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As Cars Go Electric, China Builds a Big Lead in Factories

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-06 02:55

        ZHAOQING, China — Xpeng Motors, a Chinese electric car start-up, recently opened a large assembly plant in southeastern China and is building a matching factory nearby. It has announced plans for a third.        中国肇庆——中国电动汽车初创企业小鹏汽车最近在中国东南部开设了一家大型组装厂,并正在附近建造一家配套工厂。它宣布了建设第三个工厂的计划。
        Another Chinese electric car company, Nio, has opened one large factory in central China and is preparing to build a second a few miles away.        另一家中国电动汽车公司蔚来汽车在中国中部开设了一家大型工厂,并准备在几英里之外建造第二家工厂。
        Zhejiang Geely, owner of Volvo, showed off an enormous new electric car factory in eastern China last month rivaling in size some of the world’s largest assembly plants. Evergrande, a troubled Chinese real estate giant, has just built electric car factories in the cities of Shanghai and Guangzhou and hopes to be making almost as many fully electric cars by 2025 as all of North America.        沃尔沃的所有者浙江吉利上个月在中国东部展示了一个巨大的新电动汽车工厂,其规模可与世界上一些最大的装配厂相媲美。陷入困境的中国房地产巨头恒大集团刚刚在上海和广州建立了电动汽车工厂,并希望到2025年全电动汽车产量与整个北美地区的产量大致相当。
        China is erecting factories for electric cars almost as fast as the rest of the world combined. Chinese manufacturers are using the billions they have raised from international investors and sympathetic local leaders to beat established carmakers to the market.        中国正在建立电动汽车工厂,其速度几乎与世界其他地区的总和一样快。中国制造商正在利用从国际投资者和支持他们的地方领导人那里筹集的数十亿美元,赶在老牌汽车制造商前面进入市场。
        Success is far from assured. The players include start-ups, electronics manufacturers and other car industry rookies. They are betting that drivers in China and beyond will be willing to spend $40,000 or more for brands that they had never heard of.        离胜券在握还很远。这些企业包括初创企业、电子产品制造商和其他汽车行业的新秀。他们押注中国以及中国以外的驾驶者愿意为一个从未听说过的品牌花费4万美元或更多。
        Chinese automakers concede that experience gives the established car companies some advantages. But they insist their plans will work.        中国汽车制造商承认,经验为老牌汽车公司带来了一些优势。但是他们坚称他们的计划行得通。
        “We have the will, and we have the patience,” said He Xiaopeng, the chairman and chief executive of Xpeng, in an interview. “I think we will find it very challenging, but we must also move forward.”        “第一我们有意愿,第二我们有耐心,”小鹏汽车董事长兼首席执行官何小鹏在接受采访时说。“我们既觉得很挑战,但是我们也一定要往前去走。”
        The Chinese industry has momentum. China will be making over eight million electric cars a year by 2028, estimates LMC Automotive, a global data firm, compared with one million last year. Europe is on track to make 5.7 million fully electric cars by then.        中国的电动汽车产业发展势头强劲。全球数据公司LMC Automotive估计,到2028年,中国的电动汽车年产量将超过800万辆,而去年为100万辆。届时欧洲有望生产570万辆纯电动汽车。
        General Motors and other North American automakers have plans to catch up. In April, President Biden called for the United States to step up its electric vehicle efforts. During a virtual visit to an electric bus factory in South Carolina, he warned, “Right now, we’re running way behind China.”        通用汽车(General Motors)和其他北美汽车制造商计划迎头赶上。4月,拜登总统呼吁美国加大生产电动汽车的力度。在对南卡罗来纳州的一家电动巴士工厂进行虚拟参观时,他警告:“目前,我们正远落后于中国。”
        North American automakers are on track to build only 1.4 million electric cars a year by 2028, according to LMC, compared with 410,000 last year.        据LMC的数据,到2028年,预计北美汽车制造商的年产量仅为140万辆,而去年为41万辆。
        Global car companies are helping China’s lead. Volkswagen recently began construction on its third Chinese factory designed to produce electric cars.        全球汽车公司正在为中国的领先地位推波助澜。大众汽车(Volkswagen)最近开始建设它在中国的第三家电动汽车工厂。
        China already has the electric car infrastructure, thanks to a government-backed nationwide rollout of over 800,000 public charging stations. That is almost twice as many as the rest of the world, although drivers in the United States — who are more likely to live in single-family houses — can more easily plug in their cars at home.        得益于政府支持建设的全国80多万个公共充电桩,中国已经拥有了电动汽车基础设施。这几乎是世界其他地区的两倍,尽管美国的驾驶者——他们更有可能住在独户住宅中——可以更轻松地在家中给汽车充电。
