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How Do Silicon Valley Techies Celebrate Getting Rich in a Pandemic?

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-07 10:21

        SAN FRANCISCO — Things are so hot in Silicon Valley that it’s freaking people out.
        As tech start-ups have rushed to go public and valuations have soared, Aaron Rubin, a partner at Werba Rubin Papier Wealth Management, said his clients were in shock over their newfound wealth.        韦巴·鲁宾·帕皮尔财富管理公司(Werba Rubin Papier Wealth Management)的合伙人亚伦·鲁宾(Aaron Rubin)表示,随着科技初创企业纷纷上市、估值飙升,他的客户对他们新创造的财富感到震惊。
        When the pandemic hit a year ago, tech workers worried that their start-up stock might never pay off. The whiplash, plus general unease about the economy, has now discouraged them from making the kinds of splurges that often accompany overnight fortunes, Mr. Rubin said. Compared with past booms, there is “more gratitude,” he said, and more plans for charity.        一年前新冠疫情袭来时,科技从业者担心他们的初创公司股票可能永远不会获得收益。鲁宾说,这种打击,加上对经济的普遍不安,现在已经使他们不敢做出经常伴随着一夜暴富的挥霍行为。他说,与过去的繁荣相比,现在有“更多的感激之情”,也有更多的慈善计划。
        “Everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop,” Mr. Rubin said. “Maybe they buy a new Tesla or convertible, but they don’t go out and start buying airplanes overnight.”        “每个人都在等待另一只鞋掉下来,”鲁宾说。“也许他们会买一辆新的特斯拉或敞篷车,但他们不会在一夜之间就出门买一架飞机。”
        Silicon Valley’s cash-gushing, millionaire-minting initial public offerings have been bigger and buzzier than ever. But in the pandemic, the newly rich aren’t celebrating with the usual blowout parties and early retirement into round-the-world travel.        硅谷的资本募集和百万富翁的首次公开募股(IPO)规模比以往任何时候都更大、更热闹。但在大流行中,新富翁们并没有像往常一样用狂欢聚会、计划提前退休并开始环球旅行来庆祝。
        They’ve adapted.        他们已经适应了。
        The parties are on Zoom, the tax talk is on Slack, the house shopping is slightly less intense, and the vibe is cautious. It’s a weird time to become rich.        在Zoom上举行派对,在Slack上讨论税务,买房的热情稍有消褪,气氛谨慎。这是一个奇怪的致富时代。
        “People’s mind-set is not in a place to be ostentatious,” said Riley Newman, who was an early employee at Airbnb, which went public in December and immediately topped $100 billion in value.        “人们的心态目前不适合铺张浪费,”爱彼迎(Airbnb)的早期员工莱利·纽曼(Riley Newman)表示。爱彼迎去年12月上市,市值当即突破1000亿美元。
        People have shifted their focus from vacation homes and flashy cars to suburban homes and schooling, said Mr. Newman, who now runs Wave Capital, a venture capital firm. “It’s just different,” he added.        人们的注意力已经从度假屋和豪华汽车转向郊区住宅和学校教育,现在经营一家风险投资公司浪潮资本(Wave Capital)的纽曼表示。他补充说:“这完全不同。”
        Over the past six months, at least 35 companies that were founded in the San Francisco Bay Area — including Airbnb, DoorDash and the data warehousing company Snowflake — have gone public for a combined market value of $446 billion, according to a tally by The New York Times. Those companies’ “lockup periods,” which prevent insiders from selling most of their stock soon after an I.P.O., will expire in the coming months, unleashing a wave of wealth.        据《纽约时报》统计,过去六个月,在旧金山湾区成立的至少35家公司——包括爱彼迎、外卖送餐平台DoorDash和数据仓库公司Snowflake——已经上市,总市值达4460亿美元。这些公司的“锁定期”将在未来几个月到期,并释放出一波财富。规定“锁定期”是为了阻止内部人士在公司上市后就立刻抛售大部分股票。
