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How to Bring Nature Inside With the Right Houseplants

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-07 10:21

        Spending more time inside has accelerated any number of trends that existed before the pandemic, including bingeing of all kinds. But here’s one that’s actually good for you: Bringing nature indoors.        在室内度过更多时光加速了许多早在大流行之前就已存在的风潮,包括饕餮食物和剧集。但这里有一件对你真正有益的事情:将大自然带进室内。
        The appeal of interiors draped in greenery is no mystery: Houseplants are a natural salve for spaces filled with artificial materials and products, reminders of the far-flung gardens and landscapes that may be difficult to visit these days — and even stand-ins for the friends we used to entertain in our homes.        内部空间布满绿植的魅力并不神秘:对于满是人工材料和产品的空间来说,室内盆栽是大自然带来的慰藉,让人们想起如今难以前往的远方花园和风景,甚至可以充当我们曾经在家里招待的朋友的替身。
        “You can actually be a minimalist, but if you have plants, all of a sudden the space feels warm and inviting,” said Eliza Blank, the founder and chief executive of the houseplant retailer The Sill, who said her company’s sales have skyrocketed over the past year.        “你可以是一个极简主义者,但如果你有植物,突然间整个空间都会让人觉得温暖、吸引人,”盆栽零售商The Sill创始人、首席执行官伊丽莎·布兰克(Eliza Blank)说。她还表示,过去一年来,公司销售额飞涨。
        Maximalists have found their stride too, inspiring legions of followers on Instagram with rooms that resemble private jungles. The National Gardening Association estimates that household spending on houseplants has climbed almost 50 percent since 2016, with a year-over-year jump of more than 12 percent in 2020.        喜欢拥有东西的人也乐在其中,他们在Instagram上,用仿佛私人雨林一般的房间启发了大批关注者。美国园艺联盟(The National Gardening Association)估计,自2016年以来,美国人在盆栽方面的家庭支出攀升近50%,2020年同比跃升超过12%。
        But adding plants to your home isn’t always as easy as it looks. They can shrivel and die. And even if they live, they may not look as good in your home as they do on Instagram.        但给家中添置植物,看起来容易做起来难。它们会枯萎、死亡。就算这些植物活下来了,在你家也可能不会看起来像Instagram上一样好看。
        So what’s the secret to integrating plants into your living space?        那么,要把植物融入生活空间,秘诀是什么?
        “When it comes to plant styling, it’s just like any design project,” said Justina Blakeney, the Los Angeles-based founder of the blog-cum-lifestyle-brand Jungalow, whose latest book, “Jungalow: Decorate Wild,” will be published next month. “You have to think about the greater context and the overall look and feel you’re going for.”        “植物造型和其他设计项目一样,”生活在洛杉矶的尤斯蒂娜·布莱克尼(Justina Blakeney)说,她是博客/生活方式品牌丛林小屋(Jungalow)的创始人,最新著作《丛林小屋——装饰野外》(Jungalow: Decorate Wild)将于下个月出版。“你得考虑更大的背景,整体的样子,然后感受你的设计方向。”
        She added: “Of course, plants are living creatures, so you have to keep in mind what they want as well.”        她还说:“当然,植物是生物,所以你也必须考虑它们的需要。”
        Ms. Blakeney and other plant stylists and designers shared their strategies.        布莱克尼和其他植物造型师、设计师与我们分享了他们的做法。
        Understand Your Environment (and Yourself)        要了解你的环境(还有你自己)
        Many houseplants suffer simply because they’re put in environments that don’t suit them. Just because a big fiddle-leaf fig tree looks impressive in a living room you see in a shelter magazine doesn’t mean it will look good or flourish in your living room.        许多室内植物之所以遭罪,纯粹是因为被放到了不适合它们的环境里。你在主妇必读杂志里看到一大颗琴叶榕摆在客厅里看着不错,并不意味着它会在你的客厅茂密生长,或者好看。