        With a slower deployment of charging stations outside China, automakers elsewhere plan to continue building some plug-in hybrid cars with small gasoline engines for a few more years. But the market for fully electric cars is already bigger than for plug-in hybrids, and the electric cars’ lead is widening rapidly. Automakers like G.M. plan to eliminate gasoline and diesel engines entirely in the next 15 years.        由于中国以外的国家充电桩部署缓慢,其他地方的汽车制造商计划在未来几年内继续生产一些带有小型汽油发动机的充电混合动力汽车。但是,纯电动汽车的市场已经大过充电混合动力汽车,并且电动汽车的领先优势正在迅速扩大。通用汽车等汽车制造商计划在未来15年内完全淘汰汽油和柴油发动机。
        For the new Chinese cars, name recognition will be a major challenge. The brands are mostly unfamiliar even to Chinese drivers. On roads filled with Buicks, Volkswagens and Mercedes-Benzes, they could struggle to stand out.        对于中国的这些新车来说,品牌知名度将是一个重大挑战。甚至连中国司机对这些品牌都不熟悉。在满是别克(Buick)、大众和梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的路上,他们可能很难脱颖而出。
        Alibaba, the e-commerce company, and two state-backed firms have set up an electric car joint venture under the name IM Motors, which plans to begin delivering cars early next year.        电子商务公司阿里巴巴和两家国家支持的公司已经成立了一家名为智己汽车的电动汽车联合投资公司,计划于明年初开始交付汽车。
        Evergrande named its brand Hengchi, pronounced “Hung-cheh.” A stock market mania for electric cars has propelled the Hong Kong-traded shares of the company’s electric car unit, Evergrande New Energy Vehicle, to almost the same market capitalization as G.M.        恒大将其电动汽车品牌命名为恒驰。电动汽车的股票狂热推动了恒大新能源汽车(恒大的电动汽车分公司)在香港上市的股票市值几乎与通用汽车相当。
        Evergrande plans to make and sell a million fully electric cars a year by 2025. So far, it has sold none.        恒大计划到2025年每年生产和销售100万辆纯电动汽车。到目前为止,它还没有卖出一辆。
        Geely, an industry veteran with recognized brands in China, has named its electric brand Zeekr, which rhymes with “seeker.” It plans to begin delivering cars in October.        吉利是在中国具有知名度的行业资深制造商,已将其电动品牌命名为极氪(Zeekr),与“seeker”(探索者)的发音接近。它计划在10月开始交付汽车。
        The Zeekr is being made in a new electric car factory near Ningbo, on China’s eastern coast. The factory is a cavernous space with miles of white conveyor belts and rows of 15-foot cream-colored robots made by ABB of Sweden. It has an initial capacity of 300,000 cars a year, larger than most car factories in Detroit, and floor space for expansion.        极氪汽车在中国东部沿海宁波附近的一家新的电动汽车工厂生产。该工厂是一个巨大的空旷空间,有数英里的白色传送带和一排排瑞典ABB制造的15英尺高的米色机器人。这里的初始产能为年产30万辆,比底特律的大多数汽车制造厂都要大,而且它还拥有扩展的空间。
        “What is the most important thing is, China has the market,” said Zhao Chunlin, the factory’s general manager.        “最重要的是中国有市场,”工厂总经理赵春林说。
        Mr. He named Xpeng, pronounced “X-pung,” after himself. Xpeng’s niche feature is a cooing, Siri-like voice assistant that guides the car’s internet services, like directions and music, and its computer-assisted highway driving. Xpeng plans to have the capacity to make 300,000 cars a year by 2024; last year it sold fewer than one-tenth that many.        何小鹏以自己的名字为小鹏汽车命名。它的特色是有一个声音温柔、类似Siri的语音助手,可以指导汽车的互联网服务,比如导航和音乐,以及由电脑辅助的高速公路驾驶。小鹏计划到2024年达到年产30万辆汽车的能力;它去年的销量还不到这个数字的十分之一。
        Mr. He made his first fortune developing a mobile phone browser company, UCWeb. He sold it to Alibaba in 2014 and became president of Alibaba’s mobile business services unit. The same year he helped bankroll two former executives from state-owned Guangzhou Auto to start Xpeng.        何小鹏的第一桶金是开发手机浏览器公司“UC浏览器”得来的。2014年,他将公司卖给阿里巴巴,并成为阿里巴巴移动业务服务部门的总裁。同年,他资助国企广汽集团的两名前高管创办了小鹏汽车。
        Three years later, Mr. He took direct control of Xpeng and left Alibaba, which also acquired a small stake in the automaker. Mr. He said that his second child had been born, and that he wanted to be able to tell his son that he led a car company. Mr. He holds 23 percent of Xpeng’s shares, while Alibaba holds 12 percent.        三年后,何小鹏直接控制了小鹏汽车,并离开了阿里巴巴,阿里巴巴也收购了这家汽车制造商的少量股权。何小鹏说,当时他的第二个孩子已经出生,他想告诉儿子,自己领导着一家汽车公司。何小鹏持有小鹏汽车23%的股份,阿里巴巴持有12%。