        Just a handful of those I.P.O.s could mint an estimated 7,000 millionaires, according to an analysis by EquityBee, a platform that facilitates start-up equity transactions. The stream of I.P.O.s has been large enough that the tax income from them may wipe out some of California’s projected budget shortfall.        据促进初创企业股权交易的平台EquityBee分析,仅这些IPO中的一小部分就可以造就大约7000名百万富翁。这些IPO的规模已经大到从中获得的税收收入可能可以弥补加州的部分项目预算缺口。
        In a survey of employees at seven newly public companies, which was conducted by Blind, an app for anonymous employee discussions, roughly a quarter said they planned to be conservative with their money because of the pandemic. Many said they would buy homes. Those who wanted to splurge were eyeing Ferraris, Teslas, watches, a pottery studio and “stonks,” a slang term for playing the stock market.        匿名员工讨论应用程序Blind对七家新上市公司的员工进行了一项调查,其中约四分之一的人表示,由于新冠疫情,他们计划保守使用资金。很多人说他们会买房。那些想挥霍的人盯上了法拉利、特斯拉、手表、陶艺工作室和“Stonks”——一个玩股票(stocks)的俚语。
        The new wealth is part of a widening gap between the tech industry and the rest of the economy. Dozens of retail chains have gone belly-up, beloved restaurants have shuttered, and unemployment has soared. But in tech, the shift to working, shopping and socializing via screens has turbocharged adoption of digital products and fueled growth.        新的财富是科技行业和其他经济部门之间日益扩大的差距的一部分。数十家零售连锁店倒闭,深受喜爱的餐馆关门歇业,失业率飙升。但在科技行业,通过屏幕工作、购物和社交的转变推动了数字产品的应用,并促进了增长。
        More riches are set to roll in. On Wednesday, Roblox, a kids’ gaming start-up that has grown in the pandemic and is worth around $30 billion, is set to go public. The analytics provider AppLovin, the used-clothing site thredUP and the cryptocurrency start-up Coinbase also plan to list their shares this month, with investors predicting that Coinbase could hit $100 billion in value.        更多的财富将滚滚而来。周三,在大流行中成长起来的儿童游戏初创公司Roblox将上市,市值约300亿美元。分析提供商AppLovin、二手服装网站thredUP和加密货币初创公司Coinbase也计划本月上市,投资者预测Coinbase的市值可能达到1000亿美元。
        Gourmet bark        美味的巧克力片
        When tech start-ups went public before the pandemic, they celebrated with rocket-shaped ice sculptures and fleets of 1980s bands.        新冠疫情之前,科技初创公司用火箭形状的冰雕和成队的80年代乐队来庆祝上市。
        Now companies are sending their employees party boxes for Zoom gatherings.        现在,各公司都在向员工发放用于Zoom在线集会上的聚会礼盒。
        Daniel Figone, owner of Handheld Catering and Events, has recently delivered boxed dinners and snacks to homes for a number of workers at Silicon Valley companies that went public. The boxes — which cost $45 to $100 each — can include housemade rubs, finishing salts, hot cocoa mix, gourmet bark, fancy cheeses, fruit and champagne. Inside, printed cards rivaling a wedding invitation detail the login code for a Zoom gathering.        手持式餐饮和活动公司(Handheld Catering and Events)的老板丹尼尔·菲戈内(Daniel Figone)最近为硅谷上市公司的一些员工配送了餐盒和零食。这些餐盒每盒售价45至100美元,可包含手工磨砂膏、精盐、热可可粉、巧克力片、高级奶酪、水果和香槟。盒子里面装有可以与婚礼请柬相媲美的打印卡片,并附有Zoom在线聚会的登录代码。
        Top executives get even more: floral arrangements, three-course meals and an on-site chef to finish the cooking and plate it, Mr. Figone said. At some small outdoor gatherings, he has offered individual “grazing cones” filled with snacks, instead of buffets and passed appetizers.        菲戈内说,高管们得到的更多:鲜花布置、三道式的佳肴,以及一位现场厨师来完成烹饪和装盘。在一些小型的户外聚会上,他提供了单独包装的“零食包”,替代自助餐和开胃菜。
