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Countries Are Scrambling for Vaccines. Mongolia Has Plenty.

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-21 04:25

        Mongolia, a country of grassy hills, vast deserts and endless skies, has a population not much bigger than Chicago’s. The small democratic nation is used to living in the shadow of its powerful neighbors, Russia and China.        蒙古,一个拥有草原山丘、广袤沙漠和无垠天空的国家,人口并不比芝加哥多多少。这个民主小国习惯于生活在其强大的邻国俄罗斯和中国的阴影下。
        But during a pandemic, being a small nation sandwiched between two vaccine makers with global ambitions can have advantages.        但在大流行期间,作为一个小国,夹在两个有全球抱负的疫苗制造大国之间可能会带来优势。
        At a time when most countries are scrambling for coronavirus vaccines, Mongolia now has enough to fully vaccinate its entire adult population, in large part thanks to deals with both China and Russia. Officials are so confident about the nation’s vaccine riches that they are promising citizens a “Covid-free summer.”        在大多数国家都在争抢新冠病毒疫苗的时候,蒙古现在有了足够的疫苗给所有成年人口接种,这在很大程度上要归功于同中国和俄罗斯的合作。官员们对该国的疫苗资源非常有信心,他们向公民承诺一个“没有新冠的夏天”。
        Mongolia’s success in procuring the vaccines in the span of a few months is a big victory for a low-income, developing nation. Many poor countries have been waiting in line for shots, hoping for the best. But Mongolia, using its status as a small geopolitical player between Russia and China, was able to snap up doses at a clip similar to that of much wealthier countries.        蒙古在几个月内成功地采购了疫苗,这对一个低收入发展中国家来说是一个巨大的胜利。许多贫穷国家一直在排队等待疫苗,希望能有好的结果。但蒙古利用其作为俄罗斯和中国之间一个小小地缘政治参与者的地位,能够像更富裕的国家那样迅速抢购到疫苗。
        “It speaks to the Mongolian ability to play to the two great powers and maximize their benefits even while they are on this tightrope between these two countries,” said Theresa Fallon, director of the Center for Russia Europe Asia Studies in Brussels.        布鲁塞尔的俄罗斯欧亚研究中心(Center for Russia Europe Asia Studies)主任特蕾莎·法伦(Theresa Fallon)说,“这说明蒙古有能力利用这两个大国,即使在这两个国家之间走钢丝,也能让自己的利益最大化。”
        It is also a win for China and Russia, which have extensive resource interests in Mongolia and ambitions to appear to play a role in ending the pandemic, even when much of the world has expressed deep skepticism over their homegrown vaccines.        这对中国和俄罗斯来说也是一场胜利,它们在蒙古拥有广泛的资源利益,而且有在结束疫情方面发挥作用的雄心,尽管世界上很多国家对它们生产的疫苗表示深深的怀疑。
        Mongolia is a buffer between eastern Russia, which is resource rich and mostly unpopulated, and China, which is crowded and hungry for resources. While Russia and China are often aligned on the global stage, they have a history of conflict and are wary of each others’ interests in Mongolia. Those suspicions can be seen in their vaccine diplomacy.        蒙古是俄罗斯东部和中国之间的一个缓冲地带。俄罗斯东部资源丰富,人烟稀少,而中国人口稠密,极度渴求资源。尽管俄罗斯和中国在全球舞台上经常保持一致,但它们也有冲突的历史,并且对彼此在蒙古的利益保持警惕。这些怀疑可以从他们的疫苗外交中看出来。
        “Putin is deeply concerned about what China is doing in their neighborhood,” Ms. Fallon said of Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin.        “普京对中国在邻国的作为深感担忧,”法伦在谈到俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·V·普京(Vladimir V. Putin)时说。
        Russia has sold Mongolia one million doses of its Sputnik V vaccine. China has provided four million doses of vaccine — the final shipment of doses arrived this week. Mongolia’s most recent agreement with China’s Sinopharm Group, which is state-owned, was made days before the company received emergency authorization from the World Health Organization.        俄罗斯向蒙古出售了100万剂卫星五号(Sputnik V)疫苗。中国提供了400万剂疫苗,最后一批疫苗于本周抵达。蒙古与中国国有的国药控股集团最近达成的协议,是在该公司获得世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)紧急授权的几天前达成的。
        Mongolia was late to the global clamber for Covid-19 vaccines. For nearly a year officials boasted that there were no local cases. Then came an outbreak in November. Two months later, political crisis precipitated by the mishandling of the virus led to the sudden resignation of the prime minister. The prospect of continued coronavirus restrictions threatened to throw the country into further political turmoil.        在全球对新冠疫苗的争夺中,蒙古很晚才入场。在将近一年的时间里,官员们都在吹嘘当地没有病例。然后11月暴发了疫情。两个月后,因对病毒处理不当而引发的政治危机导致总理突然辞职。继续对新冠病毒实施限制的前景可能会使该国陷入进一步的政治动荡。
