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The Cost of Being an ‘Interchangeable Asian’

来源:纽约时报    2021-06-08 02:17

        About three years ago, JC Lau, a game developer, was one of a handful of women of Asian descent working at Bungie, a large video game studio in Bellevue, Wash. At the office, which had an open-floor plan and a staff of predominantly white men, co-workers regularly mistook her for one of the other Asian employees sitting in another row nearby.        大约三年前,游戏开发者JC·刘(JC Lau)在华盛顿州贝尔维尤的大型电子游戏工作室Bungie工作,是工作室里的几名亚裔女性之一。办公室采用开放式布局,员工主要是白人男性,同事们经常把她误认为坐在附近另一排的另一名亚裔员工。
        On one occasion, multiple colleagues congratulated Dr. Lau, who identifies as Chinese Australian and holds a doctorate in philosophy, on a presentation led by a colleague of Korean heritage. “These were people I worked with on a daily basis,” she said.        JC·刘是澳大利亚华裔,拥有哲学博士学位,有一次,在一名韩裔同事主持的工作陈述中,多名同事却向她表示祝贺。“这些都是每天和我一起工作的人,”她说。
        Dr. Lau, 40, left the company in 2018, after two years, and said a major factor behind that decision was the feeling that she wasn’t being recognized for her contributions, which included testing games and founding the company’s diversity committee. She suspected that her gender and race — and her co-workers’ inability to even recognize who she was — put her at a disadvantage, especially at a large company.        在两年之后的2018年,现年40岁的JC·刘离开了公司,她说这个决定背后的一个主要因素是感觉自己的贡献没有得到认可,其中包括测试游戏以及成立公司的多元委员会。她怀疑,她的性别和种族——以及她的同事甚至无法认出她是谁——令她处于不利地位,尤其是在一家大公司里。
        “We have to do more to stand out from any other Asian we might be mistaken for in order to advance,” she said. Dr. Lau left Bungie to become a producer at a smaller games studio.        “为了获得晋升,我们必须更努力,才能从其他可能同我们混淆的亚裔当中脱颖而出,”她说。JC·刘离开Bungie后,前往一家小型游戏工作室担任制作人。
        White-collar professionals are preparing to return to the office after more than a year of working from home. It hasn’t been a year of just video calls and Zoom happy hours, though. In the aftermath of the police killing of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement that soon swept the nation, it’s been a year of reckoning over racial injustice in America. In the corporate world, that injustice manifests in unequal career opportunities for professionals of color. The country has also seen a rise in hate crimes against people of Asian descent, with victims who have been beaten, verbally assaulted and, at worst, killed. In response, many companies have begun “diversity, equity and inclusion” programs aimed at recalibrating their office cultures to be more supportive of minority workers.        在家办公一年多之后,白领职场人士正准备重返办公室。不过这一年可不是只有视频通话和Zoom上的工余时光。经历了警察杀害乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)事件和“黑人的命也是命”(Black Lives Matter)运动迅速席卷全国,这一年是美国对种族不平等进行反思的一年。在企业界,这种不公平表现为有色人种职场人士获得职业机会的不平等。在这个国家,针对亚裔的仇恨犯罪也在增加,受害者遭到殴打和辱骂,最严重的情况是被杀害。作为回应,许多公司开始实施“多元、公平和包容”项目,旨在重新调整办公室文化,更支持少数族裔员工。
        But as a first step, what many Asian American professionals need is simple. They want their colleagues to bother to learn their names.        但作为第一步,许多亚裔美国职场人士需要的东西很简单。他们希望同事们能够费心记住自己的名字。
        Yes, it’s probably happened to all of us, no matter our identity: An acquaintance or colleague mistakes you for another person with the same hairdo or a similar name. But for people of Asian descent, it happens without question when there are a few other Asians in the office, even when they look and sound nothing alike.        是的,这种事可能发生在我们所有人身上,不管我们的身份是什么:一个认识的人或同事把你误认为另一个发型相同或名字相似的人。但对于亚裔来说,如果办公室里还有另外几个亚裔时,这种情况肯定会发生,即使这些人的相貌和声音完全不同。