        “My biggest tip is to assess the light in your home first, because light is the most important aspect of keeping plants happy,” said Danae Horst, the founder of Folia Collective, a plant store in Los Angeles, and the author of “Houseplants for All.” “It’s more important than watering; it’s more important than fertilizing. Light is to plants as food is to humans.”        “我最大的建议就是要先评估一下家里的采光,因为光照是最能让植物快乐的,”洛杉矶绿植商店Folia Collective创始人达娜·霍斯特(Danae Horst)说,她著有《人人都能有盆栽》(Houseplants for All)一书。“光照比浇水还重要;比施肥更要紧。光照对植物来说就好比食物之于人类。”
        Consider which direction your windows face; look for obstructions from neighboring buildings or trees outside; and study the quality of light. South-facing windows usually get the most direct sunlight, Ms. Horst said, while east- and west-facing windows get some light, and north-facing windows get very little, which makes them the most challenging.        考虑一下你家窗户的朝向;看看是否有邻近建筑或树木的遮挡;然后研究一下光照的质量。朝南的窗户通常能获得最多日光直射,霍斯特说,朝东或朝西的窗户能获得一些光照,朝北的窗户几乎晒不到太阳,因此在这里养绿植最困难。
        Then, with help from a nursery or plant guide, choose the types of plants that are best suited to your home’s conditions. Desert plants like cactuses and other succulents thrive in rooms that get direct sun all day long, Ms. Horst said. Tropical plants tend to fare better in rooms that get a lot of indirect, filtered or dappled light, as they would under a canopy of trees. Snake plants and ZZ plants can tolerate darker conditions.        然后,在苗圃或绿植指导的帮助下,选择最适合你家情况的植物。仙人掌和其他多肉等沙漠植物可以在全天直射阳光不断的屋子里茁壮成长,霍斯特说。热带植物一般在有很多非直射、被过滤或遮挡光照的屋子里能够更好生长,就像在树丛中一样。虎尾兰和美铁芋则能忍受更为黑暗的条件。
        It’s also important to be realistic about your plant-parenting skills: Are you overzealous, or more of a hands-off plant parent? Some people insist on watering every day, and drown plants that would fare better with once-a-week watering; others bring plants home and forget to water them for months, or let the soil dry out when they travel.        对于你的植物照顾技巧实事求是,这也很重要:你是不是过分热心,还是更像是一个甩手掌柜?一些人坚持每天浇水,于是就把那些在一周一次浇水情况下生长更佳的植物淹死了;还有人把植物带回家,然后好几个月都忘记浇水,或是出门旅行时让土干掉。
        Neither approach is necessarily a problem, so long as you choose the plants suited to your habits. “Understanding what is going to fit your lifestyle, and your personality, is helpful,” Ms. Horst said.        这些做法都不一定是问题,只要你能选择适合你习惯的植物。“了解什么样的植物才能适合你的生活方式和个性,这很有帮助,”霍斯特说。
        Start With a Statement        从点睛开始
        For instant gratification without amassing a large collection of plants, you could start with a single, eye-catching plant, said Hilton Carter, a Baltimore-based plant and interior stylist whose latest book, “Wild Creations,” will be published next month.        想立刻获得满足感,又没有太多植物,你可以从一盆引人注目的植物开始,巴尔的摩的植物、室内设计师希尔顿·卡特(Hilton Carter)说,他的新书《狂野创造》(Wild Creations)将于下个月出版。
        “I make decisions based on what I call the statement plant,” he said. “It’s the one plant that instantly grabs your attention and sets the tone.”        “我根据我所称的点睛植物做决定,”他说。“就是一盆能立刻吸引你的注意力、定下基调的植物。”
        Mr. Carter’s home bursts with greenery, but there’s no missing the statement plant in his living room: a towering fiddle-leaf fig tree.        卡特的住所绿意盎然,但你不会忽略他客厅的那株点睛植物:一颗高大的琴叶榕。
