约为250万美元。
        Mr. Moeser said the community, with its Italian roots, attracted home buyers from Europe, although Americans were starting to filter in.
        About an hour’s drive down the coast, Four Seasons Resort Tamarindo, México, scheduled to open at the end of this year, will include clifftop villas and beachfront estates. (The exact number is still to be announced.) Sitting on a 3,000-acre private natural reserve, the resort will have three pools, a spa, a watersports center and an 18-hole golf course.
        沿着海岸线驱车一小时,就可以看到墨西哥塔马林多四季度假村(Four Seasons Resort Tamarindo),它计划于今年年底开业,包括悬崖别墅和海滨别墅。(确切数字还有待公布。)该度假村坐落在一个占地3000英亩的私人自然保护区里,将有三个游泳池、一个水疗中心、一个水上运动中心和一个18洞高尔夫球场。
        Architecturally, buyers should expect traditional Mexican homes, with stucco and natural stone. “There’s a feeling of authentic Mexico here,” Mr. Moeser said.
        Jurmala, Latvia
        拉脱维亚尤尔马拉(Jurmala, Latvia)
        About a 30-minute drive west of Riga, on the Baltic Sea, the resort town Jurmala is an attraction for its golden-sand beaches, which are framed by dunes and rock formations. According to Michael Valdes, the president of eXp Global, a division of eXP Realty in Bellingham, Wash., Russians have vacationed and bought second homes there for years, but more recently, other Europeans have started to come. “You’re seeing buyers from the Czech Republic, Poland and Lithuania,” he said.
        从波罗的海沿岸的里加向西驱车约30分钟,就可以到达度假圣地尤尔马拉(Jurmala),以其被沙丘和岩层包围的金色沙滩而闻名。据华盛顿贝灵汉eXp房地产公司分支eXp国际(eXp Global)总裁迈克尔·巴尔德斯(Michael Valdes)说。多年来,俄罗斯人一直在那里度假并购买第二套住房,但最近,其他欧洲人也开始前来。“你会看到来自捷克共和国、波兰和立陶宛的买家,”他说。
        Mr. Valdes added that the beaches in Jurmala were among the most scenic in Europe, and that its strong infrastructure was supported by good medical care, restaurants and grocery stores.
        Jurmala offers diverse real estate options, from modest apartments in the center of town, which start at a few hundred thousand dollars, to luxury seven-figure villas on the secluded coastline.
        Eriks Reinicans, the director of the local real estate company Jurmala Invest, said that for around $500,000, buyers could find a three- or four-bedroom apartment in an upscale development with a pool that was about a 10-minute drive to the beach. “You get much more value for your money if you’re willing to be away from the water,” he said.
        当地的房地产公司尤尔马拉投资(Jurmala Invest)的负责人埃里克·雷尼坎斯(Eriks Reinicans)说,以50万美元左右的价格,就可以在距离海滩大约10分钟车程、带泳池的高档楼盘搞定一套三居室或四居室的公寓。“如果你愿意距离海远一点的话,就能买到性价比很高的房子,”他说。
        Because Latvia’s winters can be brutally cold, Jurmala is not an ideal year-round destination, though it does offer access to historical sights in Riga and hiking in the forests that surround the sea.
        The Exumas, the Bahamas
        巴哈马的埃克苏马群岛(The Exumas, the Bahamas)
        The Bahamas has long been a popular vacation and second-home destination for travelers from all over the world. Some foreign home buyers even make the country their primary residence because it has no income tax. This international influx has mostly gone to New Providence Island, home to the capital, Nassau, and numerous residential developments and beach resorts.
        长期以来,巴哈马一直是深受世界各地的旅行者青睐的度假和第二居所目的地。一些外国购房者甚至把这个国家作为他们的主要住所,因为这里没有所得税。来自国外的买家大多流向了新普罗维登斯岛(New Providence Island),那里是首都拿骚所在地,有许多住宅开发项目和海滩度假村。
        Lately, however, in a search for more privacy and a relaxed lifestyle away from the hubbub, buyers have been setting their sights on the Exumas. Consisting of about 365 islands, many privately owned, this chain promises secluded beaches with turquoise waters, an abundance of marine life and a wide range of watersports, including fly-fishing, scuba diving and kiteboarding.