        In nearly two dozen conversations with professionals of Asian descent in recent weeks, and in 15 years of my own experience in the workplace, the consensus was clear: It happens again and again, from one job to the next. While the problem is prevalent in the United States, the mix-ups also frequently happen in other countries where people with Asian heritage make up a minority, like Canada. There’s even a term for it: the interchangeable Asian.        最近几周,我与一些亚裔职场人士做了20多次交谈,再加上我本人15年的职场经验,我们得出了一个明确的共识:从一份工作到另一份工作,这种情况一再发生。虽然这种混淆在美国很普遍,但是加拿大等其他亚裔占少数的国家也经常发生。甚至有这样一个专门的术语:可互换的亚裔。
        “That particular microaggression of being mistaken for another Asian American is unique,” said Jeff Yang, an Asian American culture critic. “It stems from this different place where people tend to collectivize us in their imagination.”        “被误认为是另一名亚裔,是只有亚裔美国人需要面对的微侵犯,”亚裔美国文化评论家杨致和(Jeff Yang)说。“它源于这个不同的地方,人们倾向于在他们的想象中把我们集体化。”
        As part of our conversation on this topic, Mr. Yang posted a callout on Twitter: “Any of you have funny-not-funny workplace #SorryWrongAsian stories to share?” The post generated more than 350 responses from a wide range of people, including professionals with South and East Asian heritage. Workers recounted receiving emails meant for other colleagues, being thanked for meetings that never happened and getting lectured by a supervisor for paperwork that someone else filled out incorrectly.        作为我们这个话题的相关讨论,杨致和在Twitter上发起了一条号召:“你们谁有关于工作场所的‘#对不起认错了亚裔’(#SorryWrongAsian)的故事可以分享?”这篇帖子产生了超过350条回复,来自各行各业,其中包括南亚和东亚背景的职场人士。这些员工们回忆说,他们曾收到过本应发给其他同事的电子邮件,因为自己从未召开过的会议而受到感谢,因为其他人填错的文件而受到主管的训斥。
        I spoke with people working across industries, including marketing, academia, tech, publishing, health care and entertainment and only one person said she had never been mistaken for another Asian at work. (She is a novelist who never had co-workers.) For everyone else, these were regular occurrences. The name bunglers were usually white colleagues, but in rare cases, they were people of color. A common reaction was to shrug it off as an uncomfortable moment that was ultimately an innocent mistake.        我与市场营销、学术、技术、出版、医疗保健和娱乐等行业的人交谈,只有一个人说她在工作中从来没有被误认为是另一个亚裔。(她是一位小说家,从来没有同事。)对其他人来说,被认错是常有的事。弄错名字的人通常是白人同事,但也有少数情况下是有色人种。常见的反应是耸耸肩,把这当做一个让人不舒服的时刻,不过是一个无恶意的错误。
        Yet scholars of sociology, psychology and Asian American history said there was something serious — and damaging — behind this phenomenon of casual Asian-face blindness that borders on cavalier. Some pointed to unconscious biases that make office workers less inclined to remember the names and faces of Asian colleagues, in large part because of their lack of exposure to people of Asian descent in their personal lives and in mainstream media. Others labeled the carelessness a form of discrimination derived from stereotypes with deep roots in American history that people with Asian heritage all behave and look alike — an army of nameless automatons not worth remembering for promotions.        然而,研究社会学、心理学和亚裔美国人历史的学者们表示,在这种对亚裔面孔漫不经心、近乎傲慢的忽视现象背后,存在着一些严重的、具有破坏性的东西。一些人指出,无意识的偏见使办公室职员不太容易记住亚裔同事的名字和面孔,这在很大程度上是因为他们在个人生活和主流媒体中缺乏对亚裔的接触。还有人把这种轻视列为一种歧视,源自美国历史上根深蒂固的刻板印象,即亚裔的行为和长相都一样——是一群不值得记住的无名机器人,不值得记住他们、提拔他们。
        “Most people of color face these microaggressions where they’re presumed to be like everyone else in their group, and one way this manifests is people can’t get their names right,” said Kevin Nadal, a professor of psychology at John Jay College in New York who has led studies on the impact of subtle forms of discrimination against marginalized groups. “They’re grouping them with each other, not taking the time to acknowledge their contributions, successes and capabilities. That very much can have an effect on people’s ability to succeed.”        “大多数有色人种都会面对这些微侵犯,他们被认为和他们群体中的其他人一样,其中一种表现形式就是人们不能正确地说出他们的名字,”纽约约翰·杰伊学院(John Jay College)的心理学教授凯文·纳达尔(Kevin Nadal)说,他领导了关于微妙歧视对边缘群体影响的研究。“他们把有色人种归为一类,而不花时间去承认他们的贡献、成功和能力。这对人的事业前程有很大影响。”
