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‘Why Do We Deserve to Die?’ Kabul’s Hazaras Bury Their Daughters.

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-10 03:13

        KABUL, Afghanistan — One by one they brought the girls up the steep hill, shrouded bodies covered in a ceremonial prayer cloth, the pallbearers staring into the distance. Shouted prayers for the dead broke the silence.        阿富汗喀布尔——他们一个接一个地把女孩们抬上陡峭的山坡,被裹住的尸体上盖着一块祈祷布,抬棺人凝视着远方。为死者祈祷的呼喊声打破了寂静。
        The bodies kept coming and the gravediggers stayed busy, straining in the hot sun. The ceaseless rhythm was grim proof of the preceding day’s news: Saturday afternoon’s triple bombing at a local school had been an absolute massacre, targeting girls. There was barely room atop the steeply pitched hill for all the new graves.        尸体不停地运来,掘墓人在烈日下拼命忙碌。无休止的节奏残酷地证明了前一天的新闻:周六下午发生在当地一所学校的三起爆炸绝对是一起大屠杀,目标是女孩子们。陡峭的山坡上几乎没有地方容纳所有的新坟墓。
        The scale of the killing and the innocence of the victims seemed further unnerving proof of the country’s violent unraveling, as the Taliban make daily gains and the government seems unable to halt their advances or protect its people from mass killings. On Sunday there were mourners everywhere in the neighborhood of the bombing, home to the persecuted Hazara ethnic minority, but hardly any security to protect them.        杀戮的规模和受害者的无辜似乎进一步证明了这个国家正在暴力中瓦解,因为塔利班每天都在取得进展,而政府似乎无法阻止他们的前进,也无法保护人民免遭大规模屠杀的伤害。周日,爆炸现场附近全是哀悼者,这里生活着受迫害的少数民族哈扎拉人,但几乎没有任何安全措施来保护他们。
        The death toll exceeded even previous massacres in this bustling neighborhood of a minority long singled out for persecution by the Taliban and the Islamic State. Afghanistan’s second vice president, Sarwar Danesh, himself a Hazara, said more than 80 people had been killed in the attack.        此次的死亡人数甚至超过了这个熙熙攘攘的社区以前发生的大屠杀事件,生活在这里的这个少数族裔长期遭到塔利班和伊斯兰国有针对性的迫害。阿富汗第二副总统萨尔瓦尔·丹尼什(Sarwar Danesh)本人也是哈扎拉人,他说有80多人在袭击中丧生。
        After the 2001 American invasion, the Hazaras were a minority that made the most of the country’s new educational and business opportunities, and they make up a large part of the country’s young technocrat generation.        自2001年美国入侵后,作为少数族裔的哈扎拉人充分利用了该国新的教育和商业机会,他们在该国年轻的技术官僚一代中占了很大比例。
        They have grown increasingly angry at the government, accusing the security forces of standing by while they suffer horrific casualties in terrorist attacks. Now, on the edge of what many fear will become a return of Taliban rule in many areas with the planned American troop withdrawal, and a new civil war some see as inevitable, the Hazara are increasingly determined to take their security into their own hands.        他们对政府越来越愤怒,指责安全部队在他们遭受恐怖袭击、受到很大伤亡时袖手旁观。现在,随着美军计划撤出,很多人担心塔利班会在许多地区重新掌权,一些人认为新的内战不可避免,哈扎拉人越来越下定决心,将安全掌握在自己手中。
        On Sunday, a wheelbarrow stacked with the bloodied clothing of the girls, packed tight in plastic bags, was parked outside one mosque where bodies had been brought. At another mosque, a basement room, crowded with black-robed women, echoed with muffled sobs. At a third mosque grim-faced men clustered on the steps, murmuring about taking up guns and joining forces with a Hazara warlord named Abdul Ghani Alipur, who is on the run from the government.        周日,一辆手推车停在存放尸体的清真寺外,上面堆满女孩们血迹斑斑的衣服,紧紧塞在塑料袋里。另一座清真寺的地下室里挤满穿着黑袍的妇女,压抑的呜咽声久久回荡着。在第三座清真寺,脸色阴沉的男人们聚集在台阶上,低声说着要拿起枪,加入正被政府追捕的哈扎拉军阀阿卜杜勒·加尼·阿里布尔(Abdul Ghani Alipur)的部队。
        Outside the metal gates of the Sayed Ul-Shuhada High School, twisted by the blast, the remains of the girls’ final moments — shredded backpacks, charred notebooks, crushed slippers, loose pages of notes — were piled in a pit, pored over by silent onlookers.        赛义德·乌尔·舒哈达中学(Sayed Ul-Shuhada High School)的金属大门在爆炸中被扭曲,女孩们最后时刻的遗物——被炸碎的背包、烧焦的笔记本、被压碎的拖鞋、散落的笔记——都堆在门外的一个坑里,围观者一言不发地凝视着它们。