        Any plant with impressively large leaves will do the trick, he said: “A larger foliage plant, or a bigger plant, in most situations — it’s all about what you want the statement to be.”        任何有着令人印象深刻的大叶子的植物都能起到这个作用,他说:“在大多数情况下,可以是一株较大的观叶植物,或者一株大型植物——重点取决于你想表达的是什么。”
        Ms. Blakeney sometimes looks for a plant with a vivid pattern. “I am a huge fan of decorating with plants the way that one might traditionally decorate with textiles or color,” she said. “Some of my very favorite plants are ones that are polka-dotted or have stripes or bring different vibrant colors into the space.”        布莱克尼有时候会寻找一株带有生动纹路的植物。“我很喜欢用别人使用纺织品和颜色的方式,使用植物作为装饰,”她说。“我最喜欢的一些植物是带有波点或条纹,又或是能为空间带来鲜艳色彩的植物。”
        But make sure to choose varieties that won’t interfere with the way you use the space.        但是一定要选择那些不会影响你使用这个空间方式的植物种类。
        Shape, or what Summer Rayne Oakes, an entrepreneur, YouTube personality and author of “How to Make a Plant Love You,” calls “structure,” is important. A tall plant in a big planter is nice in an empty corner of a loft, but may be impractical in a tighter circulation area.        形状,或YouTube名人萨默·雷纳·奥克斯(Summer Rayne Oakes)口中的“结构”很重要。奥克斯著有一本名为《如何让植物爱上你》(How to Make a Plant Love You)的书。在阁楼的一个空荡角落里,一株高大植物或是一个大花盆很好,但在空气较为不流通的区域就不太实际。
        Similarly, if you use a hanging planter, “you might want a plant that drapes down,” she said, rather than one that reaches up to the ceiling. And in a functional space like a kitchen, a plant on a shelf should stand up rather than spread out, because when you’re trying to wash dishes at the sink, she said, “you can’t have something that’s flailing its leaves too much.”        与之类似,如果你用的是悬挂的花盆,“你可能想要一株能垂下来的植物,”她说,而不是一株会一直会长到天花板的植物。此外,在像厨房这样的功能性空间里,架子上的植物应该向上竖直,而不是四散开来,因为当你要在水池洗碗的时候,她说,“叶子一直来回动之类的不太好。”
        Create Clusters        打造一个绿植丛
        As you begin adding more plants to your collection, build clusters of plants rather than spreading out the individual pots.        在你开始添置更多植物的时候,应该打造一个绿植丛,而不是把每个花盆分散开来。
        “I always suggest people cluster plants for maximum impact,” Ms. Blank said. If you have just a few plants, she recommended making a cluster with an odd number of pots — three or five, for example.        “我总是会建议人们把植物都放在一起,以获得最佳效果,”布兰克说。如果你只有几株植物,她的建议是以奇数将花盆放在一起——比如三盆或五盆。
        The plants don’t need to match: Usually, the greater the variety, the better the composition will look. “Take advantage of the natural texture and color, and pair plants with different attributes,” Ms. Blank said. “One might be very structured and upright, like a snake plant. One might be more delicate and trailing, like a philodendron. And you might add a pop of color with an anthurium.”        这些植物不需要互相搭配:通常种类更加多样,整体看上去效果更佳。“要好好利用大自然的纹理和色彩,把具有不同特色的植物搭配在一起,”布兰克说。“某株植物可能会很有结构感,是竖直的,比如虎尾兰。某盆植物可能较为雅致、伸展开来,例如喜林芋。你还可以用花烛属植物增添色彩。”
        It doesn’t always require that much planning. Ms. Horst often advises people to simply identify the window in their home that gets the best light, “and then make that your crazy plant window.”        这并不总是需要太多规划。霍斯特往往会建议人们只要找到能得到最佳光照的窗户就行,“然后把它弄成你摆满植物的那扇窗。”
        At a sunny window in her own kitchen, she suspended various plants from a ceiling rod and added others on the floor, a stand and the tops of cabinets. “One good window is enough to make a big plant statement,” she said.        在她自己厨房一扇洒满阳光的窗户前,她在天花板的吊杆上悬挂了好几种植物,地上、台子上和柜顶还摆了好几种。“一扇好的窗户足以作出一个大型植物宣言,”她说。