        If one requirement to ascend in your career is to be distinguishable to people in power, it may come as no surprise, then, that Asian Americans — who make up 7 percent of the U.S. population and are the fastest-growing racial group — are the least likely group to be promoted in the country, according to multiple studies. Even in Silicon Valley, where people of Asian descent make up roughly 50 percent of the tech work force, a rare few rise to the executive level; most peak at middle management. The problem is especially acute for women. In one study with a sample of about 9,200 Asian female professionals, only 36 had reached the executive level.        如果在你的职业中,获得提拔的条件之一是令掌权者感到你与众不同,那么,根据多项研究,亚裔美国人——他们占美国人口的7%,是增长最快的种族群体——是美国最难获得晋升的群体,这也许并不奇怪。即使是在亚裔约占科技劳动力总数50%的硅谷,也很少有人能升到高管级别;大多数人的顶峰只能达到中层管理岗位。这个问题对女性来说尤其严重。在一项以约9200名亚裔女性职场人士为样本的研究中,只有36人达到高管级别。
        Dr. Lau, the game developer, understands the day-to-day experiences behind those numbers: the challenge of pushing for a promotion if people don’t know your name.        游戏开发者JC·刘了解这些数字背后的日常经验:如果人们连你的名字都不知道,你就很难争取到晋升机会。
        “If at any point a person says, ‘I don’t know who this person is or their contributions,’ that is a dire threat to any sort of advancement,” she said.        “如果有人说,‘我不知道这个人是谁,也不知道他的贡献是什么’,这对任何形式的晋升都是可怕的威胁,”她说。
        The ‘Interchangeable Asian’        “可互换的亚裔”
        Winnie Cheng, a nurse in Vancouver, was working a recent hospital shift alongside her colleague, a male doctor. Although the two had been treating patients together for several years, the doctor referred to her as Hannah — the name of another hospital worker of Asian descent. Ms. Cheng froze. After some thought, she decided it would be too awkward to correct him.        维妮·程(Winnie Cheng,音)是温哥华的一名护士,最近她和一名男医生同事一起在医院值班。虽然两人一起治疗病人已有多年,但医生叫她汉娜(Hannah)——另一名亚裔医院工作人员的名字。维妮·程愣住了。她想了想,觉得纠正他太尴尬了。
        To her chagrin, the case of mistaken identity went on for several hours, with the doctor calling her Hannah even in front of patients. Ms. Cheng, 28, asked another hospital worker to call her by her name in front of the doctor in the hope that he would correct himself. This failed. Finally, another co-worker called him out on the mistake. The doctor, who is of Indian descent, she said, was extremely embarrassed and apologetic.        令她懊恼的是,这种认错人的情况持续了好几个小时,医生甚至当着病人叫她汉娜。28岁的维妮·程让另一名医院工作人员在医生面前叫她的名字,希望他能纠正自己的错误。这一招失败了。最后,还是另一个同事指出了他的错误。她说,这位印度裔医生感到非常尴尬,并且表示歉意。
        Months later, Ms. Cheng was called Angela by a white male colleague. She said she was frequently mixed up with the two other Asian women she worked with directly, incidents that made her feel that people recognized her for her race, not as an individual.        几个月后,一名白人男同事管维妮·程叫安吉拉(Angela)。她说,她经常与另外两名直接共事的亚裔女性混淆在一起,这些事让她觉得人们是靠种族而不是她的个人身份来辨认她。
        When she was training a new hire, a tall white man, and introducing him to others, everyone on the team was excited to get to know him. While she was training him, she never heard anyone mistake him for one of the dozens of other white men working at the hospital, and she wondered if they ever would.        有一次,她培训的新员工是个高个子白人男子,她把他介绍给其他人,团队里的每个人都很兴奋地认识他。在培训他的过程中,她从未听到有人把他误认为医院里其他几十个白人中的一个,她估计他们永远不会弄错。