        All over the Dasht-e Barchi neighborhood Sunday, grieving families of Hazara buried their daughters, ages 11 to 18. Streams of mourners snaked up the area’s hills. The air was filled with laments for the dead sounding from mosques. Some girls were so badly disfigured by the blasts they could not be identified Sunday.        周日,在达斯特巴奇社区各处,悲痛的哈扎拉人家庭埋葬了他们11岁到18岁的女儿。哀悼的人流沿着山丘蜿蜒而上。从清真寺传来的悼念声在半空回荡。一些女孩因爆炸严重毁容,直到周日还无法确认身份。
        There was the fear that the massacre was just a prelude.        人们担心这次大屠杀只是序幕。
        “We can’t do anything but mourn,” said Jawed Hassani, a shopkeeper, outside the Imam Ali mosque. He said: “We supported the government, but all we get in return is being blown up. These girls, they came from working-class families. They don’t have anything.”        “除了哀悼,我们什么也做不了,”在伊玛目阿里清真寺外,开店铺的贾韦德·哈桑尼(Jawed Hassani)说。“我们支持政府,但换来的只是被炸飞。这些女孩们都来自工薪阶层家庭。她们什么都没有。”
        Nobody has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.        目前还没有人声称对这次袭击负责。
        The government blamed the Taliban, which denied any role. The Taliban, however, continually target the Hazaras for violent persecution. And they have a record of opposing education for girls, especially teenage girls. But some analysts blamed the remnants of renegade Taliban who once claimed allegiance to ISIS.        政府指责塔利班,但塔利班否认参与此事。然而,塔利班不断地对哈扎拉人进行暴力迫害。他们反对女孩接受教育,尤其是十几岁的女孩。但一些分析人士指责曾声称效忠伊斯兰国的叛变塔利班残余势力。
        Whoever was responsible, they appear to have taken pains to kill as many of the girls as possible.        不管是谁干的,他们似乎都想尽量杀死更多女孩。
        First, a suicide bomber blew up a car full of explosives at the school gates. As the students, all girls at that hour, rushed out of the mixed-gender school in panic and into the neighborhood of dusty streets, two more bombs went off, killing even more. Nearly all the victims were girls.        首先,一名自杀式炸弹袭击者在学校门口引爆了一辆装满炸药的汽车。就在学生们(在那个时段都是女孩)惊慌失措地冲出这所男女混合学校,跑上尘土飞扬的街区时,又发生了两起炸弹爆炸,导致更多人死亡。几乎所有受害者都是女孩。
        “Yesterday their dreams were shattered,” said Ghulam, a day laborer, preparing to mourn at the Qamar-e-Bani Hashim Mosque.        “昨天,她们的梦想破灭了,”做散工的古兰姆(Ghulam)说,他正准备去卡马尔巴尼哈西姆清真寺哀悼。
        “Today we are going to bury them with thousands of dreams,” he said. “That is one of the poorest schools in the neighborhood. Those girls don’t even have 15 cents to buy bread.”        “今天,我们将她们以及成千上万的梦想埋葬,”他说。“这是附近最贫穷的学校之一。这些女孩甚至拿不出15美分来买面包。”
        For the Hazaras of sprawling Dasht-e Barchi, home to over one million people, the precise identity of the killers didn’t seem to matter all that much Sunday. Their faces bore the minority’s resigned look of perennial persecution. They noted bitterly that, over an hour after Saturday’s attack, it was difficult to spot a single member of the security forces in the school’s vicinity.        周日,对于人口超过100万、庞大的达斯特巴奇地区的哈扎拉人来说,凶手的确切身份似乎并没有那么重要。他们的脸上充满了少数族裔常年遭受迫害的无奈表情。他们痛心地指出,在周六袭击发生后的一个多小时内,在学校附近几乎看不到一个安全部队成员。
        And they cited many of the other attacks they had been subjected to, and the government’s repeated failure to protect them.        他们列举了遭受的许多其他攻击,而且政府屡屡未能保护他们。
        “We get blown up on the street, in the mosque, in the hospital, at the wrestling club, everywhere,” said Kazim Ehsani, the imam of the Qamar-e-Bani Hashim Mosque. “And yesterday when the attack happened, there wasn’t even one police officer,” he said. “Now, there’s a crowd, and there isn’t even one security officer,” the imam said.        “我们的人在大街上、在清真寺、在医院、在摔角俱乐部、在所有地方都遭遇过爆炸,”卡马尔巴尼哈西姆清真寺的伊玛目卡齐姆·埃萨尼(Kazim Ehsani)说。“昨天发生袭击事件时,甚至没有一名警察,”他说。“现在人群聚集,然而一名安全官员都没有。”