        The new prime minister, Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai, pledged to restart the economy, which had suffered from lockdowns and border closures, particularly in the south, where Mongolian truck drivers ferry coal across the border to China’s steel mills. But these plans were complicated by surging cases, with the daily count going from hundreds a day to thousands.        新总理奥云额尔登·罗布桑那木斯来(Oyun-Erdene luvannamsrai)承诺重启经济,该国经济曾受到封锁和边境关闭的影响,尤其是在南部,那里的蒙古卡车司机越过边境向中国钢铁厂运送煤炭。但这些计划因病例激增而变得复杂,每天的病例数从数百上升到数千。
        “We were quite desperate,” said Bolormaa Enkhbat, an economic and development policy adviser to the prime minister.        “我们当时非常绝望,”总理的经济和发展政策顾问博洛玛·恩赫巴特(Bolormaa Enkhbat)说。
        Mongolia approached China and Russia first, the foreign minister said, hoping longstanding economic ties with each country would help move it to the front of the line of countries seeking vaccines. Officials simultaneously explored diplomatic and private channels — putting in requests for donations from rich countries and the world’s biggest vaccine manufacturers.        该国外交部长表示,蒙古首先接触了中国和俄罗斯,希望与这两个国家长期的经济关系能够帮助蒙古国在寻求疫苗的国家中排在前列。官员们同时探索了外交和私人渠道——要求富裕国家和世界上最大的疫苗制造国提供捐赠。
        They contacted price-gouging middlemen, international health organizations and vaccine alliances for poorer countries. One intermediary offered to sell Pfizer-BioNTech’s Covid vaccine for $120 a shot, nearly a quarter of the average monthly salary, Ms. Enkhbat said. Covax, the global vaccine-sharing alliance, which Mongolia signed onto in July 2020, promised doses in the fall or winter.        他们联系了哄抬价格的中间商、国际卫生组织和较贫穷国家的疫苗联盟。恩赫巴特说,一家中介公司提出以120美元一针的价格出售辉瑞生物科技(Pfizer-BioNTech)的新冠病毒疫苗,这几乎是该国平均月工资的四分之一。蒙古于2020年7月加入了全球疫苗共享联盟Covax,该联盟承诺在秋季或冬季提供疫苗。
        With each breakthrough from Russia, negotiations moved more quickly with China.        随着在俄罗斯取得的每一次突破,与中国的谈判进展也更加迅速。
        In early February, Mongolia approved Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine. Three days later, China’s Sinopharm Group received approval for its Vero Cell vaccine. Soon after, China donated 300,000 doses of its Sinopharm vaccine to Mongolia, citing a “profound traditional friendship” as motivation.        2月初,蒙古批准了俄罗斯的卫星五号疫苗。三天后,中国国药集团的Vero细胞疫苗获得批准。不久之后,中国又向蒙方捐赠了30万剂国药集团疫苗,并称动机来自于两国“深厚的传统友谊”。
        Opening up more of the border between China and Mongolia was also a part of the vaccine discussions, Chinese and Mongolian officials said in Chinese state media. Mongolia needs China to buy its coal — exports to the country make up nearly a quarter of Mongolia’s annual economic growth. The revenues helped to pad Mongolia’s budget by a quarter last year.        中国和蒙古官员在中国官方媒体上说,进一步开放中蒙边境也是疫苗谈判的一部分。蒙古需要中国购买其煤炭——对中国的煤炭出口占蒙古年经济增长的近四分之一。去年,这些收入帮助蒙古的预算增加了四分之一。
        After a month of back and forth, the Mongolian government struck a deal in March with Russia’s Gamaleya Research Institute, too, for one million doses of the Sputnik vaccine. Days later, Mongolia finalized an agreement to buy 330,000 additional doses of the Sinopharm vaccine.        经过一个月的反复交涉,蒙古政府在3月也同俄罗斯的加马利亚研究所(Gamaleya Research Institute)达成协议,购买100万剂卫星疫苗。几天后,蒙古敲定了另一项购买33万剂国药集团疫苗的协议。
        When there was a last-minute hitch in the delivery of the purchased Chinese vaccines, a call on April 7 between China’s premier, Li Keqiang, and Mongolia’s prime minister, helped to smooth things over and reassure both sides. Up to that point, it was still unclear if Mongolia would be able to rely on China or if it would need to return to Russia for more vaccines.        当购买的中国疫苗在运送过程的最后一刻出现意外时,中国总理李克强与蒙古总理4月7日的一次通话帮助缓和了局面,让双方都放心下来。在此之前,蒙古是否能够依赖中国,或者是否需要转头向俄罗斯购买更多疫苗,依然是个未知数。