        “You can see how that accumulates over a lifetime of work,” Ms. Cheng said. “Four years of, they don’t know my name, but after saying his name once, everybody is superinterested in him and giving him opportunities.”        “你可以看到,这会在你一生的工作中积累起来,”维妮·程说。“四年来,他们不知道我的名字,但他的名字只说了一次,大家就都对他超感兴趣,都给他机会。”
        The stereotype that all Asians look alike was an idea sown into the American psyche more than 100 years ago. When politicians were enacting laws to exclude Asians from immigrating into the United States — the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which prohibited immigration of Chinese laborers, and the Immigration Act of 1924, a blanket ban on all Asian immigrants and some other groups — they used language that likened them to “another grain in this pile of sand, another drop in the ocean, that was threatening to overwhelm this nation,” according to Mr. Yang. And in subsequent decades, when America fought wars in Japan, Korea and Vietnam, soldiers were trained to treat all Asians as though they were part of one evil, collective mass.        “亚裔长得都一样”这一刻板印象早在100多年前就在美国人的意识里扎了根。杨致和说,当政治人士制定法律,禁止亚裔移民到美国时——1882年的《排华法案》(Chinese Exclusion Act)禁止中国劳工移民,1924年的《移民法案》(Immigration Act)全面禁止所有亚裔移民和一些其他群体——他们用语言把亚裔比作“沙丘中的一粒沙,大海中的一滴水,聚在一起,威胁要淹没这个国家”。在随后的几十年里,当美国在日本、朝鲜和越南打仗时,士兵们接受的训练是把所有亚裔当作一个邪恶集体的一部分来对待。
        “The interchangeable, nameless, faceless but also thoroughly dehumanized Asian American was further solidified during wars,” said Shelley Lee, a history professor at Oberlin College in Ohio. “When the Americans fought in Asia with the goal of killing as many Asians as possible, that also encouraged Americans to dehumanize Asian people, to not empathize with the enemy you’re seeking to destroy.”        “亚裔美国人可以互换、没有名字、没有面孔、被彻底非人化,这种观念在战争期间得到了进一步巩固,”俄亥俄州欧柏林学院(Oberlin College)的历史学教授谢莉·李(Shelley Lee)说。“当美国人在亚洲作战,目的是尽量多杀死亚洲人的时候,这也鼓励美国人将亚洲人非人化,不要去同情你要消灭的敌人。”
        Nancy Yuen, a sociologist at Biola University in California, said the inclination of white office workers to more easily remember white colleagues’ faces and names — and fail to tell people of color apart — could be linked to a phenomenon known as cross-race bias, the tendency for people to more easily recognize faces that belong to their own racial group. This behavioral pattern, studies have shown, diminishes as a person has more interactions with people of other races. Citing 2014 data from the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute, Dr. Yuen noted that 75 percent of white people don’t have any nonwhite friends.        加州拜欧拉大学(Biola University)的社会学家南希·袁(Nancy Yuen)表示,白人办公室职员更容易记住白人同事的面孔和名字,而不能区分有色人种,这可能与一种被称为跨种族偏见的现象有关,即人们更容易认出属于自己种族的面孔。研究表明,当一个人与其他种族的人互动更多时,这种行为模式就会减少。南希·袁援引无党派机构公共宗教研究所(Public Religion Research Institute)2014年的数据指出,75%的白人没有任何非白人朋友。
        “It comes from the fact that they’re not friends with enough people of color to even be able to tell the difference,” Dr. Yuen said.        “这是因为他们没有足够多的有色人种朋友,甚至无法区分差异,”南希·袁说。
        The absence goes beyond people’s individual social circles. In a recent national survey for a civil rights nonprofit, 42 percent of Americans said they could not name a single Asian American, not even Vice President Kamala Harris, who has Indian heritage.        这种缺失超越了人们的个人社交圈。在最近为一个非营利民权组织进行的全国调查中,42%的美国人表示,他们无法说出一个亚裔美国人的名字,连有印度血统的副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)都不知道。
        The Invisible Asian        隐形的亚裔