        But all-company Zoom celebrations can feel a lot like all-company Zoom meetings. So companies are also adding virtual Q and A’s with famous authors or “Saturday Night Live” cast members, inspiring talks from TED speakers, and even group meditation sessions led by famous practitioners, said Jay Siegan, who runs Jay Siegan Presents, an entertainment agency in San Francisco.        但全公司Zoom派对很容易变得像全公司线上会议,因此许多公司增加了与著名作家或“周六夜现场”演员的在线问答、TED演讲者的激励演讲,甚至还包括由专业人员引导的集体冥想课程,旧金山娱乐机构Jay Siegan Presents负责人杰·西根(Jay Siegan)说。
        If there’s a musician — Alicia Keys, Train and John Legend are top requests — the set is kept to one or two songs, he said.        他说,如果有音乐家现身——艾丽西娅·凯斯(Alicia Keys)、火车(Train)和约翰·传奇(John Legend)是最受欢迎的,这个环节只包含一首或两首歌曲。
        One company, which Mr. Siegan declined to identify, shipped its employees meal kits and hired Snoop Dogg to lead them in a cooking class. Snoop Dogg’s Zoom square was occasionally filled with smoke during the cooking class, Mr. Siegan said. A representative for Snoop Dogg did not respond to a request for comment.        西根拒绝透露名称的一家公司为员工订购餐盒,并雇佣说唱歌手“史努比狗狗”(Snoop Dogg)带他们上烹饪课。西根说,在烹饪课上,史努比狗狗的Zoom视窗偶尔会冒出浓烟。史努比狗狗的代表没有回应置评请求。
        Another company — Mr. Siegan was again not authorized to say which one — bought its employees Peloton bikes as a thank-you gift to celebrate the I.P.O.        另一家公司——西根也未被授权说明是哪一家——为员工购买了Peloton(一个互动在线健身平台)的自行车作为上市成功的感谢礼物。
        “You actually have to find things that are meaningful instead of just throwing alcohol at them at a party,” he said.        他说:“事实上,你必须找到一些有意义的东西,而不只是让他们在派对上醉生梦死。”
        Sprinter vans        高级房车
        For Palantir, a data analytics company that went public in September, Feb. 18 was “giraffe money” day. That was the first day that current and former employees could cash out all of their shares after the company went public.        对于去年9月上市的数据分析公司Palantir来说,2月18日是“长颈鹿钱”(Giraffe Money)日。这是公司上市后,现任和前员工可以将全部股份套现的第一天。
        In a Slack channel for former employees called Giraffe Money — an apparent reference to wealth that can support casual giraffe ownership — many anticipated their windfalls by sharing links, mostly in jest, to absurdly expensive home listings and boats, one former employee said.        一名Palantir的前员工说,在一个名为 “长颈鹿钱”的前员工Slack频道里——这个频道的名字显然是指足以养得起长颈鹿的财富),许多人通过分享天价豪宅清单和游艇的链接(大多是开玩笑)来预期自己可获得的财富,
        But in reality, techies are spending in very different ways.        但事实上,技术人员的消费方式截然不同。
        Instead of fine art, they are buying NFTs, or nonfungible tokens that represent ownership in pieces of digital art, memes or artifacts of internet history.        他们购买的不是艺术品,而是非同质化代币(NFTs),也就是代表数字艺术品、米姆或互联网历史文物所有权的非易失性代币。
        Instead of round-the-world travel, they are piling into Sprinter vans, the pandemic vacation essential. Jackie Conlin, a personal style consultant to tech executives, said she had created “van wardrobes” consisting of “comfy clothes that look put together but are oozing with laid-back vacation vibes” for clients going on road trips.        他们没有环游世界,而是挤进奔驰高级房车里,后者已经成为疫情期间度假的必需品。为科技公司高管担任个人时尚顾问的杰基·康林(Jackie Conlin)表示,她为进行公路旅行的客户设计了“房车衣柜”,包括一系列“看起来很舒适、又充满度假氛围的衣服”。
