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Here's Why You Look Better In The Mirror Than Photos

来源:中国日报    2021-05-22 09:00

        It's a reflection, so it shows how we look like in reverse. 它是一个倒影,展现的是我们翻转的样子。
        So if your nose goes 2mm to the left, then when your image is the other way round it appears to be 4mm to the right of where you're expecting it to be.所以如果你的鼻子长得偏左 2 毫米,而相片里的你是翻转过来的,那么照片里你的鼻子就比你预想的(平常从镜子里看到的)偏右了 4 毫米。
        Because of the proximity of your face to the camera, the lens can distort certain features, making them look larger than they are in real life.由于你的脸离相机很近,镜头会扭曲某些特征,使它们看起来比现实中的更大。
        No matter how many factors you want to blame for your crappy pictures, it all boils down to psychology.不管你把自己糟糕的照片归咎于什么,归根结底都是心理因素。
        The researchers took pictures of study participants and using a computerized procedure, produced more attractive and less attractive versions of those pictures. 研究人员给受试者拍照,随后通过电脑程序,将这些照片处理成漂亮和不太漂亮两个版本。
        It is concluded that the people tended to select an attractively enhanced one.实验结果表明,人们倾向于选择那张更漂亮的照片。

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