        Level Up        错落有层次
        Adding plants at different heights along one wall can create the impression of a verdant garden. “I like to have plants at all levels,” Ms. Blakeney said. “I oftentimes will have plants on the floor. I’ll have plants on tables, consoles or cabinets at waist level. And then I love to draw the eye up with plants high on shelves and spiller plants kind of cascading down. It creates a lot of movement and a very whimsical feeling.”        在一堵墙前以不同高度摆放植物,能给人以一种葱郁花园的感觉,“我喜欢在各种高度摆放植物,”布莱克尼说。“我有时候会把植物摆放在地上,然后用放在高高架子上、枝叶垂下来的蔓生植物将人们的注意力吸引过去。这样能打造出动感,让人觉得天马行空。”
        Mr. Carter sometimes mounts plants directly on the wall. At home, he has a propagation area where wall-mounted wood cradles hold test tubes filled with cuttings. He also installs air plants in wall hangers and sometimes mounts staghorn ferns directly to boards as wall plaques.        卡特有时候会直接把植物一层层挂在墙上。在家里,他有一片培育区,一整堵墙上都是里面装着插条试管的木篮子。他还在墙上挂勾上挂了气生植物,直接把鹿角蕨架在木板上,作为墙饰。
        “You can mount a staghorn fern to any reclaimed piece of wood,” he said, because it doesn’t need to be potted in soil. “You can utilize this particular plant almost as a work of art. If you have a gallery wall, you can put up your other art and have a piece of living art there, as well.”        “你可以把一株鹿角蕨植物架在任何一块再生木材上,”他说,因为它不需要在土壤里种植。“你几乎可以像使用艺术品一样利用这种植物。如果你有一面陈列墙,你可以把其他的艺术品挂上去,再添一件活的艺术品。”
        Curate the Containers        精心挑选容器
        Plants are the stars of the show, but their containers have a crucial supporting role. If you use a hodgepodge of flowerpots, it may look cluttered. That doesn’t mean the containers have to match, but it’s helpful to have a vision of what you want to achieve.        植物是整场秀的明星,但容器也是很重要的配角。如果你乱选一通花盆,可能会看起来很乱。“这不意味着各个容器必须相互搭配,但有一个你想达成的样子会很有帮助。”
        One option is to choose pots with similar colors. Ms. Horst likes vintage and handmade ceramic containers with a lot of texture, but she focuses on collecting terra-cotta and white-colored pots because “they’re easy to mix together,” she said. “And I never have to worry about what plants are next to each other if I want to change things up.”        有一个选项是选择颜色相近的花盆。霍斯特喜欢复古、手工,带有大量纹理的陶盆,但她主要会用赤土陶器和白色花盆,因为“它们容易混搭,”她说。“而且我如果我想做一些改变,也永远不用操心哪盆花要放在哪盆旁边。”
        Another option is to choose a common material or construction technique. Ms. Blakeney, for instance, has designed rooms where plants sit in a variety of woven baskets.        另一个选择是选择同一种材质或制作技术的容器,比如布莱克尼就设计过一些植物放在各种各样编织篮里的房间。
        But none of this means that plants necessarily have to be repotted, Ms. Horst noted. She often leaves them in the plastic pots from the nursery — which have generous drainage holes and can be easily moved to the sink for watering — and places those pots in larger ceramic containers.        但这些都不意味着必须要给植物换花盆,霍斯特指出。她经常将它们放在苗圃自带的塑料花盆里,然后将它们放在更大一些的陶制容器里。塑料花盆有着大量排水孔,而且很容易挪到水池浇水。
        “Then when you do need to repot, it’s much easier because the roots haven’t attached themselves to the ceramic,” she said. And when you find decorative pots that don’t have drainage holes, there’s no need to break out a drill.        “然后当你确实需要重新换花盆的时候,就很容易了,因为根茎还没有长在陶盆里,”她说。然后当你找到那些没有排水孔的装饰性花盆时,也不需要动用电钻。

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