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Chinese astronaut Nie Haisheng set for record-breaking space stay

来源:中国日报    2021-06-19 09:00

        Nie Haisheng is expected to soon create a record for the longest stay in space by a Chinese astronaut as he is slated to take part in his third space mission.聂海胜很快将创造中国宇航员在太空停留时间的最长纪录,因为这是他第三次出征太空。
        Born in 1964 in Central China's Hubei province, Nie comes from a humble financial background. He lived in a village with his six elder sisters and a younger brother doing farm work and studying until he turned 18. Nie had a great passion for planes and read a lot of books when he was a child, according to his classmates.
        In 1989, when he was flying a newly-modified plane alone, he encountered a sudden in-flight engine shutdown. Seeing the plane lose altitude rapidly, the ground commander ordered Nie to eject from the flight. But, he still tried to bring the plane back to safety risking his life.1989年,聂海胜在独自驾驶新改装的飞机时,遇到飞行中发动机突然停机的情况。地面指挥员见飞机迅速下降高度,命令聂海胜跳伞。但是,他仍然冒着生命危险试图将飞机带回安全地带。
        Nearly a decade after the incident, Nie joined the country's first team of astronauts, receiving training much tougher than that for a fighter pilot. He stood out and was selected as one of the final three candidates for China's first manned space mission in 2003.
        During his 15-day space trek on Shenzhou-10 in 2013, Nie, who held the rank of Major General, conducted the manual space docking in the mission. Nie's success can be attributed to his tough training, as he has conducted more than 2,000 ground simulations achieving 100 percent accuracy in manual docking.2013年,在神舟十号为期15天的太空飞行中,身为少将的聂海胜成功执行了天宫一号和神舟十号的载人交会对接任务。他的成功可以归功于平日里艰苦的训练。在地面超过两千次的模拟训练中,他的对接准确率为100%。

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