        “People are collecting their loved ones’ bodies,” he said. “We are in shock. Everybody is terrified.”        “人们正在为亲人收尸,”他说。“我们感到震惊。每个人都吓坏了。”
        Everybody here can easily run down the litany of attacks the Hazaras of Dasht-e Barchi have suffered over the years.        多年来,这里的每个人都可以轻而易举地说出一连串在达斯特巴奇的哈扎拉人遭受过的袭击。
        “We haven’t committed any crimes, and now it’s happened to us again,” said Mohammed Hakim Imon, one of the mourners.        哀悼者穆罕默德·哈基姆·伊蒙(Mohammed Hakim Imon)说:“我们没有犯任何罪,可现在爆炸又冲我们来了。”
        “Why do we deserve to die?” he asked. “The people who commit these crimes, they are the enemies of humanity.”        “为什么我们该死?”他问。“犯下这些罪行的人,他们是人类的敌人。”
        There was last October’s attack outside an educational center that killed 30, and the May 2020 attack on a hospital maternity ward in which 15 women were killed, both tied to Islamic State. There was the September 2018 attack on a wrestling club that killed 20, the school attack that August in which 34 students were killed, and the 2017 mosque bombing in which 39 died. Not to mention the massacres of Hazara in the civil war-torn Kabul of the early 1990s by the forces of warlord Abdul Rasul Sayyaf and his ally, Ahmad Shah Massoud, now revered — not by Hazaras — as a national hero.        去年10月,一所教育中心外发生袭击事件造成30人丧生;2020年5月,一家医院的产科病房发生袭击事件,15名女性遇害,这两起事件都与伊斯兰国有关。还有2018年9月,一个摔角俱乐部遭到袭击,造成20人死亡;同年8月,一所学校遭到袭击,造成34名学生死亡;以及2017年一座清真寺发生爆炸,造成39人死亡。更不用说在1990年代初期饱受内战摧残的喀布尔,哈扎拉人遭到军阀阿卜杜勒·拉苏尔·萨亚夫(Abdul Rasul Sayyaf)及其盟友艾哈迈德·沙阿·马苏德(Ahmad Shah Massoud)的屠杀,后者现在被当作民族英雄受到人们(除了哈扎拉人以外)的尊崇。
        The absence of government security forces Sunday, even though funerals are often targeted by the extremists, prompted some to say that the community could rely only on itself.        尽管葬礼经常是极端分子的袭击目标,但是周日政府安全部队的缺席促使一些人表示,社区只能依靠自己。
        “If we want to protect ourselves, men and women should pick up guns,” said Ghulam, the day laborer.        “如果我们想保护自己,男人和女人都应该拿起枪,”做散工的古兰姆说。
        The attack “compels Hazaras to pick up guns and defend themselves,” said Arif Rahmani, a Hazara member of Parliament. “Whether the government likes it not, people will stand up and provide themselves with their own security,” he said. “Hazaras will have to make their own decisions,” he said. “There will be gunmen on every corner and street of their neighborhoods.”        这次袭击“迫使哈扎拉人拾枪自卫”,哈扎拉人国会议员阿里夫·拉哈马尼(Arif Rahmani)说。“不管政府喜不喜欢,人们将站起来采取措施保护自己,”他说。“哈扎拉人必须做出自己的决定,”他说。“他们社区的每个角落和街道上都会有枪手。”
        Outside the school Sunday a crowd surrounded an elderly man shouting, “God, please help us!” A man listening said: “The only option is to take up guns. We just buried an 11-year-old girl. What is her crime?”        周日在学校外面,一群人围着一个老人大喊:“上帝,请帮助我们!”一名听者说:“唯一的选择就是拿起枪。我们刚刚埋葬了一个11岁的女孩。她犯了什么罪?”
        The man, Qasim Hassani, a vendor, continued: “If the government doesn’t stop these terrorists from coming into our neighborhoods, we will do it. Today I am just a vendor. But if they keep pushing, I will be the next Alipur.”        说这句话的是商贩卡西姆·哈萨尼(Qasim Hassani)。他继续说道:“如果政府不阻止这些恐怖分子进入我们的社区,我们来阻止。今天我只是一个商贩。但是,如果他们继续进犯,我将成为下一个阿里布尔。”
        President Ashraf Ghani proclaimed Tuesday a national day of mourning for the victims.        总统阿什拉夫·加尼(Ashraf Ghani)宣布周二为全国受难者哀悼日。
        The blast was so powerful it shattered the windows of stores a considerable distance down the street.        爆炸的威力如此之大,以至于很远距离以外的沿街商店的橱窗都震碎了。
        “It’s terrifying,” said Naugiz Almadi, a mother clutching her young daughter outside the school. “Hazaras have nothing to protect them. Only God.”        “这太可怕了,”母亲纳吉兹·阿尔玛迪(Naugiz Almadi)抱着年幼的女儿站在学校外面。“没有什么能保护哈扎拉人。只有上帝。”

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