        Instead of designer dresses, they are hunting for new outfits that look good on Zoom calls, virtual makeup lessons for the camera and makeovers for their Zoom backgrounds. Ms. Conlin said she redecorates a client’s Zoom room “to make whatever the other meeting attendees see look more cohesive, stylish and pleasing to the eye.” Clients are also buying weekly “comfort” gifts for friends and family like cozy blankets and robes, skin care items, pajamas, and games.        他们不追求设计师品牌的服装,而是寻找适合出镜Zoom会议的衣服、虚拟化妆课程,以及对Zoom会议的背景进行改造。康林说,她重新装修了一位客户的Zoom会议室,“让其他与会者看到的一切看起来更像一个整体,更时尚和赏心悦目”。客户还每周为朋友和家人购买“舒适”礼物,如舒适的毯子和长袍、护肤品、睡衣和电子游戏。
        And instead of luxury condos, they are after houses with outdoor space, home gyms and good “Zoom rooms.” In San Francisco, newly rich techies are migrating from modern “white box” apartments in the neighborhood of SoMa to traditional prewar “trophy homes” in more established areas such as Nob Hill, Russian Hill, Pacific Heights and Sea Cliff, said Joel Goodrich, a real estate broker with Coldwell Banker Global Luxury in the city. They are excited by historic mansions with elaborate moldings and architecture.        他们也不追求豪华公寓,而是热衷于有户外空间、家庭健身房、以及适合进行Zoom会议的房间的住宅。在旧金山,这些科技行业的新富翁们正从SoMa地区的现代“白盒子”公寓迁往传统的战前“战利品产业”(trophy homes,指价格在同类房产中排名前2%的房产——译注),后者多位于诺布山(Nob Hill)、俄罗斯山(Russian Hill)、太平洋高地(Pacific Heights)和海崖(Sea Cliff)等较为成熟的社区,乔尔·古德里奇(Joel Goodrich)说,他是Coldwell Banker Global Luxury的房地产经纪人。这些富人对有精致造型和建筑的历史宅邸感到兴奋。
        “After a major trauma in the world or the nation, a lot of times there is a turn to more traditional styles,” he said. “People want a sense of normalcy and solidity.”         “在世界或国家遭受重大创伤之后,很多时候都会转向更传统的风格”,他说,“人们想要一种正常和稳定的感觉”。
        Crypto and charity        加密货币和慈善
        J.T. Forbus, a tax manager at Bogdan & Frasco, a tax accounting firm in San Francisco, said his clients had mostly avoided show-off splurges. Their biggest expense, other than a house, is their financial adviser.        旧金山税务会计师事务所Bogdan & Frasco的税务经理J.T. 福布斯(J.T.Forbus)说,他的客户大多会避免炫耀挥霍。除了房子,他们最大的开销付给了财务顾问。
        “If they do get crazy and spend, it’s investing in crypto,” Mr. Forbus said, referring to digital currencies.        福布斯在谈到数字货币时说:“如果他们真的疯狂挥霍,那就是投资加密货币。”
        Last year as Airbnb went public, former employees started Equity for Impact, a program in which employees pledge to donate an unspecified portion of their I.P.O. proceeds to charity. So far, more than 400 people have committed around $50 million of shares, which is halfway toward the group’s goal of $100 million by the time Airbnb’s lockup period expires in June.        去年,随着爱彼迎上市,一些前员工发起了“Equity for Impact”项目——承诺将IPO收益中的一部分(不指定具体数额)捐赠给慈善机构。到目前为止,已经有超过400人承诺捐赠价值约5000万美元的股票,距离该项目在今年6月爱彼迎锁定期到期前筹集1亿美元的目标还有一半。
        The focus on charity at the time of their windfall is a change from past waves of the newly rich, Mr. Forbus said.        福布斯说,在获得巨额财富的同时关注慈善事业,是他们与过去的新富阶级不同的地方。
        “Granted, they will get a tax deduction,” he said.        “当然,他们也会获得减税,”他说。

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