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Atlanta Spa Shootings Were Hate Crimes, Prosecutor Says

来源:纽约时报    2021-05-12 01:34

        A prosecutor said on Tuesday that the man accused of killing eight people at spas in and around Atlanta had targeted some of the victims because they were of Asian descent, and said she was planning to seek the death penalty against him.        一名检察官周二表示,被控在亚特兰大及周边地区的水疗中心杀害八人的男子是刻意针对其中一些受害者,因为她们是亚裔,并表示她计划寻求对他判处死刑。
        The suspect, Robert Aaron Long, 22, who is white, was formally indicted on murder charges on Tuesday for the killings at three massage businesses in and around Atlanta, which shook the country in March amid a wave of anti-Asian hate crimes.        嫌疑人是22岁的白人罗伯特·亚伦·朗(Robert Aaron Long),周二他被正式指控犯有谋杀罪,罪名是在亚特兰大及周边地区的三家按摩店杀人。该案在3月的反亚裔仇恨犯罪浪潮中震动了全国。
        Fani Willis, the district attorney in Fulton County, which includes Atlanta, said Mr. Long had attacked four women at two massage businesses there because of their race, national origin, sex and gender. All of the victims at the Atlanta spas were Korean-American women. The authorities have said that Mr. Long drove to the Atlanta businesses after killing four people at another spa in a suburb in Cherokee County.        亚特兰大所在的富尔顿县的地方检察官范尼·威利斯(Fani Willis)说,朗在那里的两家按摩店袭击了四名女性,原因是她们的种族、国籍以及生理和社会性别。亚特兰大水疗中心的所有受害者都是韩裔美国女性。当局表示,朗在切罗基县郊区的另一家水疗中心杀死四人后,又开车前往亚特兰大那些水疗店。
        The district attorney in Cherokee County has not indicated that she plans to seek hate crime penalties against Mr. Long; two of the victims at that spa were of Asian descent and two were white.        切罗基县的地方检察官没有说计划对朗寻求仇恨犯罪惩罚;该县水疗中心的两名受害者是亚裔,两名是白人。
        The police said after the attacks that Mr. Long had denied targeting the victims because of their race. Instead, he claimed to have struggled with a “sex addiction,” they said. The Atlanta police have said that Mr. Long was a customer at the two Atlanta businesses that he targeted, though they have not said that he went there for sex. A lawyer for Mr. Long did not return a request for comment.        警方表示,袭击发生后,朗否认因受害者的种族而将其作为目标。他们说,相反,他声称自己一直在与“性瘾”作斗争。亚特兰大警方表示,朗是他所袭击的两家亚特兰大水疗店的顾客,但他们没有说他去那里是为了性。朗的律师没有回复置评请求。
        In a news conference on Tuesday, Ms. Willis said she had reviewed statements that Mr. Long had given to investigators and believed that seeking the death penalty and hate crime enhancements was appropriate, but she did not lay out any new evidence about his motivations.        在周二的新闻发布会上,威利斯表示,她已经审阅了朗向调查人员提交的陈述,并认为寻求死刑和仇恨犯罪的增加是适当的,但她没有列出有关他动机的新证据。
        “If you harm any member of our community, you are going to be held accountable,” Ms. Willis said, adding that she wanted to send a message to victims that “it does not matter your ethnicity, it does not matter what side of the tracks you come from, it does not matter your wealth, you will be treated as an individual with value.”        “如果你伤害我们的社区中任何一个成员,你都会被追究责任,”威利斯说,她还表示,她想向受害者传达一个信息,“不管你是什么种族,不管你来自哪里,不管你是穷是富,都将被当作一个有价值的个体对待。”
        Grand jurors in Fulton County also indicted Mr. Long on one count of domestic terrorism, saying he had intended to “intimidate the civilian population” of Georgia.        富尔顿县的大陪审团还以一项国内恐怖主义的罪名起诉朗,称他曾意图“恐吓(佐治亚州的)平民”。
        The attacks were among the first large-scale shootings in public places in more than a year and stoked fear in many Asian-Americans, who have increasingly reported being targeted in attacks since the coronavirus pandemic began.        这些袭击是一年多来首次在公共场所发生的大规模枪击事件之一,引发了许多亚裔美国人的恐惧,自新冠大流行开始以来,越来越多的亚裔美国人报称自己成为袭击目标。