        On a recent Tuesday evening, Jully Lee and her boyfriend curled up on the couch and turned on the TV to watch the Ovation Awards, a ceremony honoring stage work in the Los Angeles area that was held virtually this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. Ms. Lee, an actor, had been nominated for her role in the play “Hannah and the Dread Gazebo,” which was in production before the pandemic.        最近一个周二的晚上,朱莉·李(Jully Lee)和男友蜷在沙发上,打开电视观看“喝彩奖”(Ovation Awards)的颁奖典礼。这是一个表彰洛杉矶地区舞台作品的典礼,由于新冠大流行,今年是在线上举行。朱莉·李是一名演员,因为在舞台剧《汉娜与恐怖凉亭》(Hannah and the Dread Gazebo)中的角色而获得提名,该剧在疫情暴发前进入了制作阶段。
        Ms. Lee, 40, had submitted a prerecorded acceptance speech in case she won. During the ceremony, each nominee’s photo was shown as his or her name was announced. When Ms. Lee’s category arrived, her name was called, and a photo appeared on the screen. A photo of the wrong Asian: her colleague Monica Hong. The announcer also mispronounced Ms. Lee’s name.        40岁的朱莉·李提交了事先录好的感言,以备获奖之用。在颁奖典礼上,每位被提名人的照片都会在宣布名字的时候显示出来。轮到朱莉·李的评奖单元,她的名字被叫到了,屏幕上出现了照片——一张错误的亚裔照片:她的同事莫妮卡·洪(Monica Hong)。播音员还念错了朱莉·李的名字。
        “I was just stunned,” Ms. Lee said. She added that after a pause, she and her boyfriend started cracking up. “When things are awkward or uncomfortable or painful, it’s much safer to laugh than to express other emotions. It’s like a polite way of responding to things.”        “我简直惊呆了,”朱莉·李说。她还说,停顿了一下之后,她和男友开始大笑。“当事情变得尴尬、不舒服或痛苦时,大笑比表达其他情绪安全得多。这是一种礼貌的回应方式。”
        The LA Stage Alliance, which hosted the ceremony, disbanded in the wake of outrage over the blunder.        在对这一错误的愤怒暴发后,主办该仪式的洛杉矶舞台联盟(LA Stage Alliance)解散了。
        The irony of a mix-up like this wasn’t lost on Ms. Lee. It was rare to even be performing with other Asian actors, rather than competing for the same part. “It’s so funny because when there’s so many Asians, then you can’t tell them apart, but in media there are so few Asians that you can’t tell us apart,” she said. “What is it?”        朱莉·李并没有忽视这种混淆中的讽刺意味。除了竞争同一个角色的情况之外,她很少和其他亚裔演员一起表演。“太滑稽了,因为如果身边亚裔太多,你就没法把他们区别开来,但在媒体上,亚裔人又太少,你还是没法把我们区别开来,”她说。“这是怎么回事?”
        The invisibility of Asians in pop culture is part of what, scholars say, contributes to the “wrong Asian” experience: When people aren’t accustomed to seeing Asian faces onstage or onscreen, they may have more trouble telling them apart in real life. To put it another way: If all you really have to work with are John Cho, Steven Yeun, Aziz Ansari and Kal Penn, that’s not going to go a long way in training you to distinguish among men of Asian descent offscreen. In contrast, Hollywood has given everyone plenty of training on distinguishing white faces, Dr. Nadal said.        学者们说,亚裔在流行文化中的隐形是导致“认错亚裔”经历的一部分:当人们不习惯在舞台上或银幕上看到亚裔面孔时,他们在现实生活中可能会更难将他们区分开来。换句话说:如果你需要分辨的只有约翰·赵(John Cho)、史蒂文·元(Steven Yeun)、阿齐兹·安萨里(Aziz Ansari)和凯尔·潘(Kal Penn),这对训练你区分银幕外的亚裔男性方面没什么帮助。纳达尔说,相比之下,好莱坞给了每个人大量的机会练习如何区分白人面孔。
        Out of Hollywood’s top 100 movies of 2018, only two lead roles went to Asian and Asian American actors (one male and one female), according to a study by the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.        根据南加州大学安纳伯格传播与新闻学院(University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism)的一项研究,在2018年好莱坞票房最高的100部电影中,只有两个主角角色由亚裔和亚裔美国演员担任(一男一女)。
        Donatella Galella, a professor of theater history and theory at the University of California, Riverside, said that popular culture has long reflected the Western world’s xenophobic views toward Asians, which resulted in placing them in diminished roles onstage and onscreen — the villain, the sidekick. That entrenched a kind of marginalization feedback loop.        加州大学河滨分校(University of California, Riverside)戏剧历史与理论教授多纳泰拉·加莱拉(Donatella Galella)表示,流行文化长期以来反映了西方世界对亚裔的排外观点,这导致他们在舞台上和银幕上的角色被削弱——反派、跟班。这形成了一种边缘化反馈循环。
