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Biden Revokes and Replaces Trump Order That Banned TikTok

来源:纽约时报    2021-06-10 04:04

        WASHINGTON — President Biden on Wednesday revoked a Trump-era executive order that sought to ban the popular apps TikTok and WeChat and replaced it with one that calls for a broader review of a number of foreign-controlled applications that could pose a security risk to Americans and their data.        华盛顿——拜登总统周三撤销了特朗普时期试图禁止流行应用程序TikTok和微信的行政命令,取而代之的是要求对一些可能对美国人及其数据构成安全风险、由外国控制的应用程序进行更广泛的审查。
        The Trump order had not been carried out “in the soundest fashion,” Biden administration officials said in a call with reporters, adding that the new directive would establish “clear intelligible criteria” to evaluate national security risks posed by software applications connected to foreign governments, particularly China.        拜登政府官员在与记者的电话会议上表示,特朗普的命令没有“以最合理的方式”执行,并补充称,新指令将建立“清晰易懂的标准”,以评估与外国政府,特别是中国政府有关的软件应用程序构成的国家安全风险。
        Mr. Biden’s order reflects a growing urgency among American officials, both Republican and Democrat, to aggressively counter what they see as a growing threat posed by China’s military and technology sectors. In a rare show of bipartisanship, U.S. lawmakers have also sought to reduce America’s dependence on China for supply chain technology like semiconductors, rare minerals and other equipment. On Tuesday, the Senate approved a $250 billion spending package to bolster American technology research and development.        拜登的命令反映出,美国官员(包括两党在内)愈来愈迫切地寻求积极应对在他们看来由中国军事和技术部门构成的日益严重的威胁。在一次罕见的两党合作中,美国国会议员还寻求减少美国在半导体、稀有矿物和其他设备等供应链技术方面对中国的依赖。周二,参议院批准了一项2500亿美元的支出计划,为美国的技术研发提供支持。
        The order is the first significant step Mr. Biden has taken to approach the saga between TikTok and the Trump administration, which tried to ban the app over national security concerns but was immediately challenged in federal court.        该命令是拜登为处理TikTok和特朗普政府之间的纠纷而采取的第一个重要步骤。特朗普政府曾试图以国家安全担忧为由,禁止该应用程序,但立即在联邦法院遭到质疑。
        Analysts said the new executive order was meant to create a process that could withstand such a challenge if the Biden administration chose to ratchet up pressure on individual apps.        分析人士表示,如果拜登政府选择对个人应用程序施加更大压力,新的行政命令旨在创建一个能够经受住这种挑战的程序。
        “It’s a bit of a troll to the Trump administration approach,” said Brian J. Fleming, a lawyer who focuses on national security and international trade matters, “which was exposed in court as being a bit of a hollow process that was completely outcome driven.”        “这有点像用特朗普政府的做法来钓鱼,”专注于国家安全和国际贸易事务的律师布莱恩·J·弗莱明(Brian J. Fleming)说,“特朗普政府的做法在法庭上有点像是空洞的程序,完全由结果驱动。”
        With Mr. Biden repeatedly emphasizing that growing Chinese influence has challenged not only the future of the American economy but democracy itself, his administration has worked to reassess or strengthen several directives Mr. Trump made to curb China. In several cases, the president has taken a more aggressive approach than his predecessor: Last week, Mr. Biden expanded a Trump-era order by barring Americans from investing in Chinese firms linked to the country’s military or engaged in selling surveillance technology.        拜登一再强调,中国日益增长的影响力不仅挑战了美国经济的未来,也挑战了民主本身,他的政府一直在努力重新评估或加强特朗普为遏制中国而做出的若干指示。在一些情况下,总统采取了比前任更激进的做法:上周,拜登扩大了特朗普时代的一项命令,禁止美国人投资与中国军方有关联的公司或从事销售监控技术的公司。
        It is unclear how effective either order will ultimately be at stopping the spread of Chinese espionage technology, and the moves do not fully resolve the future of TikTok, a wildly popular app with 100 million American users. In September, the Trump administration issued an executive order banning operations of TikTok and WeChat, the popular messaging service owned by Tencent. A judge granted an injunction of the Trump order, giving TikTok a lifeline until November.        目前尚不清楚这两项命令在阻止中国间谍技术的传播方面最终会有多大效果,这些举措也不能完全解决TikTok的未来。TikTok是一个广受欢迎的应用程序,在美国拥有1亿用户。9月,特朗普政府发布了一项行政命令,禁止TikTok和腾讯旗下流行的即时通讯服务微信的运营。一名法官批准了对特朗普命令的禁令,给了TikTok喘息之机,直至11月。
        At the same time, the Trump administration took on the role of deal maker. It said TikTok could maintain U.S. operations only if it sold itself to a U.S. company and shed all Chinese-based infrastructure and ties. After rushed bids and jockeying by tech giants, Oracle and Walmart won their bid to buy a stake in the company for an undisclosed amount. Mr. Trump then rejected the deal that his administration had orchestrated.        与此同时,特朗普政府承担了交易撮合者的角色。它表示,TikTok只有把自己卖给一家美国公司,并放弃所有在中国的基础设施和联系,才能维持在美国的业务。在科技巨头的匆忙出价和竞争后,甲骨文(Oracle)和沃尔玛(Walmart)赢得了收购该公司股份的竞标,收购金额未透露。特朗普随后拒绝了他的政府精心策划的交易。
