C罗挪可乐被球员争相模仿 欧足联:不要再动赞助商饮料了!_OK阅读网
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C罗挪可乐被球员争相模仿 欧足联:不要再动赞助商饮料了!
UEFA asks Euro 2020 teams to stop removing sponsor bottles

来源:中国日报    2021-06-18 15:37

        Reacting to a bottle-snatching trend at the European Championship started by Cristiano Ronaldo, players on the 24 teams have been asked to stop removing strategically placed sponsor drinks from the news conference platforms, UEFA said Thursday.        对于C罗在欧洲杯掀起的挪瓶子风潮,欧足联本周四(6月17日)表示,已要求24个参赛球队的队员不能再移走新闻发布会平台上特意放置的赞助商饮料。
        Ronaldo, Paul Pogba and Manuel Locatelli all removed sponsor bottles away from the view of cameras when taking their seats at official media sessions this week.        本周,C罗、保罗·博格巴和曼努埃尔·洛卡特利在官方新闻发布会上落座时均把赞助商饮料挪到镜头之外。
        Euro 2020 tournament director Martin Kallen said UEFA has “communicated with the teams regarding this matter.”        2020欧洲杯赛事总监马丁·凯伦称,欧足联已经“就此事和参赛球队沟通过”。
        "It is important because the revenues of the sponsors are important for the tournament and for European football,” Kallen said in a briefing.        凯伦在记者会上说:“这很重要,因为赞助商的投入对于欧洲杯和欧洲足球都是非常重要的。”
        Ronaldo started the trend on Monday at a mandatory pre-game news conference by hiding two Coca-Cola bottles and replacing them with a water bottle, which was also one of the drink maker’s brands.        本周一(6月14日),C罗在例行的赛前新闻发布会上将两瓶可口可乐挪走,并拿来一瓶水代替。这瓶水也是可口可乐旗下产品。
        A drop in Coca-Cola’s share price this week was attributed by some to Ronaldo’s snub, but without any evidence that the two things were connected.        C罗此举可能在某种程度上导致本周可口可乐的股价大跌,但是没有任何证据显示两者之间有关联。
        Locatelli copied the Portugal great on Wednesday after helping Italy beat Switzerland.        本周三(6月16日),洛卡特利在帮助意大利队击败瑞士队后,也效仿了C罗的举动。
        It prompted UEFA to remind officials with the teams that players should respect the sponsors and the contributions they make to European soccer.        这促使欧足联向各参赛球队的官员发出警告,指出球员应该尊重赞助商以及他们对欧洲足球做出的贡献。
        While UEFA will not impose fines on individual players, Kallen said it was “always a possibility” that national federations get a financial penalty for further incidents.        尽管欧足联不会对球员个人处以罚款,但是凯伦称,如果接下来还有类似事件发生,欧足联“不排除”罚款的可能性。
        The issue is a source of comedy for other teams.        挪饮料事件成了其他球队的欢乐源泉。
        Scotland midfielder John McGinn quipped “No Coke?” because there were no bottles in the squad’s training base interview room, and Belgium coach Roberto Martinez said after a 2-1 victory over Denmark on Thursday that his team loves the drink.        苏格兰中场球员约翰·麦金在训练地的采访室看不见饮料时俏皮地说道:“没有可乐吗?”比利时队教练罗伯托·马丁内斯本周四在比利时队以2比1打败丹麦队后表示,他的球队很喜欢喝可乐。
        Coca-Cola is an official sponsor of the Belgian soccer federation.        可口可乐是比利时足球协会的官方赞助商。
        All 24 teams will get some of the money paid by Coca-Cola, Heineken and 10 other top-tier sponsors that contribute to UEFA’s total tournament revenue of almost 2 billion euros.        参加欧洲杯的全部24个球队将会由可口可乐、喜力和其他10家顶级赞助商支付一部分奖金,而这些赞助商也是欧足联近20亿欧元(约合人民币154亿元)欧洲杯总收入的来源。
        The values of individual sponsor deals are not published, but UEFA got 483 million euros in sponsor deals from 10 partners at Euro 2016 in France.        个体赞助商的合同价值没有公开,但是在2016法国欧洲杯上欧足联从10个赞助商那里得到了4.83亿欧元的赞助收入。
        Players also indirectly get money from Euro 2020 commercial income via their national federations and clubs.        球员们也能通过本国足协和俱乐部间接地从2020欧洲杯的商业收入中分一杯羹。
        The 24 national federations will share 371 million euros in UEFA prize money, which typically helps pay player bonuses. The champions can get a maximum of 34 million euros from UEFA by also winning all three of their group games.        24国足协将分享3.71亿欧元的欧足联奖金,这些钱通常会用来给球员发奖金。打赢3个小组赛的冠军最多可以从欧足联拿到3400万欧元奖金。
        Hundreds of clubs worldwide also get shares from at least 200 million euros allocated by UEFA from Euro 2020 revenue as a reward for releasing their players to European national teams. Of that money, 130 million euros is allocated on a daily rate for about 630 players taking part in the final tournament.        世界各地的数百个足球俱乐部也能从欧足联发放的2亿欧元中分成,作为他们允许自己的球员为欧洲国家队效力的回报。其中1.3亿欧元是发放给参加决赛的630名球员的,按日计费。
        Euro 2020 revenue will also fund 775 million euros UEFA has promised to its 55 member federations in annual grants and development project funds for the period of 2020-24.        2020欧洲杯的收入还将拨出7.75亿欧元,用于兑现欧足联对55个联合会成员的承诺,作为各成员2020-2024年的年度拨款和发展项目基金。

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