        Before becoming a full-time cartoonist, Gene Luen Yang was a computer science teacher at Bishop O’Dowd, a Catholic high school in Oakland, Calif. His friend Thien Pham, a visual arts teacher, was the only other Asian American man working there. Parents and students constantly mixed the two up during Mr. Yang’s 17-year tenure. School forms intended for Mr. Pham often ended up in the hands of Mr. Yang, and vice versa.        在成为全职漫画家之前,杨谨伦(Gene Luen Yang)是加州奥克兰奥多德天主教高中(Bishop O’Dowd)的计算机科学老师。他的朋友、视觉艺术老师范单(Thien Pham,音)是除他以外唯一在那里工作的亚裔美国人。在杨谨伦17年的任教生涯内,家长和学生总是将他俩搞混。为范单准备的学校表格往往最终给了杨谨伦,反之亦然。
        Mr. Yang got his big break in 2006 when his graphic novel “American Born Chinese” became the first comic book to be a finalist for a National Book Award, and it went on to win several other prestigious prizes. A friend who was also a cartoonist told him to expect a flood of phone calls coming from Hollywood agents bidding to adapt his book into a movie or TV show. Mr. Yang secured a media agent. Yet no such calls or offers came in. “The Asian face just isn’t salable or marketable enough,” he said.        2006年,杨谨伦的人生获得了重大突破,他的漫画小说《美生中国人》(American Born Chinese)成为第一本入围国家图书奖(National Book Award)的漫画书,并获得了其他多项著名奖项。一位同为漫画家的朋友告诉他,好莱坞经纪人将会纷纷打来电话要求将他的书改编成电影或电视节目。杨谨伦聘请了一名媒体经纪人。然而,并没有这样的电话或邀约到来。“亚洲面孔就是没什么销路或足够的市场需求,”他说。
        The Asian Glass Ceiling        亚裔玻璃天花板
        There is a Japanese proverb that states, “The quacking duck gets shot.”        日本有句谚语说:“会叫的鸭子先被打死”。
        It stands in stark contrast to the Western idiom “The squeaky wheel gets the oil.”        它与西方习语“吱嘎响的轮子先上油”形成了鲜明的对比。
        At the Ascend Foundation, a firm that analyzes the progress of Asian Americans in the work force, researchers see the two idioms as one way to understand the numbers they see.        在上升基金会(Ascend Foundation)——一家分析亚裔美国人在劳动力中的发展的公司,研究人员用这两句习语来理解他们看到的数据。
        In one study citing national employment data from 2018, the Ascend Foundation found that white men were 192 percent more likely to become executives than Asian men, and white women were 134 percent more likely to become executives than Asian women.        在一项引用2018年全国就业数据的研究中,上升基金会发现,白人男性成为高管的可能性比亚裔男性高192%,白人女性成为高管的可能性比亚裔女性高134%。
        Another study, from 2013, found that while there were nearly as many Asian professionals as white professionals working at five big tech companies (Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, LinkedIn and Yahoo), white men and women were 154 percent more likely to be an executive than their Asian counterparts; Asian professionals tended to peak at middle management.        2013年的另一项研究发现,虽然在五家大型科技公司(谷歌[Google]、惠普[Hewlett-Packard]、英特尔[Intel]、领英[LinkedIn]和雅虎[Yahoo])工作的亚裔职场人士几乎与白人一样多,但白人男性和女性成为高管的可能性比亚裔高154%;亚裔职场人士出现最多的往往是在中层。
        In its report, the Ascend Foundation said part of the problem was implicit bias misguided by the belief that Asians prefer technical roles and do not aspire to leadership levels. But it also suggested that part of the issue may be cultural. Many Asian professionals interviewed by the researchers said that they were taught by their parents to do good work and keep their “heads down.” While Asian cultures differ vastly among ethnicities from South Asia to East Asia, some common values include a preference for harmony and conflict avoidance — the danger in being that quacking duck.        上升基金会在其报告中表示,问题部分是由于误认为亚裔更喜欢技术角色而不渴望担任领导级别的信念所导致的隐性偏见。但它也暗示部分可能与文化有关。研究人员采访的许多亚裔职场人士表示,他们被父母教导要做好工作并保持“低调”。虽然从南亚到东亚的种族之间的亚裔文化差异很大,但一些共同的价值观包括偏好和谐并避免冲突——避开成为那只鸭子的危险。
        Is getting comfortable as a squeaky wheel the only way to succeed in corporate America?        在美国企业取得成功的唯一途径难道就是甘心做一个吱嘎响的轮子吗?