        TikTok’s woes subsided with Mr. Trump’s election defeat. Though the company is still under scrutiny with the Biden administration’s new executive order, analysts say the dramatic ups and downs for the company will significantly dwindle.        TikTok的困境随着特朗普的选举失败而平息。尽管该公司仍在拜登政府的新行政命令下受到审查,但分析人士表示,该公司面对的戏剧性起伏将大为减少。
        James Lewis, a senior vice president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the Biden administration had shown no easing of the government’s strong stance against China. But the new order lays out much more precise criteria for weighing risks posed by TikTok and other companies owned by foreign adversaries like China.        战略与国际问题研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)高级副总裁詹姆斯·刘易斯(James Lewis)表示,拜登政府对中国的强硬立场没有显示出任何缓和迹象。但新命令列出了更加精确的标准,以便衡量TikTok和中国等外国对手拥有的公司所构成的风险。
        “They are taking the same direction as the Trump administration but in some ways tougher, in a more orderly fashion and implemented in a good way,” Mr. Lewis said. He added that Mr. Biden’s order was stronger than the Trump-era directive because “it’s coherent, not random.”        “他们的方向与特朗普政府相同,但在某些方面更强硬、更有序,以良好的方式实施,”刘易斯说。他还表示,拜登的命令比特朗普时代的指令更有力,因为“它是连贯的,不是随机的”。
        Under the new system outlined in Mr. Biden’s order, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo would be empowered to “use a criteria-based decision framework and rigorous, evidence-based analysis” to examine software applications designed, manufactured or developed by a “foreign adversary,” including China, according to a memo circulated by Commerce Department officials and obtained by The New York Times.        《纽约时报》获得的一份由商务部官员分发的备忘录显示,根据拜登命令中概述的新体系,商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)将被授权“使用基于标准的决策框架和严格的循证分析”,来审查包括中国在内的“外国对手”设计、制造或开发的软件应用程序。
        “The Biden administration is committed to promoting an open, interoperable, reliable and secure internet,” the memo said. “Certain countries,” including China, “do not share these democratic values.”        备忘录称:“拜登政府致力于推动一个开放、可互操作、可靠和安全的互联网”;“某些国家”,包括中国,“并不认同这些民主价值观”。
        On Wednesday, administration officials would not go into specifics about the future of TikTok’s availability to American users or say whether the U.S. government would seek to compel ByteDance, which owns the app, to transfer American user data to a company based in the United States. Amid a number of successful legal challenges waged by ByteDance, a deal to transfer the data to Oracle fell through this year shortly after Mr. Biden took office.        周三,政府官员不愿透露有关TikTok未来对美国用户可用性的细节,也不愿透露美国政府是否会寻求迫使拥有这款应用的字节跳动将美国用户数据转移给一家总部位于美国的公司。在字节跳动发起的一系列成功的法律挑战中,一项将数据转移给甲骨文的交易在拜登今年上任后不久以失败告终。
        Administration officials said a review of TikTok by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, the body that considers the national security implications of foreign investments in U.S. companies, was still continuing and separate from the order.        政府官员表示,美国外国投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment in United States)对TikTok的审查仍在继续,与上述命令分开。该机构负责评估外国对美国公司投资的国家安全影响。
        TikTok and Ant Group, the parent company of Alipay, which was also swept up in the Trump executive order, declined to comment. WeChat did not immediately respond to a request for comment.        TikTok和支付宝的母公司蚂蚁集团拒绝置评,后者也被纳入了特朗普的行政命令。微信没有立即回应置评请求。
        Christoph Hebeisen, the director of security intelligence research at the mobile security firm Lookout, noted in an interview that TikTok does not vacuum up the same amount of data from its users that an American-owned behemoth like Facebook does, but could still be used to construct a fuller picture of a person’s activities and social contacts.        移动安全公司Lookout的安全情报研究主管克里斯托夫·哈巴森(Christoph Hebeisen)在接受采访时指出,TikTok没有像Facebook这样的美国巨头那样,从用户那里吸走大量数据,但仍可用于更全面地构建一个人的活动和社交关系图景。
        “It’s not the big classified secrets that people would be after,” Mr. Hebeisen said. “It could really be that mass collection and making something out of that data for interesting information on people of interest, or even connected to people of interest.”        “它可能从人们那里获取的不是重大机密,”哈巴森说。“它可能其实是那种大规模的收集,从这些数据中获取关于感兴趣的人的有趣信息,甚至是与感兴趣的人有关的信息。”
        The order issued on Wednesday was also meant to broaden one issued in 2019 by the Trump administration, which banned American telecommunications companies from installing foreign-made equipment that could pose a threat to national security. That order did not name specific companies, nor did the one Mr. Biden issued.        周三发布的命令也是为了扩大特朗普政府2019年发布的一项命令,该命令禁止美国电信公司安装可能对国家安全构成威胁的外国制造的设备。该命令没有指明具体的公司,拜登发布的命令也是如此。
        The new directive also does not mention specific retaliatory measures that could be taken if an application is found to be a threat to national security.        新指令也没有提到在发现某项应用对国家安全构成威胁时,可以采取的具体报复性措施。

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