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Tokyo 2020 organizers to set 50% venue capacity limit for spectators

来源:中国日报    2021-06-23 08:00

        Tokyo 2020 announced on Monday that it will allow spectators at the Olympics this year amid the pandemic, setting a 50% cap at venues, up to a maximum of 10,000 people.
        Organizers did however warn that it could restrict the number of fans in the event of a state of emergency or amid any other restrictions to curb the rise of COVID-19 infections.不过,主办方提醒,如进入紧急状态或为控制新冠疫情传播采取其他措施的情况下,可能会限制现场观众人数。
        Those attending the postponed Olympics will have to abide by a number of protocols aimed at stopping the spread of cases.参加东京奥运会的人员必须遵守一系列防疫规定。
        The organizers' decision came amid concern about the spread of COVID-19. Tokyo has now shifted to a quasi-state of emergency until July 11.东京奥运会主办方做出这一决定之时,新冠疫情扩散正引发公众担忧。东京目前正处于准紧急状态,直至7月11日。
        They said holding events without spectators posed the least risk -- organizers already decided in March to ban overseas spectators.他们认为,无观众举办赛事活动风险最小——东京奥运会主办方已经在3月份决定禁止海外观众到场观赛。
        Tokyo 2020 President Hashimoto Seiko responded that the Games may be held without spectators depending on the infection situation.东京奥组委主席桥本圣子回应称,可能会根据感染情况来决定是否禁止现场观赛。
        "I would like to take on board chairman Omi and everyone else's proposals," Suga told reporters while visiting a vaccination site. "In the event a state of emergency being declared, then we can't rule out not having spectators -- the public's safety and security is a top priority."菅义伟在参观疫苗接种现场时告诉记者:“我会考虑东京奥组委主席桥本圣子和其他人的建议。如果宣布进入紧急状态,那么我们就不能排除禁止现场观赛的可能性——公众的安全保障是首要任务。”

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