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‘I Am So Freaked Out. I Can’t Even Get My Mind Around It.’

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-26 01:53

        Ultrarunning has never experienced a day like Saturday, when 21 runners died as a storm descended on a high mountain pass during a 62-mile race in northwestern China.        超级马拉松这项运动从未发生过周六那样的事情:在中国西北地区一场百公里比赛中,暴风骤雨袭击一个山口,导致21名选手丧生。
        Tragedy is hardly a foreign concept in ultrarunning, races longer than the standard marathon distance of 26.2 miles. But the scale of the loss of life in Gansu Province was hard for even veterans of the growing sport to fathom.        在超马的世界里,悲剧并不陌生,它的比赛距离超过标准马拉松的26.2英里。但是,对于这项吸引了越来越多爱好者的运动,哪怕是资深人士,甘肃的伤亡规模也让他们感到难以理解。
        Usually, tragedy strikes an ultrarace on a runner-by-runner basis. Last year, Kateryna Katiuscheva of Ukraine, known as the “Iron Lady” of ultrarunning, collapsed six miles from the finish of a 42-mile trail race. Organizers found her after an eight-hour search but she died in the hospital, at age 33, the following day. And last summer, the veteran ultrarunner Kim McCoy lost her leg when she was struck by a car while crossing a highway 70 miles from the finish line of a 340-mile race across the American South.        超马中的悲剧通常是单人事件。去年,被称为超马“铁娘子”的乌克兰选手卡捷琳娜·卡蒂乌舍娃(Kateryna Katiuscheva)在一场42英里越野赛中,在距离终点线六英里的地方倒下。组织者经过八小时搜寻后找到了她。次日,她在医院去世,终年33岁。还有去年夏天,资深超马选手金·麦科伊(Kim McCoy)在一场横跨美国南部、长达340英里比赛距离终点线70英里处穿越公路时,被汽车撞倒,失去了一条腿。
        What happened in China was more akin to a mountaineering disaster, an avalanche, or what happened on Mount Everest in 1996, when a sudden storm killed eight climbers and stranded several others, including many amateur climbers.        而在中国发生的事故更像是一场登山灾难、雪崩或1996年的珠峰事故——一场突如其来的暴风雪导致八名登山者死亡,并困住了其他几人,其中包括许多业余登山者。
        “I am so freaked out,” Katie Arnold, an ultrarunning champion and the author of the memoir, “Running Home,” said Monday. “I can’t even get my mind around it.”        “我吓坏了,”著有回忆录《长跑回家路》(Running Home)的超马冠军凯蒂·阿诺德(Katie Arnold)周一说。“我甚至仍然不能相信。”
        Once considered an extreme niche activity, ultrarunning has soared in popularity during the last two decades. More than 600,000 people participated in an ultrarace in 2018, an increase of nearly 350 percent during the past decade, and nearly 1,700 percent from the 1990s, according to a recent study from the International Association of Ultrarunners, the global governing body for the sport.        超马一度被认为是一种极其小众的运动,在过去20年中迅速流行起来。根据全球超马运动管理机构国际超级马拉松协会(International Association of Ultrarunners)的最新研究,2018年有超过60万人参加了超马比赛,在过去10年中增长了近350%,比1990年代增长了近1700%。
        At the same time, leaders of the sport have continued to up the ante, organizing harder and longer races. Many last several days and hundreds of miles and include both high-altitude climbs and extreme temperatures.        同时,这项运动的佼佼者们不断提出更高目标,组织了更艰苦和距离更长的比赛。许多比赛持续数日,距离长达数百英里,还包括高海拔攀登和极端温度。
        Critics have argued that some of these races have begun to blur the lines between the rugged and the reckless, and in the process, shifted the definition of an endurance race from conquering long distances to surviving the elements.        批评者认为,其中一些比赛已经开始模糊坚毅和鲁莽的界线,并且在这种转变中,将耐力比赛的定义从征服长距离转向了生存挑战。
        Many ultraraces do not include much nourishment from organizers. Instead, some require runners to have their own crew supporting them along the way, though that can be difficult when the course runs through remote, high-altitude regions.        许多超马比赛的组织者并不提供太多资源。有些比赛反而要求选手在赛程中从自备的团队那里得到支持,尽管当路线穿过偏远的高海拔地区时,这可能难以做到。
        Candice Burt, an organizer of ultramarathons, several longer than 200 miles, said with the increasing popularity of the sport, those who stage races can no longer count on runners being familiar with what they need to survive the terrain. She is now discussing an expansion of the list of required safety gear.        超马组织者坎蒂丝·伯特(Candice Burt)组织过多次超过200英里的比赛,她说,随着这项运动的日益普及,那些举办比赛的人不能再指望选手熟悉地形生存的条件。她现在正在讨论扩展必备安全装备清单。
        “You may not need it, but someone else you come across in the race might,” Burt said. “There are going to be significant sections in these races that it’s going to take a while for rescuers to get to.”        “你也许不需要它,但你在比赛中遇到的其他人可能需要,”伯特说。“在这些比赛中将有一些重要赛段,救援人员需要花些时间才能到达。”
        The 21 deaths during the race in China served as a reminder that even as extreme activities become more mainstream, they can become fatal in an instant.        在中国的比赛中,有21人死亡,这提醒我们,即使极限运动变得越来越主流,它们也可能在瞬间导致死亡。