        Anna Mok might argue yes. She is the president of the Ascend Foundation, and as one of the first Asian American women to rise to an executive role at the consulting firm Deloitte, she experienced her share of mix-ups along the way. She encourages people to speak up for themselves and bond with co-workers over common ground, like shared enthusiasm for a hobby or sports team or coming from the same hometown.        安娜·莫(Anna Mok,音)可能会说是的。她是上升基金会的总裁,并且是第一批在德勤(Deloitte)咨询公司担任高管的亚裔美国女性之一,她在此过程中也经历了一些误认。她鼓励人们为自己发声并在共同点上与同事建立联系,例如对爱好或运动队的共同热情或来自同一个家乡。
        “People remember you because they remember what we have in common,” she said. “You have to lead with that a little bit. I don’t think you can lead with, ‘I’m Asian.’”        “人们记得你,是因为他们记得我们的共同点,”她说。“你需要用这一点来开路。但我不认为你能用‘我是亚裔’这一点。”
        But advice about making small talk over sports could shift the burden onto marginalized employees rather than the people making decisions about promotions, and it also may not sit well with younger people. Jenn Fang, a scientist who writes a blog about Asian American feminism, said the problem with Asians being treated as interchangeable in the workplace is a systemic one that needs to be discussed with company leaders.        但是,这个随口聊聊体育的建议,可能会将负担转移到被边缘化的员工身上,而不是那些做出晋升决定的人,而且这种建议可能也不适合年轻人。撰写有关亚裔美国女权主义博客的科学家珍·方(Jenn Fang,音)表示,在工作场所亚裔不被当作个体对待的问题是一个系统性问题,需要与公司领导进行讨论。
        “It’s not something where you can necessarily change your behavior and expect to survive and overcome,” Ms. Fang said. “You can do all these things to try to make people remember who you are, but that isn’t going to change anything to make them change the bias.”        “这不是通过改变自己的行为并期望扛下去并克服就能做到的事情,”珍·方说。“你可以做所有这些事情来试图让人们记住你是谁,但这对于让他们改变偏见无济于事。”
        Dr. Nadal, the psychology professor who has led studies on microaggressions, agreed. “If you’re a person of power and privilege, then you have to make those efforts to know people’s names and understand that if you mess up someone’s name, there are real dynamics that are being created and consequences as a result.”        领导微侵犯研究的心理学教授纳达尔表示同意。“如果你是一个有权力和优越地位的人,那么你必须努力搞清楚人们的名字,并明白如果你把某个人的名字搞错了,就会产生实实在在的情绪感受并因此产生后果。”
        Ms. Mok has a counterpoint: Asian workers need to make an effort, too, at the very least by correcting people when they get misidentified. An overwhelming majority of workers I interviewed said they did not clarify to their colleagues that they had been mistaken for the wrong Asian because they wanted to avoid confrontation. “We should use that as an opportunity to teach a colleague something and redirect it, otherwise it’s like a bad habit that no one tells you about,” Ms. Mok said.        安娜·莫有一个对立的论点:亚裔员工也需要努力,至少在人们认错自己时纠正他们。我采访过的绝大多数员工都表示,他们没有向同事澄清他们被错误地认成别的亚裔同事,因为他们想避免冲突。“我们应该以此为契机,教同事一些东西并重新引导,否则就像没人告诉你你有个坏习惯一样,”安娜·莫说。
        That does require people to acknowledge when they are wrong, though, which doesn’t always happen. Dr. Lau, the game producer, said that in February, she was chatting with a group of ex-Bungie employees on the app Discord when a former co-worker alerted her to a potential job opportunity that was irrelevant to her work experience.        然而,这确实需要人们承认他们认错了,但现实并非总是如此。游戏制作人JC·刘表示,2月,她在应用Discord上与一群前Bungie员工聊天时,一位前同事提醒她有一个潜在的工作机会。但该机会与她的工作经验毫不相关。
        She realized he probably had intended to share it with another ex-Bungie employee for whom it would have been a good fit, a Filipino American named Cookie. When Dr. Lau pointed this out, he responded, “r u sure?”        她意识到他可能本来是要告诉另一位前Bungie员工,一位名叫曲奇(Cookie)的菲律宾裔美国人,这个职位对曲奇来说很合适。当刘指出这一点时,他回答说:“你确定吗?”

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