        “That’s what paved the way for the rest of the deal,” Ms. Enkhbat said about the phone call between the two men. “We laid out the situation and said that we are betting on Chinese vaccines at a time when the rest of the world fully isn’t.”        “这为协议的其他部分铺平了道路,”恩赫巴特谈到两人之间的电话时说。“我们阐明了情况,并表示,我们把赌注押在中国疫苗上,世界其他地方还没有这样。”
        Mongolia has also secured commitments from AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioNTech. So far it has received only 60,000 of the Sputnik vaccine because of manufacturing delays. But the Chinese vaccine will account for a majority of Covid-19 shots for Mongolia’s population.        蒙古也得到了阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)和辉瑞疫苗的供货承诺。到目前为止,由于生产延迟,蒙古只收到了6万剂卫星疫苗。但蒙古人口接种的大部分新冠疫苗都将来自中国。
        “We are thankful to our partners, especially China, that they are providing us with vaccinations when they also need it for domestic use,” said Battsetseg Batmunkh, Mongolia’s foreign minister.        “很感谢我们的合作伙伴,特别是中国,他们在国内有接种需求的时候仍向我们提供了疫苗,”蒙古外长巴特策策格·巴孟(Battsetseg Batmunkh)说。
        The Chinese and Russian embassies in Mongolia did not respond to requests for comment.        中国和俄罗斯驻蒙古大使馆没有回应置评请求。
        In Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital, 97 percent of the adult population has received a first dose and more than half are fully vaccinated, according to government statistics. Across the country, more than three quarters of Mongolians have already received one shot.        据政府统计数据,在蒙古首都乌兰巴托,97%的成年人已经接种了第一针疫苗,超过一半的人已经接种完毕。在全国范围内,超过四分之三的蒙古人都已接种了第一针。
        The country’s vaccination effort still faces hurdles. Mongolia is economically dependent on China, and many of its citizens continue to fear its power and influence. When tensions have arisen in the past, China has shut its border and stopped purchasing Mongolian coal.        蒙古的疫苗接种工作仍面临着障碍。它在经济上依赖中国,许多公民仍在担忧中国的力量和影响。以往两国关系出现紧张时,中国会关闭边境,并停止购买蒙古煤炭。
        Mongolians have also expressed a preference for Russia’s Sputnik vaccine. To get the population to take the Sinopharm shot, the government has offered each citizen 50,000 tugriks — about $18 — to get fully vaccinated. The average monthly salary in 2020 was $460.        蒙古人也都表示更愿意接种俄罗斯的卫星疫苗。为了让民众接种国药疫苗,政府向每位接种完毕的公民提供5万图格里克(约113元人民币)的奖励。2020年蒙古的平均月薪为460美元(约2960元人民币)。
        The terms and pricing of the Sinopharm and Sputnik deals were not made public, and Mongolia’s foreign ministry declined to comment on pricing. Representatives for the Gamaleya Research Institute and Sinopharm did not respond to requests for comment.        国药和卫星疫苗协议的条款和定价并未公开,蒙古外交部拒绝就定价置评。加马列亚研究所和国药集团的代表未回应置评请求。
        While some global health experts have questioned whether Sinopharm will be able to continue to deliver on its commitments overseas, it has delivered all of the doses Mongolia ordered. China has said it can make as many as five billion doses by the end of the year, though officials have warned that the country is struggling to make enough shots for its citizens.        尽管有全球卫生专家质疑国药是否能继续履行其在海外的承诺,但它已经交付了蒙古订购的所有剂量。中国曾表示,到今年年底可以生产多达50亿剂疫苗,不过官员们警告称,中国仍难以为其公民生产足够多的疫苗。
        There are also some signs that governments that have chosen the Sinopharm vaccine may have to roll out a third booster shot sooner than expected.        还有一些迹象表明,已经选择国药疫苗的政府可能必须提前于预期,推出第三剂加强针的接种。
        China, for its part, may be playing a long game, said Julian Dierkes, an associate professor at the University of British Columbia who specializes in Mongolian politics. Though many Mongolians may still not trust China, the Mongolian government will remember how it made its vaccines available at a critical moment.        不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)研究蒙古政治的副教授朱利安·迪尔克斯(Julian Dierkes)表示,就中国而言,它或许在打一场持久战。尽管许多蒙古人可能仍然不信任中国,但蒙古政府将记住中国是如何在关键时刻提供疫苗的。
        “We could coin a phrase here: ‘The opportunity of smallness,’” he said.        “我们可以在这里创造一个说法:‘小国之机遇’,”他说。

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