        The Chinese ultramarathon took place at the Yellow River Stone Forest Park tourist site and turned catastrophic when a large storm moved in Saturday afternoon, pelting runners with rain and hail, bringing freezing temperatures and carrying wind that knocked them off their feet. The area is notorious for wild swings in the weather, in part, people familiar with it say, because of the chains of mountains to the west and the Siberian winds from the north.        中国这次的超马比赛在黄河石林公园旅游景点进行。周六下午,一场暴雨袭来,大雨和冰雹打在选手身上,温度降至冰点,大风把他们刮倒,比赛变成了一场灾难。熟悉该地区的人士说,人们都知道该地区天气波动剧烈,在一定程度上是因为西部连绵的山脉和来自北方西伯利亚的风。
        One runner, Zhang Xiaotao, 30, recalls falling nearly a dozen times before passing out. A shepherd found him and carried him to safety.        30岁的张小涛是其中一位选手,他记得在昏迷前摔倒了不下十次。一位牧羊人发现了他,并将他背到安全地带。
        Scott Warr, a longtime mid-pack trail runner and co-host of the podcast Trail Runner Nation, wondered whether “the veterans of the sport aren’t training or educating the new people as much as they need to be.”        资深的中间集团(mid-pack)越野赛选手斯科特·沃(Scott Warr)也是播客Trail Runner Nation的联合主持人,他怀疑“这项运动的资深选手是否付出了应有的努力来训练新人或传授知识给他们”。
        And yet, a striking element of the tragedy in China was the level of proficiency of some of the runners who lost their lives, including Liang Jing, 31, an ultramarathon champion, and Huang Guanjun, the winner of the men’s marathon for hearing-impaired runners at China’s 2019 National Paralympic Games.        然而,在中国发生的悲剧中,一些丧生选手的水平之高令人瞩目,其中包括31岁的超马冠军梁晶和中国2019年残运会男子马拉松听力障碍组冠军黄关军。
        It is not clear how strict organizers were about making runners carry an emergency pack with warmer clothing, something that has become increasingly common at races that pass through high-altitude regions in the United States and Europe. Many runners set off on the course in China in little more than a T-shirt and shorts before freezing conditions arrived.        在美国和欧洲,在包含高海拔地区的比赛中,让选手携带有保暖衣服的紧急装备包已经越来越普遍,但尚不清楚该比赛的组织者对选手在这方面要求的严格程度。在冰冷的天气来临之前,在中国的这次比赛中,许多运动员仅穿着T恤和短裤就出发了。
        In many races, runners will be pulled from the starting line or from a check point if they do not have a bag with a lightweight jacket, rain pants, a mobile phone, and in some cases a small blanket, a hat and gloves.        在许多比赛中,如果选手没有带一个装有轻便夹克、雨裤、手机的包(在某些情况下还要加上小毯子、帽子和手套),他们将被带离起跑线或检查点。
        Dean Karnazes, who has made a career out of accomplishing endurance feats including multiple extreme ultraraces, called the tragedy a wake-up call for all ultrarunners. He has been hypothermic and watched his fingers turn blue, and said he will not let that happen anymore. “I’m going to make sure I am prepared now, and I don’t think I am unique among ultrarunners in thinking that,” Karnazes said.        迪恩·卡纳兹斯(Dean Karnazes)将完成耐力挑战作为职业,其中包括多项极限马拉松比赛,他称这场悲剧是所有超马者的警钟。他曾经历过失温,看着自己的手指变紫,他说再也不会让这种情况发生在自己身上。卡纳兹斯说:“我将确保我是做好准备的,并且我认为在超马选手中这是一个普遍的想法。”
        Arnold, who finished second in the Jemez Mountain Trail Runs 53-mile race on Saturday, said organizers there had set up an elaborate texting system to warn runners of danger. During the race, she received warnings about everything from a mother bear on the course with her cubs to a severe weather warning from the National Weather Service. The event, which covers high terrain in New Mexico, had in recent years experienced severe storms, including one in which snow forced runners to take shelter in tents.        阿诺德周六在赫梅斯山53英里越野马拉松赛跑中获得第二名,她说那里的组织者建立了精心设计的短信系统向选手警告危险。她在比赛期间受到了各种警告,从赛道上出没带着小熊的母熊,到国家气象局发出的恶劣天气警告。该比赛包含新墨西哥州的高海拔地区,近年来经历过严重的风暴,其中一场大雪迫使选手躲进帐篷。
        Arnold said the precautions impressed her. She describes herself as a conservative runner who pays close attention to the weather on training runs, which she calls off if she sees lightning or clouds gathering at high altitude.        阿诺德说,这些预防措施给她留下了深刻的印象。她形容自己是一名保守的跑者,在跑步时会密切注意天气,如果在高空看到闪电或密集的云层,她会选择中止。
        But it’s one thing to do that in training and another to do that in the middle of a race, when adrenaline and the rush of competition come into play.        但是,在训练中做到这一点是一回事,而在比赛途中又是另一回事——激增的肾上腺素和竞争欲望也在发生作用。
        “It feels there is an excessive quality that is a little worrisome,” Arnold said of ultrarunning. “I hope things will change from this. It could have happened at any race.”        “感觉有些事情有点过度,这有点令人担忧,”阿诺德谈到超马时说道。“我希望事情会因此而改变。悲剧在任何比赛中都可能发生。”

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