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China Releases Rover’s First Photos After Mars Landing

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-20 03:37

        Four days after landing a spacecraft on Mars, China’s space agency released its first photographs from the red planet on Wednesday, announcing that the mission was going as planned.        在一个探测器在火星着陆四天后,中国国家航天局周三发布了第一批来自这个红色行星的图像,宣布任务正在按计划进行。
        The four-day wait for the images — one in color, one in black and white, as well as a pair of small video clips — had prompted speculation that something might have gone wrong with the landing on Saturday. When China’s space agency issued a statement in response to those concerns on Tuesday, urging patience, the response online was biting.        发回这些图像——一张彩色照片、一张黑白照片,以及两段短视频——等待了四天,引发了人们对周六的着陆可能出了问题的猜测。国家航天局周二发了一个声明回应这些担忧,敦促人们保持耐心,网上的回应颇为刻薄。
        “Can’t you learn from NASA propaganda?” one user wrote beneath the statement, seeming to chide the agency with a comparison to NASA’s live broadcasts of its latest mission on Mars, which began in February.        “能不能学学人家NASA宣传?”一名用户在该机构的声明下写道,这似乎是通过比较NASA对其今年2月开始的最近一次火星任务的直播,来指责国家航天局。
        After decades of exploring Mars, NASA has a flotilla of spacecraft in orbit around the planet to relay data from its rovers, Perseverance and Curiosity, that are driving on the surface. The Chinese possess no existing spacecraft infrastructure at Mars to take advantage of.        NASA在对火星进行了几十年的探索之后,已在火星轨道上有一个小型航天器队,可为正在火星表面行驶的“毅力号”(Perseverance)和“好奇号”(Curiosity)火星车发回地球的数据做中继。中国在火星轨道上没有已在轨的航天器基础设施可用。
        The Tianwen-1 mission consists of an orbiter, lander and rover that launched in July and arrived at Mars in February. But the orbit that put Tianwen-1 in position to release the lander and rover last week was not ideal for relaying large chunks of data, like images and videos, back to Earth.        “天问一号”探测器由环绕器、着陆巡视器和火星车组成,于去年7月发射,并于今年2月抵达火星轨道。但“天问一号”上周使用的将着陆巡视器和火星车释放到火星表面的轨道,让其处于并不理想的中继位置,无法将图像和视频等大量数据传回地球。
        On Monday, the orbiter fired its thrusters, and it now circles Mars once every eight hours instead of two days. That allows more frequent and faster communications with the rover, which has been named Zhurong, after a mythical Chinese god of fire.        周一,环绕器启动了自己的推进器,现在它每八小时就能绕火星运行一周,而不是之前的两天,这让它可以与火星车进行更频繁、更快的通信。火星车以中国神话中的火神“祝融”命名。
        The photographs were the first public evidence that China’s lander had successfully reached the surface.        这些图像是中国着陆器成功降落火星表面的首批公开证据。
        The landing made China only the third nation to touch down safely on Mars, after the United States and, very briefly, the Soviet Union. It was the latest in a series of major milestones, including missions to the moon and the start of construction of a new orbiting space station, that have secured China’s status as a space power. (China was expected to launch a second module for the space station later Wednesday or on Thursday.)        这次着陆让中国成为继美国和苏联之后,第三个在火星上安全着陆的国家,苏联曾非常短暂地降在火星上。这是确保了中国作为太空大国地位的一系列重大里程碑中的最新一个,其他还有月球探索任务和新轨道空间站的建设。(预计中国将在周三晚些时候或周四为空间站建设发射第二个模块。)
        Since the landing craft reached the surface on Saturday, the China National Space Administration had divulged little about the Mars mission’s progress. It said on Wednesday that the components of the lander and the rover, including its solar panels, had “deployed in place normally.”        自从着陆巡视器于周六抵达火星表面以来,中国国家航天局对火星任务的进展情况近乎秘而不宣。该机构周三说,着陆巡视器和火星车上包括太阳能电池板在内的机构展开“正常到位”。
        The black-and-white photograph shows the ramp that will guide the rover off the lander to the surface, casting a crisp shadow on the surface. (The horizon’s arc is an effect of the wide-angle lens.)        那张黑白照片显示了引导火星车从着陆巡视器下滑到火星表面的坡道,坡道在火星表面的影子清晰可见。(远处地平线成弧线状是受广角镜头的影响。)
        The other image, in color, shows the rear of the rover and signs that the solar panels that will power the vehicle had unfolded successfully. In the background are the red rocks and soil of Utopia Planitia, the impact basin where NASA’s Viking 2 probe also landed in 1976.        那张彩色照片显示了火星车的尾部,并显示了将为火星车提供动力的太阳能电池板已成功展开。照片的背景是乌托邦平原的红色岩石和土壤。1976年,NASA的“海盗2号”(Viking 2)探测器曾在这个撞击盆地着陆。
        The Chinese agency also released two brief videos of the lander departing the orbiter that carried the craft to Mars.        中国国家航天局还发布了两段关于携带火星车的着陆巡视器与环绕器分离的简短视频。
        Zhurong is carrying a number of instruments to study the planet’s topography, geology and atmosphere. One goal is to understand the distribution of ice in the region, which, in theory, could someday help sustain visits by people. It is expected to drive off the lander in a few days.        “祝融号”携带了一系列仪器来研究火星的地形、地质和大气。一个目标是了解该地区冰的分布情况,从理论上说,这有朝一日可能帮助到访的人类维持生存。预计“祝融号”将在几天内离开着陆巡视器。

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