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Tokyo 2020 organizers to set 50% venue capacity limit for spectators

来源:中国日报    2021-06-23 08:00

        Note: in the event of 万一发生…
        "Masks should be worn in venues at all times; speaking in a loud voice or shouting will be prohibited; congestion should be avoided by means of appropriate announcements; and visitors should leave venues in a staggered manner," read a statement outlining the guidelines.一份东京奥运会防疫指南概要声明称:“在场馆内应始终佩戴口罩;禁止大声说话、喊叫;应注意公告避免拥挤;游客应错峰离场。”
        Last Friday, a group of infectious disease experts in Japan submitted a report on COVID-19 countermeasures at the Games to the government and organizing committee.6月18日,日本传染病专家组向政府和组委会提交了关于奥运会期间新冠疫情应对措施的报告。
        They also recommended stricter restrictions than those currently in place for large-scale events if spectators are allowed at the Games' venues. They added that if COVID-19 infections look like they're rising, organizers should ban spectators at venues.专家组还建议,如果奥运会场馆允许观众进入,那么对大型赛事的限制应比目前的限制更严格。他们称,如果感染人数出现上升,主办方应该禁止现场观赛。
        On Monday, Japan's prime minister Yoshihide Suga said he will not rule out an Olympics without spectators if Tokyo is under a state of emergency.日本首相菅义伟6月21日表示,如果东京处于紧急状态,将不排除东京奥运会闭门举行的可能。
        The decision for the number of spectators at this year's Paralympic Games will be made on July 16, a week before the Olympics is set to begin.今年残奥会的观众人数将在东京奥运会开幕前一周的7月16日决定。

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