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Why Are the Olympics Still Happening? These Numbers Explain It.

来源:纽约时报    2021-06-22 06:43

        The Olympic Games have always been about numbers. After all, a motto of Citius, Altius, Fortius — faster, higher, stronger — doesn’t mean much without seconds, meters and pounds. How fast? How high? How strong?
        For more than a year, though, a different set of numbers has come to dominate discussions about the Tokyo Games: rising coronavirus case counts, escalating risk factors, inadequate vaccination totals.
        Despite those concerns, the Games are almost certain to go forward this summer: The latest evidence was the announcement on Monday that domestic spectators would be allowed to attend Olympic events at reduced capacities.
        These numbers may help explain why — a month before the opening ceremony — the Games are still a go.
        $15.4 billion
        If Tokyo’s new national stadium stands empty on the night of the opening ceremony, that will be $15.4 billion in investment mostly down the drain. The figure, a record even for famously oversized Olympic budgets, has swelled $3 billion in the past year alone. The reputational damage to Japan, though, on top of the loss of money, would be incalculable.
        “This was the branding exercise that was going to showcase the lifestyle superpower of the earth,” said Jesper Koll, an investment adviser who has lived in Japan for more than three decades. “At the end of the day, it is not about whether the construction costs are recouped or not, but it is about whether the brand of the country gets a boost.”
        “这是一项展示地球上这个生活方式超级大国的品牌推广活动,”在日本生活了30多年的投资顾问耶斯佩尔·科尔(Jesper Koll)说。“归根结底,不是建设成本能不能收回,而是国家品牌能不能得到提升。”
        Much of the upside that Tokyo hoteliers or restaurants could have expected from hosting the Games has already evaporated, as organizers banned international spectators in March. And even the Olympic visitors who will be allowed to enter Japan will not get to experience most of Tokyo’s charms because the rules restrict them to Olympic venues.
        $4 billion
        That’s the potential amount of television rights income that the International Olympic Committee, which organizes and runs the Games, could have to refund if the Olympics are not held. The figure accounts for 73 percent of the I.O.C.’s revenue. Sponsorships related to the Games account for hundreds of millions of dollars more, and a cancellation would mean those companies could come looking for rebates, too.
        $1.25 billion
        The U.S. broadcasting rights to the Summer Olympics are among the most valuable sports properties in the world, and the advertising revenue they produce regularly makes them among the most profitable, too. In March 2020, NBC Universal, which holds the U.S. broadcast rights to the Games, announced it had sold $1.25 billion in national advertising for the Tokyo Olympics. That exceeded the amount sold for the 2016 Rio Olympics, which had generated $1.62 billion in total revenue for the company and $250 million in profits.
        And not even a year’s delay may hurt NBC’s bottom line. Jeff Shell, the chief executive of NBC Universal, told an investor conference last week that, depending upon ratings, the Tokyo Olympics “could be our most profitable Olympics in the history of the company.”
        即使奥运会延迟一年举办都不会损害NBC的盈利。NBC环球(NBC Universal)首席执行官杰夫·谢尔(Jeff Shell)上周在一次投资者会议上表示,东京奥运会——取决于收视率——“可能是公司历史上最赚钱的奥运会”。
        $549 million
        The word “solidarity” comes up 406 times in the I.O.C.’s latest annual report. The most significant reference is to the $549 million it distributes in so-called solidarity and other payments to national Olympic committees large and small. (The I.O.C.’s accounts do not provide a breakdown of who gets what.)
        To many Olympic committees, the I.O.C.’s largess — which pays for everything from administrative costs to training subsidies to youth development programs — is a vital financial lifeline. In the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, for example, I.O.C. funding represents around a quarter of the national Olympic committee’s $600,000 annual income, according to Richard Peterkin, a former I.O.C. member.
        对许多奥林匹克委员会而言,国际奥委会的慷慨解囊——从行政成本到训练补贴再到青年发展项目——是一条重要的财务生命线。例如,根据前国际奥委会成员理查德·彼得金(Richard Peterkin)的说法,在加勒比海的圣卢西亚岛,国际奥委会的资金约占该国奥委会年收入60万美元的四分之一。
        But larger countries count on the money, too. Earlier this year, the British Olympic Association raised the prospect of a financial meltdown in its annual report if this summer’s Games were canceled. “Cancellation of the Games later than May 2021,” its directors concluded recently, “would create a material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt about the company’s ability to continue as a going concern.”
        The postponement of the Olympics forced thousands of the athletes — about 11,100 for the Olympics and another 4,400 for the Paralympics, together representing more than 200 countries — to put their lives on hold for a year. To recommit to another 12 months of training. To delay marriage plans and college enrollments and even plans to have children. So it is no surprise that, by and large, competitors worldwide are eager for the Games to finally take place.
        “My next chapter was supposed to be happening already,” said Delante Johnson, 22, a boxer from Cleveland who had aimed to turn professional in 2021. He decided to keep his amateur status for another year, in part, to fulfill a promise he had made to his former coach, Clint Martin, who died in 2015. “He always told me I’d go to the Olympics,” Johnson said, “and I’m holding on to what he said.”
        “我人生的下一篇章本该已经发生了,”来自克利夫兰的22岁拳击手德兰特·约翰逊(Delante Johnson)说,他的目标是在2021年成为职业拳击手。他决定将自己的业余身份再保持一年,部分是为了兑现他曾向2015年去世的前教练克林特·马丁(Clint Martin)作出的承诺。“他总是告诉我,我将会参加奥运会,”约翰逊说,“而我一直牢牢记住他的话。”
        For Olympians who have arranged their entire lives to chase their dreams, the Games are everything. They can open the door to sponsorship opportunities, to bonus money for medals, to post-competition careers. For many, they also offer the rare chance to perform in front of a global audience. “We’re finally allowed to have that excitement, and I’m just giddy,” said Kaleigh Gilchrist, 29, a water polo player from Newport Beach, Calif. “We can finally showcase all the hard work we’ve put in.”
        对于用一生去追逐梦想的奥运选手来说,奥运会就是一切。奥运会可以敲开赞助机会、奖牌奖金和赛后职业的大门。对于许多人来说,奥运会还提供了在全球观众面前表演的难得机会。“我们终于可以感受那种兴奋了,我感到头晕目眩,”来自加利福尼亚州纽波特海滩的29岁水球运动员卡莉·吉尔克里斯特(Kaleigh Gilchrist)说。“我们终于可以展示我们付出的所有努力了。”
        That’s the current favorability rating for Japan’s prime minister, Yoshihide Suga, who may fear his political fortunes are now tied too closely to the Games to cancel them. “Politically he’s dead in the water if he pulls the plug,” said Jeff Kingston, the director of Asian studies at Temple University in Tokyo. With national elections looming in September, Kingston said, Suga may now see the Olympics as a potential lifeline.
        这是日本首相菅义伟目前的支持率,他可能担心自己的政治命运现在与奥运会的联系过于紧密而无法将其取消。天普大学(Temple University)东京校区亚洲研究主任杰夫·金斯顿(Jeff Kingston)说:“从政治上讲,如果他取消奥运会,就意味着被淘汰。”金斯顿说,随着9月全国大选的临近,菅义伟现在可能将奥运会视为潜在的救命稻草。
        For Suga and his government, staging a successful — and safe — Olympics would offer a huge political upside. The downside, of course, is the risk of a public health disaster that costs lives and pummels Japan’s economy. That would inflict damage far more serious than just harming Suga’s personal political reputation.
        “This is the potential making of the Godzilla variant,” Kingston said. “Is that how Tokyo wants to be remembered?”

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