        Edward de Mallet Morgan, a partner at Knight Frank, a global real estate consultancy based in London, said the interest in owning a home in the Exumas had increased in the wake of the pandemic. “Properties used to sit on the market for six months to a year and now sell within a few weeks,” he said. “People want to be away from the crowds, and that’s what the Exumas offers.”
        总部位于伦敦的全球房地产咨询公司莱坊(Knight Frank)的合伙人爱德华·德马利特·摩根(Edward De Mallet Morgan)表示,疫情暴发后,人们对在埃克苏马群岛置业的兴趣增加了。“以前房产要在市场上停留六个月到一年,现在几周内就能售出,”他说。“人们希望远离人群,这正是埃克苏马群岛所提供的。”
        This new set of home buyers is mainly from California, New York, Britain, mainland Europe and South America.
        Homes throughout the islands run the gamut from affordable to extravagant.
        Great Exuma, for example, the biggest island and site of the district capital, George Town, has brightly colored single-family homes that each cost a few hundred thousand dollars. The Marina at Hoopers Bay, a residential community on the northwest part of the island, offers 30 residences — a mix of townhouses and villas — that cost from $350,000 to more than $3 million.
        例如,在群岛中的最大的岛屿、地区首府乔治镇的所在地大埃克苏马岛(Great Exuma),有色彩鲜艳的独栋住宅,每套售价数十万美元。该岛西北部的住宅区——胡珀斯湾码头区(Marina at Hoopers Bay),现有30套住宅,既有联排别墅,也有别墅,价格从35万美元到300多万美元不等。
        Private islands run from $5 million to $100 million, Mr. Morgan said. Little Pipe Cay, for example, a 38-acre private island with multiple homes, is currently on the market for $85 million.
        摩根说,私人岛屿的价格从500万美元到1亿美元不等。例如,占地38英亩的私人小岛“小管子礁”(Little Pipe Cay)目前的市场价为8500万美元。
        Even with such lavishness, the Exumas are unpretentious and welcoming, said Brent Hurt, the managing partner of the Marina at Hoopers Bay. “This is a place where the very wealthy and everyday locals mingle together in shorts and flip-flops,” he said.
        胡珀斯湾码头区的管理合伙人布伦特·赫特(Brent Hurt)说,即使有这样奢华的一面,埃克苏马群岛还是一个朴实无华、热情好客的地方。“这是一个非常富有的人和每天穿着短裤、拖鞋的当地人混在一起的地方。”
        Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
        爱达荷州科达伦(Coeur d’Alene, Idaho)
        In northwest Idaho, about a 30-minute drive from Spokane, Wash., Coeur d’Alene is known for its lake and national forest.
        Lately, the city has become appealing to buyers who are seeking vacation homes in rural settings where the waterfront takes center stage, said Tammy Fahmi, the vice president for global operations and international servicing at Sotheby’s International Realty. Many are from California, Washington State and Oregon, but Canadians are also finding their way there.
        苏富比国际房地产公司负责全球运营和国际服务的副总裁塔米·法赫米(Tammy Fahmi)说,最近,这座城市对那些想在乡村地区购置度假住宅的买家越来越有吸引力。许多人来自加利福尼亚州、华盛顿州和俄勒冈州,也有加拿大人。
        “Coeur d’Alene is a year-round destination,” Ms. Fahmi said. “People love it for the fishing, boating, swimming and hiking in the summer, while in the winter, there’s snowmobiling, snowboarding and cross-country and downhill skiing.”
        But beyond the city, there are more than 50 lakes within a two-hour drive, said Mike McNamara, a real estate agent with Windermere/Coeur d’Alene Realty and Windermere Hayden. They include Lake Pend Oreille, the largest in Idaho. “The area is an outdoor paradise every month of the year, and life revolves around the lakes,” he added.
        但出了城,两小时车程内有50多个湖泊,温德米尔/科达伦房地产公司(Windermere/Coeur d’Alene Realty)和温德米尔·海登(Windermere Hayden)的房地产经纪人迈克·麦克纳马拉(Mike McNamara)说道。其中包括爱达荷州最大的彭德奥里尔湖(Lake Pend Oreille)。他还说:“这个地区一年中的每个月都是户外天堂,生活围绕着湖泊展开。”
        Prospective buyers can expect single-family homes in Coeur d’Alene, with few apartments and townhouses, although some are currently being built. Home prices average around $477,000. “You can get a three-bedroom new-construction 1,800-square-foot house for that amount, but there are definitely more upscale options,” Mr. McNamara said.

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