        Chinese government officials have helped along the way. A state-owned enterprise in Zhaoqing, a 1,000-year-old jade-carving town near Guangzhou, lent $233 million to Xpeng in 2017 for the construction of its initial factory with annual capacity of about 100,000 cars. The city has been subsidizing the company’s interest payments since then, according to Xpeng’s regulatory filings.        中国政府官员在这个过程中一直在提供帮助。肇庆是广州附近一个有着千年历史的玉雕小镇。2017年,该市一家国有企业向小鹏汽车贷款2.33亿美元,用于建设其年产能约10万辆汽车的首个工厂。据小鹏汽车提交给监管机构的文件显示,自那以后,该市一直在补贴该公司的利息支付。
        The city of Wuhan helped Xpeng buy land and borrow money at low interest rates for a new plant there. The Guangzhou government also helped Xpeng start building its factory in that city, said Brian Gu, vice chairman and president of Xpeng.        武汉市帮助小鹏汽车购买土地,并以低利率向其武汉新厂借款。小鹏汽车副董事长兼总裁顾宏地说,广州市政府还帮助小鹏汽车在该市建厂。
        Last year, after weathering the pandemic, Xpeng cashed in on Wall Street, where Tesla’s rise whetted investor appetite for the industry. The Chinese company raised $5 billion in an initial public offering and subsequent share sales. It is spending part of the money on new factories and part of it on research and development, particularly in autonomous driving.        去年,经受了疫情后,小鹏汽车在华尔街大赚了一笔,特斯拉(Tesla)的崛起激发了那里的投资者对该行业的兴趣。这家中国公司通过首次公开募股和随后的股票出售筹集了50亿美元。它将部分资金用于新建工厂,部分用于研发,尤其是自动驾驶技术。
        Xpeng’s deep pockets are visible in costly automation at its Zhaoqing factory. Robots lift 44-pound car roofs of dark tinted glass, apply aerospace-strength glue and press them into place. Waist-high robots glide across the gray concrete floor, carrying instrument panels while playing an instrumental version of Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On.” (The robots came programmed that way, company officials explained.)        从肇庆工厂昂贵的自动化设备,可以看到小鹏汽车的雄厚财力。机器人抬起20公斤重的深色玻璃车顶,涂上航空级强度的胶水,把它们压到合适的位置。齐腰高的机器人在灰色混凝土地板上滑行,搬运仪表板,同时播放席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion)的《我心永恒》(My Heart Will Go On)的器乐演奏版。(工作人员解释,那是机器人的自带程序。)
        The factory took only 15 months to build, considerably faster than assembly plants in the West. Yan Hui, the general manager of the factory’s final assembly area, said decisions were made more quickly than at the German auto parts manufacturer where he used to work.        这家工厂只花了15个月就建成了,比西方的装配厂快得多。该厂总装区的负责人燕辉说,与他曾经工作过的那家德国汽车零部件制造商相比,该公司的决策速度更快。
        “Any design change took a long time — sign, sign, even sign in German,” he said. “But at Xpeng, we can just make the change.”        “(在德国公司)一点点设计上的改动都要花很长时间——签字、签字,还得用德语签字,”他说。“但在小鹏,我们就可以做出改动。”
        Even though many of the electric car brands are new to China, their owners already have ambitions abroad. Xpeng is starting to export cars to Europe, beginning with Norway. Chery, a big state-owned automaker in central China, announced last week that it would start exporting gasoline-powered cars to the United States next year and follow with electric cars.        尽管许多电动汽车品牌对中国来说都是全新的,但它们的拥有者已经有了进军海外的雄心。小鹏汽车开始向欧洲出口汽车,首先是挪威。中国中部的大型国有汽车制造商奇瑞上周宣布,将于明年开始向美国出口汽油动力汽车,随后出口电动汽车。
        The United States will be a difficult market. The Trump administration imposed 25 percent taxes in 2018 on cars imported from China, which has slowed exports. Many electric car parts are covered by the same tariffs. That makes it harder, but not impossible, for Chinese companies to start shipping electric cars in kits to the United States for assembly.        美国将是一个困难的市场。2018年,特朗普政府对从中国进口的汽车征收25%的关税,导致出口放缓。许多电动汽车零部件也适用同样的关税。这使得中国公司将成套电动汽车运往美国组装变得更加困难,但这并非不可能的事。
        For now, Chinese companies see huge potential to build their brands.        就目前而言,中国企业看到了打造自己品牌的巨大潜力。
        Michael Dunne, the chief executive of ZoZo Go, a consulting firm specializing in the electric car industry in Asia, said the industry’s outlook was becoming clear: “China is going to be the global dominator when it comes to making electric cars.”        专注于亚洲电动汽车行业的咨询公司ZoZo Go的首席执行官迈克尔·邓恩(Michael Dunne)表示,该行业的前景越来越明朗:“在制造电动汽车方面,中国将成为全球主导者。”

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