        All of the women killed in Atlanta were employees of the massage businesses there, and all had immigrated from South Korea. They were identified as Soon Chung Park, 74; Suncha Kim, 69; Yong Ae Yue, 63; and Hyun Jung Grant, 51.        在亚特兰大遇害的女性都是当地按摩店的雇员,都是从韩国移民而来。她们是74岁的朴淳正(Soon Chung Park,音)、69岁的金顺车(Suncha Kim,音)、63岁的岳永爱(Yong Ae Yue,音)和51岁的玄贞·格兰特(Hyun Jung Grant,音)。
        Ms. Willis filed a notice in court that she will seek hate crime penalties if Mr. Long is convicted of murder. Under a new Georgia law, a prosecutor can ask a jury to determine if a person convicted of a crime was motivated by race or other factors, which carries an additional penalty. Ms. Willis said she believed she is the first prosecutor in the state to seek to use the law since it went into effect last July.        威利斯向法庭提交了一份通知,称如果朗的谋杀罪名成立,她将寻求仇恨犯罪惩罚。根据佐治亚州的一项新法律,检察官可以要求陪审团决定被定罪者是否带有种族或其他因素的动机,这会带来额外的惩罚。威利斯说,她认为,自己是该法律自去年7月生效以来该州首位寻求使用它的检察官。
        The attacks began on the evening of March 16, when four people were shot and killed at Young’s Asian Massage in Cherokee County. The victims were Xiaojie Tan, 49; Daoyou Feng, 44; Paul Andre Michels, 54; and Delaina Ashley Yaun, 33. The gunman also shot another man, who survived.        袭击始于3月16日晚上,当时有四人在切罗基县的杨氏亚洲按摩中心(Young’s Asian Massage)被枪杀。受害者是49岁的谭小洁、44岁的冯道友、54岁的保罗·安德烈·米歇尔斯(Paul Andre Michels)和33岁的德莱娜·阿什利·约恩(Delaina Ashley Yaun)。枪手还射击了另一名男子,该男子幸免于难。
        Shortly after the first shooting, the police in Atlanta responded to a call about an attack at Gold Spa, another massage business, where they found three women who had been shot and killed. As they were investigating the scene, they were alerted to another shooting, across the street, at Aromatherapy Spa, where they found the last victim, another woman who had been fatally shot.        第一起枪击事件发生后不久,亚特兰大警方接到报警电话,称另一家按摩公司黄金水疗(Gold Spa)遭到袭击,他们在那里发现了三名中枪身亡的女性。在调查现场时,他们被告知街对面的香薰水疗中心(Aromatherapy Spa)发生了另一起枪击案,他们在那里发现了最后一名受害者,同样是一名被枪杀的女性。
        Sheriff’s deputies stopped Mr. Long about 150 miles south of Atlanta in Crisp County, where he was driving on the highway. A police official later said that investigators believed Mr. Long was planning to attack a business in Florida connected to the pornography industry.        警方在亚特兰大以南约150英里的克里斯普县拦下了正在高速公路上行驶的朗。一名警官后来表示,调查人员认为,当时朗正计划袭击佛罗里达州一家与色情业有关的店铺。
        A former roommate at a halfway house said Mr. Long had gone to a Christian addiction center for treatment for his professed “sex addiction,” but could not stop himself from going to massage parlors and paying for sex.        一个他在中途之家的前室友说,朗曾经去过一家基督教戒断所,治疗他自称的“性瘾”,但还是忍不住去按摩院,并为性支付费用。
        The intention to seek a death sentence is a reversal for Ms. Willis, who was elected as district attorney in November after previously serving in the prosecutor’s office. Ms. Willis said during her campaign that she could not “foresee a case” in which she would seek the death penalty, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.        对威利斯来说,寻求死刑判决是一个转变,她曾在检察官办公室任职,于去年11月当选为地方检察官。据《亚特兰大宪法报》(The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)报道,威利斯在竞选期间曾表示,她无法“预见到一个”她会寻求判处死刑的案件。
        “I believe that life without parole is an appropriate remedy,” she said, according to the newspaper.        “我认为没有假释的终身监禁是一个适当的补救措施,”根据该报,她当时说道。
        On Tuesday, she defended the move.        周二,她为此做了辩护。
        “Last year, I told the voters of Fulton County that I did not imagine a circumstance where I would seek it,” she said. “And at that time, I did not. Unfortunately, a case has arisen in the first few months of my term that I believe warrants the ultimate penalty, and we shall seek it.”        她说:“去年,我告诉富尔顿县的选民,我没有想到我会在什么情况下寻求这种事,”她说。“在那个时候,我确实没有。不幸的是,在我任期的头几个月就出现了这样一起案件,我认为有必要实施最终极的惩罚,我们将寻求这种惩罚。”

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