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Remote county puts positive spin on social media ridicule

来源:中国日报    2021-05-21 10:23

        China’s latest Internet fad: Ridicule Caoxian county — a tiny, little-known inland county in East China’s Shandong province — and talk about it as if it is on par with the world’s most developed cities.最近中国的网络热潮:调侃曹县。曹县本是一个不太为人所知的山东省内陆县城,大家却把它说成能够比肩世界最发达的城市。
        The county shot to fame on China’s social media with topics related to it discussed more than 500 million times, after a local live streamer bragged about his hometown in an exaggerated and contemptuous tone on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok.在一位抖音网红在视频中用夸张轻蔑的口吻吹嘘他的家乡后,曹县在中国社交媒体突然走红,相关话题浏览量超过5亿次。
        The influencer on Douyin, identified as Dashuo, posted short videos in which he yelled in the local dialect: ”Caoxian county rocks!”这个叫“大硕”的抖音网红在发布的短视频中用方言喊道:“曹县666!”
        However, the local county government quickly seized the opportunity to promote its economic progress and attract talent, with the county’s chief appearing in live streamed sales events and conducting media interviews.然而,当地县政府很快抓住了时机,推动经济进步,吸引人才。曹县县长出现在一场直播销售活动中,并接受了媒体采访。
        Liang Huimin, deputy Party chief and head of the local government, said Caoxian has a burgeoning e-commerce industry and is the biggest supplier of coffins to Japan, The Beijing News reported.据《新京报》报道,曹县县委副书记、县长梁惠民表示,曹县电子商务产业蓬勃发展,是日本最大的棺材供应商。
        As much as 90 percent of the coffins in Japan are made in Caoxian, Liang said, adding that hundreds of thousands of local people are engaged in the wood-product industry.梁惠民说,日本90%的棺材产自曹县,几十万当地人从事木制品行业。
        Caoxian is also China’s largest manufacturing base for performance costumes, including Hanfu, the historical clothing of the Han people, which has become popular with young Chinese.曹县还是中国最大的演出服装生产基地,包括汉服,这是汉族传统服饰,已成为中国年轻人的流行。
        The county had around 1.4 million people with a 2020 GDP of 46.38 billion yuan (US$7.2 billion).全县人口约140万,2020年国内生产总值463.8亿元。

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